... FA4SHION \ VAUETL ler 3Majesty and Prince Albert, attended b suite, were expected to leave Claremont Jn the r10 noon, for Buckingham Palace. on*drl 1er Majesty will give a grand concert at B Palace (postponed fiom lant 'Monday) on jrdUF e instant, at which the principal performer, frda X the 2t1 Opera will sing. 15 the 4 We regret to announce that his Royal l, Albert will not be present in ...


... CUV VIV7'-GA:Jz'B THEATRE. Oin Siitirday nip-t the EnCglis season at this thentre turrilisted, whei madtill VKSTRIS retired to make way for U,,. (i;rnmilu compaly, who make their first appearianie 'Ii: ' The Combhined attractions of Mi6YADELAIDeI Ii i:ii c' pc'rt'iuHICe of' A mien, il La Soyotainbulu? of et fii rri of P'ilterv. Clatter; of a Farewell Ad- I drhs', bg Mr. C. ldATillTtws; ...


... A VWL-PIIIREIYOLOGWlIL LECTURE, by MIir. BRJNDLEIY , at tlc ADELPIJI THIEA TRE. Mr. Brindley, tle antagonist of the Socialiists, under- took last evening a teaks of extraordinary boIdresis, and olle which, eN fAr as the existing feeliugs of society are con- eldered. was little likely to secure proselytes amoneg tho more enlightened portion of the community. The subject of his address on this ...


... mebfeb). TH1E BOOK OF THE-E POOR MAN'S CBIURCHL Lotenol$:-JohU Cleave, 1, Shoo-lane, Fleet. street. .~ This littlev work sheolal have claimed our atten- tion long silcee but -in the multiplicity of business it a been4o0verlooked. Tothogewho have little money to spend, and arc yet desirous of obtaining extensive fnforvmatiou on a neoat inmportalit subject, it is an in. valuable little tract, ...


... VA 1EnII E S. A ll.aid IIdIllys, sIptjLil, o¶ her fealint w;1 regalitig her liu111101I ItI' 11i i1(ittol' the lader, tilt et(ied ett.y, sanl ;>|(IlE~lI{I\\II tb N%|\lI;I ,(,Il 01W 'S )(I(~(IlI;nX;II ltlll di!\l ii del';. (lii, no1, 1llt~idlitt, repllied ti tl ACIlili, I \: -IV 1' hg :1 §'~ I nT 111;1! t nal well' 'i s tlv Im! ''01 ii P5l t, llil Yom Illay, ittltOC 'let's intol1, IimS, ?? It ...


... 'Vottrv2. VERSES'NVIIITTEN iN SICKNESS. An!t wearly the ntoments roll - Whowr Health's bright roiea fade aay- When Pain sibdues the stiffering frame, And strength nhd Joy alike dec;y. As the poor trembling bird, that beats His cage and freedim.sec0ks to gain, His fluttering.pinion drops, and finds That all his efforts are Ill Yal! So-to the darken'd room eonflned- i'1he couch wlhence ease is ...


... We are rejoiced 'that the exertions made to secure an adequate benefit for, Mr. Caleraft, upon Saturday night last, were successful to the utmost extent. Thre boxes presented on that evening an ensemble of fashion, splendour, and beauty, which made us proud of our poor provincial metro- polis. We had positive proof of what our national theatre still might be-we saw how much of the support ...


... motte). ,'ro 4 AV 4 4 -N WVITH thee I 'SC ronamn'd departe d one, In irovheodu's blissful hrosirs, 'When unnoy slus all radiant shone, And eusrth was gay with flowers Yet fair, at stream'd that golden lighit, Smitcld cevery hnisr tirat flew; The flowret's bloom 0 wan 3ot more bright That; Hope's gly visions grew. I 've stra.y'd with thee when cvelrieg sied its soft and pensive shade, llhere, ...


... LITERAT uRE. BJ3N~'lX.Y'S ITISICILLANYS ron. MlAY 1P42. We owo our thanks to PMr Bentley for his Polite repi ;attention in forwarding a second copy of the M1)ay Cal M11isticllany, lest, as has happened, the first seot had and not reachied us. It., contents are diversified as repi usual, and exceedingly entertaining and attractive. ewilt We have been much iamusedt by fin article in verse, sid, ...


... -- = E VlARIETIES. 1 r Mjesty has been pleased to order two very fine bucks illedl, and presented to thle Royal Tradesmen's Asso. datioll Who celebrate her Majesty's birthday by a dinner at t e Freonliasoisi Tavern. the D .XAARD'S BALL-Her ladyship's ball on Monday vesliig ,.as one ofthe inost splendid fetes of the season. a0engat tle company *ve ?? A n0dederr}. M~arcrhionesses-Londonderry, ...


... TH US SINGEN SMAAl MIlNESALIAI I CHJTAUCER RE))IIVUS, | Listeneth, lordling, in gode entent, And I will telle you verninent Of mnyoclvuu, cke of pomfrote. Xedes noa again be tolden That- votes there tire non boughten or 6olden, iNo for richesv, drink, nor totte. For P omtrecre thnllne I came forward, Olt of my groti regard FIor a sdttt of sulche puritee. Where elles coula I land One so mache ...


... TII1PJTA~j!AA' OPE-RA. d s thX Soithrday evening 2'ToreZlo Ta masi was performed for Ith d*ibut of Mlaldamje ltohCOI, the wife of the barytonre t singer who hals already appeared with such distinguished silcceus. Tbis opera, one of' the poorest of DONIZiTTY'S I poor productions, was brought out here two years ago for t u tbe iebut of CO.lSTTI, aln sdiniruble perfhrmer; whose eil- ...