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June 1842
5 4



Bristol, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... BRASS AND IRON BEDSTEADS. Z FRANCIS A. BARNE TT, 1VIRCHNTAN~D 'ANUFAVTUMER, 45, CA S TLE - S TREE T3, 1 ESPECTFULLY solicits tlecattentionloft~e Pubtlic to Iis newly-invented and ImprovedW\ROUGHT PtIRON and BRASS BEDSTEADS, made upon an entirely new principle, combining Strength and Durability with Neatness, Comfort, and Economy, at nearly OP ?? tile usual Prices. From the great experience F. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... X CORPORATION OF TE M A LIIAME SOCIETY FOR A PERPETUAL ASSURANCE OFFICE. Incorporated by Charter of Queen Anne, A.D. 1706. iS, Sergeants' an, Fleet-street, London. DIRECTORS. (1842.) The Right Hon. The Earl Welbore Ellis, Esq. of Devon. Charles Fiddey, Esq. r Beilj. John Armstrong, Ear. John Hodgson, Esq. John Barker, Esq. Mlark Benuchamnp Peacock, John Bostock, M.D. Esq. W. Fuller BotelerEsq ...

GuernseY, $erg ansld

... St. W~aleo; Cowies, Ryde, and Poortsmouth. Vi. NTEW DAY MAIL to SOUTHAMPTON, at N Coach Frers. Toh Salisbury and Ro05PY' fro t the LION HOTEL, BATH, every 11orning, at Helf.Past .ri Ten. Passengers also Booked at the WH NiTe, and d 'nRumja Coach-Offices, Bristol, at Hll, at ie n thence by the 'ern O'clock Train, tO Bath. et1 P.S. MODtheATcCARG; Fs thlrougi`otit every department ic of the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... VlCTO!0%A ROOMS. YptIESE Rooms being nowv completed, and pre- .L pared for the general use of the Public, notice is hcreby given that the 'articulara of the Charges an d RegUhltiatnt a may be had on Application at the Rooms, or of the Secretary, No. i, Duke-street. B 3y Older of the Committee, . JOI IN W ILKSOON, Secretary. Bristol, 3 fuue, 1842. XJ HEREAS my Wife, HARRIET STEN- TV ETT, has ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO Tu NW33L TY, CLERGY9 ANDf- ZNHA33ZTANTS OF B ISTOL, -CLUFDOV, AND: THE SURRLU*iYDING COUNTRY. PLUMLEY, PERKINS, & COMPY. EG respectf'ulIY to inform you that they have Rcf-OPENED the WEST OF ENGLAND TEA B WVA REHOUSES, 44, BSIDGE-STREET, and 26, MARY-LE-PORT-STREET, Bristol, (lately conducted by Mjessrs. G. HUNT & Cossrv.) with a well-selected Stock of TEAS and COFFEES of the choicest ...