Advertisements & Notices

... attheir Re11TR , 1eroe91Ttl' T I fve fL., Lo 6t rB aMae~eX1 if ,Icvkne Iold.i g, WON STiK~ifl uto W~e1' dgaee al eiE illtho ,dia7~ A~~~he -I ?? ,of lelth * Inwio;aSayIoe,1 111B1iths 10 dide nt11 r. Irblh h kd~o n Hane e,. 2 1 ?? C-Cored rdP Uo ~~,ed 003j~ha hgh.n-god Sael~ WhaS ioc lga be HilrecasTrianetoDobari lgeIaet' * ..ON pItIVATII SALE-. NOveYaeu o.t 2111 Inches Ibigh a v ry Beat Gray, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -oiUSrS toll slit0iS, in lcitttoerLtn, to Ile Lot, woiree ALJTtodesintet tile tiottedl, and got d nttcotonagetott givett. Tite FIC~NIStIP ff,1.It) 76!Nt; Il'iet, tooal hint of liotitnitoytol ni Itol Iiivet tier, oil Woiltin t Wonty-six ntilo,, of Aberleen, soheto tile TaInvoliko Ittitil ntti tinily Ct tries itoso. Apptly to Sir lottott, the Plittiltiton t ot ISeSotIS IloSno Or WALtE ot, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NIVERSITY of LONDON.-Notice is bereby Un t ivt that the Annual Etanmination for MATRICULATION hisUniversitY trill commenceon MONDAY the 4th ofJaly. The CLrtierote of Age must be transmitted to the Registrar fourtcen ?? tefore the Examination begins. po.1deresvho have not completed their Twentieth will be 'Il- lbie^,,bop~ete for Hone~urs. By order of the Senate, Rt. W. ROTEMAN, Registrar. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Aft'., WILLLIA1 C0s'JPRR, deceaseed. A L prsons indebted to the lnte WIoLLIoAM COOPMEs, oAV, indiush, Cvloutestersihire, tailor, are requested to pay the souls due to his Estate jeto our hands, on behalt' of thlep Executrix, witbits one month frorni this day; and the Creditors of' the deceased are requested to transmit to us particulars Of their respective demands within the esrns period. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... i;-q jf:0 to CALCUTTA, viAl the Cape, calling at tjL I, aorittt. Cealoo, and Matw-iePeninsular ord Oriental Go' ' P ivsaoln- 'asteam-shIp, H INMOO;ASN of fOIt for ..~ -starl, aom,,ntlsdt-d by Cspttain iR. Mataatotto - ' foneII1tIom astts tlosofIatlto, 15ll Sopttabar n-st 1t -rt , oiil! joust'ar Colutauffo r Surs About Ehe v0,1t p. 0--stohr,-Fcr rufu of pcionlspoter nut i Ca-dettof -, 1 atI ...

Advertisements & Notices

... [AKDVERTISEMENT. J To TuE EDITOR OF THE MORNIAIG CHRONICLE. S itt-In a speech of Mr. James Bronterre OBrien, in the last Noartern Star, that gentleman is reported to have said that wheu I got up to denounce Mr. Ieargus O'Connor, at the late conference, be ,viz., (Mr. J. B. O'Brien) imine- dimttely stopped me. W hen he said so, he was under a very great misconcep- tion; it was not his objection ...

Advertisements & Notices

... J~f1 relanteou0. MR. MANNE, V/ SURGEON-DENTIST, HULL, TNCLUDES in his practice all operations in I Mechanical and Dental Surgery; regulates Children's Teeth during the important period of Dentition, to prevent the too common deformities of the Mouth, and impediments 'to Speech; and adjusts Palates so as to restore correct Enunciation when rendered unintelligible in consequence 'of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... tssg :On the hoevi -month, Vio,. 7805tens, thJuno. 05 i~l~cCERN ?? Juby. clnT 30O1ONAHF~ EIOLXV ?? gt tg. APP1 to ?? 3~jticanj N ?? a Lb,8h Sept. Lieroo Teevsesalenl of tho first class, built exprelslyl f hso thral linad ovmcflsar rey qualitY to render the..te sle dnpexP- lite' an crneomb11c ov oo and1 they areO farntohed with 5V i Frejosht es dtious aondeleancto or ?? fo ss The rate 0 psaein ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Genrcal Inflirmaqy and Di ieasaur C VACANCYlirvn occurree in Z offic f EHC A'10USi SUI~tcgoNto tbis Institution,hfy thle Reint resgnaion--o Alt. ?? special GN R L coet til BETINril the GOVERtNORS, will be held in worthy o t'ileC Bor Rou ?? Jutte loth, at twelve Uarden,% O'lcfrthin purpose of filling up such vacancy. IAlso, I CirndidateS titlst be Aliembers of the College of' Stir- as above, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SALE POSTPONED. T'HE Sale by Auction of Lbasehold Houses, ia L Carnarvon, advertised to takte p.laceal the Castle Blotel, in that ITuwn, 0t- Veditisdy( tle I Ith hlay instant, is postponed to vled iiay the 18th instant. iPgILE and POWELL, May 7th, 1842. - NOW LOADING AT PICKLE HERRING WHARF, LBONDON, F OR, CARNARVON, BANGOR, BEAUMA. FRIS, and all places adjacent, THlE FAST SAtLINO SCHtOONEt ...

Advertisements & Notices

... P UBLiCATIONI,4. Wlt'11 NO ,-OOUPS ILLUFTRATIONS, BY G:EORGEB CfiUlt.ia T.aIAN, If.Eb'Cll, AND CifOtVQUIfLL, r 1,h.'JUti NUI~inHit~pricyiro ir\V jll BD J1 N T L E Y'2,. 1M I S Cv 'E LLAN Y.c Oto- r~tu X. 0 TIlB '.tAY 01' $`;f. CITTfBERlT; h or, 'rl.O D)r1L>AlllE'>lT' ttA Nohu CattIttoaa aatr-aa. AV Lr totaab of ffa Nortit Catilltrt e. fly TtI~tt'oAl l[DatLOt'Atyla- ltrt I It llb at. I ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ['tGREEN NEL], aitd CO., beg~ tou-.. u~ut~ce that (4,11i It.,. 1113 it l I tf,, T rle aret ff111li, Idgmflrrrt vi M'Xe f lrl , higat elee, rv(CH ,I I rufieml IlAPiERtr, ui a iirnsi fo epc I elfoct ir vce. Choir i othfy ,. tee loihr~i ltS, rrirrkllrlrlety toy prices.l flr~ xrei,1 ter FiURNiTUMii .=-c.UTON to0 P- PUBLICL I u r; l li d KiZ sF f, H NI(IRITE', CA fINlT i Y I I)ItNii ...