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... WATERS, H.N., Commander, will sail from oft' the London Docks for the above Ports, on SUNDAY, May 1, at Eight ?? in the Morning, ami will continue running every four weeks during the season. Further particulars afforded ou application at the Spread nt Circus. Piccadilly: 50, Haymarket ; or at the . 1:57, Leadenhall-street. STEAM NAVIGATION between LUBECK and ST. PETERSBURG— The THREE fine, ...

Notice to the PubUe. A General Pott Office, March, 1842. » it is not safe to transmit Letters con- th

... pJS*p2L&T ° r A,tic,e, of J«eller, thiough n r«h ' *■ ?? ?? to remit smsll sums Ordor n« e re ? omw ? D ded to make use oftbe Money l>S!r« f ' wbere i he y *'» >c«r no hazard. Money bY t^ '£&_£___. ? O, T n ,n the U 0 1 Kingdom, and K T r,il r__Z l ° ffi «» nS ?? Maitin's- le-Grand. tbe three Branch Oficj., Cbanng Cross Cavendish-street, and the Borough, and also by tbe principal ...

Published: Saturday 09 April 1842
Newspaper: Hampshire Advertiser
County: Hampshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 20714 | Page: Page 1, 2, 3 | Tags: Classifieds 


... opportunity respectfully to return his most grateful acknowledgments to his •friends arid the Public in general, for the liberal favours . c h as received at their hands ; and in soliciting a continuance of the same, he begs to inform them that i,p hiis received a very extensive assortment of the FEWEST PATTERNS for the SPRING TRADE, se- lected from the principal Manufacturers in the Kingdom, ...

Published: Saturday 02 April 1842
Newspaper: Sheffield Independent
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 10860 | Page: Page 1, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

V1 .T INDIAN MAYLS.— The Royal Mail \> ?? il > ' ship CLYDE, H. WOODRUFF, '' take out

... the Mails of the Ist of May .. impton on the Ist of May at One i-.m. 1 almouth, where she will receive the Mails depart immediately on her voyage for Bar- land and embark Passengers at Corunna . m of communication for both mails and ,i- to all parts of the British and Foreign West ( ,i. Gulf of Mexico, &c, and is connected with the . which run twice every month, forwards and ...

Published: Wednesday 20 April 1842
Newspaper: Morning Post
County: London, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 21796 | Page: Page 1, 4, 8 | Tags: Classifieds 

v WANTED, By the Beginning of Atujust. A S C P^ V A rv N r!££ l ° ' LADY

... . a resectable well edu- cated lOUNG WOMAN, not under thirty year. •f age. J ' For further particulars apply to the Peintlr. Lancaster, March 31st, 1842. -^PO EDITORSAND REPORTERS? THE Proprietor of the Sunderland Conservative Newspaper wi-hes to enpage the Services of a person of respectahle Editorial Talent, and experience and abilitu as a Reporter. A ...

Published: Saturday 09 April 1842
Newspaper: Lancaster Gazette
County: Lancashire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 4278 | Page: Page 1 | Tags: Classifieds 

CHAPEL, SHEFFIELD. T HE Third ANNIVERSARY of the above Chape' ;. intended to be held on Lord's Day, April 10,

... ?? April 12,1842. | on Lord's Pay, April 10, the Rev. THOMAS POT- ti;VGER. of Bradford, will preach Morning and Even- . ibices at Hall-past Ten, and Half-past Six o'Clock. ! ° g 6n TUESDAY Evening, April 12. the Rev. J. E. rI , re; of Leeds, will preach. Service to commence , iven o'Clock. Collect' 0 * 5 after each Service towards removing the Debt on Portmahon Chapel. BAPTIST CHAPEL, EYRE ...

Published: Saturday 09 April 1842
Newspaper: Sheffield Independent
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 12161 | Page: Page 1, 4, 5 | Tags: Classifieds 

PASTURAGE. A T MO OR lIALL FARM, Brad6eld Parish, near I A 0v htihridgp ' six Miles from Slieffie '

... d . for Horses, I £__. cow-s. and young Stock. Plenty of Water, and of ■ well-k riotvn f atten ' ,n g Herbage. 4 -ply to Jas. and Taos. Deakin. Sheffield, or James X Hammond- the F^rm Man at Moor Hall. >I Xrgus life assurance COMPANY, ■S9, THBOGMORTON STREET, Bank.- Empowered by special Act of Parliament. ■kDVAN'TAGES of the ARGUS LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY— LOW RATES OF PREMIUM. jß_-V addition to ...

Published: Saturday 30 April 1842
Newspaper: Sheffield Independent
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 15809 | Page: Page 1, 3, 4, 5 | Tags: Classifieds 

?? ?? to INDIA via Es?ypt. — Passage to l_l ' ' oylon, Madras, and Calcutta.— The ORIENTAL , it

... amp ton on the Ist. and from Falmouth on the , xandria, touching at Gibraltar and Malta, aud na, under ordinary circumstances, on the 17th India 1 ompany's Steamer will start from Suez .. mails and passengers by the Oriental at if necessary, twenty-four hours after arrival' gers. The India steam-ship for Ceylon, . is announced to start from Suez on arrival' ,- by the Oriental, waiting two days ...

Published: Tuesday 19 April 1842
Newspaper: Morning Post
County: London, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 21938 | Page: Page 1, 8 | Tags: Classifieds 

4 \ i \\ KRP, BRUSSELS, and the RHINE \ 1 Company's powerful, splendid and favourite INCESS \ ICTORIA, THOMAS

... JACKSON Co,- li .in oil the lower every SLNDAY, at Twelve N th goods and passengers. For freisrbt ?? to -■ ,-l^htly and Simon; and' to Tenure s, 123, Fenchurch-street ; and 67, Lower at tin Packet OihVe, 41. Regent-street, Pi |GN P MEETS —The General Steam 11 iaiiy - pov erful and first-rate Steam Shins ?? Hi t istom House or Tower for- ' cairsiiiff !.«• Majesty's Mail.) every Wednesday I ne ...

Published: Monday 04 April 1842
Newspaper: Morning Post
County: London, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 24361 | Page: Page 1, 4, 8 | Tags: Classifieds 

THE GENERAL STEAM NAVIGATION COMPA N V'S splendid and powerful first-class STEAM- SHIPS are appointed to sad ..

... ROTTERDAM— Every Wednesday and Saturday Morning. ANTWERP and CALAIS— Every Thursday and Sunday. OSTEND— Every Tuesday, Wednesday, Saturday, and Sunday. HAVRE— Every Thursday, at Eight Morning. BOULOGNE— Every Wednesday, Thursday, and Saturday Morning. H D LL— Everv Tu. ridav, at Eight Morning. YARMOPTH Even Si turday Evening, at Six. EDINBURGH -From Brown's Wharf, Poplar-Every Sa- turday and ...

a S'TWERP, BRUSSEM(Rtod the RHINE,' \ . VDAY and THUBfiDAY.— The Antwerp Company's powerful steam-ships, ..

... with new boilers, and re-decorated maunei . and PRINCESS VICTORIA THCW .r start from off the Tower, as follow — KN, every Sunday, al Twelve o'clock Noon re- \. -\ Vtm.. r A i ' ednesda £ at ( i Ue °' Clock Afternoon. . [I I ORIA, every 1 hursdav. at Twelve ?? : Antwerp every Sunday, at One o'clock After- A favourite ships are unrivalled in gpeed, and ''odious accommodations for passengers ...

Published: Friday 29 April 1842
Newspaper: Morning Post
County: London, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 25149 | Page: Page 1, 4, 8 | Tags: Classifieds