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Bristol, Bristol, England

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... IsTERtARY VAUETZEZS. TaE FstcErrX.We caught several of these beetles. They are more tOLEM half ani ijch long, and havC it sharp mtove- able horn on the head: when laid onl the back, they cannot turn over except by pressing this horn against a membrasse upon the front. Behind the eyea are two eound transparent snbstonees, fall of luminoas matter, about as large as the head of a pin, and ...


... MITMEART VARIUZTES. i To senti an uneducated child into the world (says Paloy), is littlo better than to turn out a aind dog, or a wild beast, into the streets. BENEFIT OF A Fi EE PtESS.-A free press is the parent of much good in a stato. Bat even a licentioas press is a far less evil tban one that is enslaved, because both sides may be heard in the former case, bht not in tite latter. A ...


... _____ ___ -O ct qr _ _ __ THE CONTllAST. QUEEN ELIZABETH. CnADLED 'nid sce: . of violoece and blood, So grew thy sipitt, niascsline aud brave, Elizabethi And stern Misfortule gave 'Io thee tile srpenlt's ws6iloi-stssong aild shrcwd- With s virtes fitted for thy tie e ndued; Thine is the praise which ablest rulers have, Nor yet hath Time effaced it from thy grave! Yet History is just, and ...


... Voctrp. A SACRED LYRIC. GRoACOus Source of orerv joy! Thoulgits of thec sey heart employ: Ever bolunttous-ecr kinm, ; Let my tlooghts acceptance find. For tIle blessingo thoul hast selit- For the talenLts thou host lent- For the friends tbat life elicheer, Hear my heart felt praises-hear! May thy kind protecting poaser Shield me in each dtasgerous bour,- May that pesce the righteous knowe Into ...


... LI1N ES. IIY J. C. PRttXCE, Ar^' OPERAsTIVE WVEAVER. N:ov. the gladt Se,, Iroeis his ethereall th~role, Rainls down'1 the,.y glory lof hib hrams' The lshies swveep rounid tue like titi 5tiitO zonc- Rtolillig in light the far-ef oean gleains; The Itills are clothled wvith splenidoulr, and the strcams Flashl with a qoltvorioig rodionce bere and there; Earth olotohers tin the doepth of ...


... PASKIOUS ??OR ? Ci~aRlittE HrA s .cN Bocau~rv are being genleralilymade in velon ro Olalzl il',td lain eel vet; th~ey are tloo'tly rorn e tilel wvith dr ooping¢ feiti els, eitheer rocud or spitaloes; others h~lve fliowersof thae moat natural appearance. Sonic of tbem are wori with no aotier trimnsjug- thanl a voile d'Asgleterre. A pretty style of bonneot for deinli toilette arc those mnade in ...

The Drama

... cdii Monday es-soilig Shes-iritin Knowles's tragedy of V ii- ginits3 '' was perforoted at our theatre, for tint ?ittrpo5o of nitre- da?ng, as its heroine, a hew candidate foi tho public favour, i-c the, psi-son of a ysu?ig lads,' who had never before, apvesr- ad on ally stage As far as the tuanogtrcss was concerned-we will speak of tito de'batattfe by and bye- tho uxperililesit was a duture ...


... it L? t U i: C Math. 'rz 5i icn ad ?Jo1i'.i t.Sc/tsrcs of Cograpq/iy ,lfli~lgedI; Part 1-'-A. & C. EIltek, Edinbulr6gh M'e hlsl mil for:ucer occasiOnIs callcd ottentiots to thlis StOrlinlg a oart In it jud~iciouis esiuapreSsiaol hitS liven carlried to thle g. e itest cxtenlt, oiid die mass of vadluable informnationl onltainied iis its pag es is plerhlaps nizt to ho jrrzlalclrld in anuy otlier ...


... ii tcat it rr. Loiiethe; ci Poems. BV~ Rfober't Mlontuoync'ry, 3.ll.A-Hlaniilton, Adhtrtts, & Co., London. Of Robert Moutgotttet's '(Ioaliiatioaso it poet it is nose late in. the 6ay to speak. When th siitplu fact is stated, that his Om'nipre- Fiiee of the Dl~oty'' has~ gone through upwards of tivroty editionis, sce think it wvill he Conceded that the titite is past fretrtgitoatitical ...

The Drama

... tDC Dramua. BIte(, peyforinattees at our- theatre, On Monday eventing, were Iead~er thle patronace of the 1Independent Order of Odd Follows _--_Ia enhso Uni1n ; or, perhaps wve Should rather have said, hey were for thle benefit of that bonevolent instittition, as the trtfiti of thle iniii-t were dcesigned to nag wient thle fends appro- ~,arilovw to thle r~eli of thie aio~wooauao orphans of ...


... LZTE1?ARY VARZETZES. Domenieo, the lineal descendant 'of the fallen houise of' Fasteri, whioh gayn doges to Venice, is no0w an eatetr in Italy. The last heir of tbe' Two Foscai'A iS towV,; PorllePS, .sCtisrg a\t tbso Feisice the part thnt the great dolge, his Isrogenitor, p~layed in the eontlil-hall of the republic ! TueS FeicratDES atF OLD EN'aLAND.-GO a; deep as you pleose in the cause of ...


... 3?LISTO? SPRZNG ?URS. '1The CA.TTLEr F.stra cammsnccd on Tuesday. Notwith-. ;staniding tbe unfavousrable state of the sveather, there wvas a largrer attendance of strangers and dealers than usual, and a greater nulmber oii cattle in the market than for many years .past, but principally of a lean and rough cast, whilch sold freely. Of fat beasts there were comparatively fewv, sahigh fetchled ...