Advertisements & Notices

... TITHE COMMISSION. NOTICE. FTIIE Tithe Commissioners for England & Aales I hereby give Notice, that a Copy of the Draft of Apportionment of the Rent-charge agreed to be paid in lieu of Tithes, in the parish of' LLANARMONT, in the cowuity of Carnarvon, has been deposited at the dwelling-house of Mr. )VraLLIez Ron=rTs, called TY'NLIAN, situate in the village of Llanaur- mon, in the said parish, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... vzOIzSON'S PILLS. I TTPWARDS of Three Hundred Thousand Cases U of well-authenticated Cares, by Morison's Pills of the British College of Health, having, through the me dium of the press, been laid before the Public, is surely sufficient proof for Hygeianismn Sold by W. Stubbs, General Agent for Yorkshire, Queen's Terrace, Roundhay Road, Leeds; rnd Mr Walker, Briggate, and Mr. Heaton, Briggate; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ALDBOROUGH. -1 2 S. D ICKINSON respectfully informs lvi Visitors to Aldborough, that her House, which is situated in the most eligible part of the Village, is AGAIN OPEN for thleir reception; and that everything will be done to promote the comfort of those who honour her with their patronge. There is good STABLING attached to the house (which -was formerly in the occupation of Dr. Clarke); and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE ROYAL, COVENT GARDEN. THE GERMAN OPERA. in conseqtienceof the preparations for theperforrmanceof The Huguenots, In which DernolSelle Lutzcer will make her appearance, the Public are respectfully informed that the Operas now in the course of representa- Zia will each be given once more, for the last time. )N MONDAY (For the lust time,and by express desirej S.F will lie ?? Operaof ERf ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Now ready, NO- I of -DART MU SI C, edited by JOHN HULLAH, i containing Nine Pieces of Sacred and Eight of Secular Music, ar- ranged for Four Voices. This Work will hbepublished Monthly in Score, andnbaio ort fo t seerl Voices. orders mSust, therefore, specify, an also ih partsefor the Soevrano Alto Tenor, or Bass Parr is required. The price of the Score is Half-a'Crown* of the Parts, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... hiol THi!E OSPORIT PIER CO.),IIPAINV. NOTICE i c hereby ?? the I' it; i * GENERAL MEETING of tl *iuu' ,f HOLDElRSi in the above Undertakirig will l), HELDl, e in Ulrrunace of the Act of linCei'puratioui, ti the ?? \ Armit sit, i tt,, (4ert, 11n 1 attday thM e t20li liv l ?? .31,0 ilbt c inStlilt, ;t IlItt h11ir ot' 12 O'clock ti. ;tt Un pr iely. nt Datod this 4th d:y or .Jimte, 1812, el.F ...

Advertisements & Notices

... iU he imilolorliat Pcrng her most Mal-i 'lir't Ih,' (eflh'4e r UDCLIIONIAN PI FA 1. I'TIM1'-1 I1101W 014 ti (l, oa,,p, aof WVooiyses and ~'ti. I ,.~f A rt-il : [1,001 1sno, Ittitolior To.. L i'Ib~r~o~ar, ittu,,b,,n, 0.11 7.I t lllue Olg-i,,otl.onIo .1 ntl(out, Is ro ,.orIl oy tI , aond . M I IA rLII lue t . -TIIi )A TI' Al0,B.,o,,.1 IOI` I'.IsroyItoi,- 3 11. [ll E i II. ~ Lq ,Iio The ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MINERAL TEETH (en nmasse) are now offered to -V the puislic by Mi. EDWARD KIxNG Comfort, cleanliness, and an unfalilig durability, are recognised on inspection ; and the highest testimonials declare this article to be a proper and perfect substitute for natural teeth. 19, IIig7-stlrevt, OVferd. J * At 1oamH as usual daily. TO CLERGYMEN. Clergyman, hlaving now with him 10 Pupils at the . A t ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PU BICJATIONS. Now ready, inl: viDts. Pool Ilco,., New Edition, priceo la.,, TI-JE M AN of SORRtOI 0W. A Novel. T LO, y the tale TRotiODtIR H-OOK. Bell.d Lcd uSHw citld 1'arcocn. l3t, FLectreteat. TIre New Edltio- o M{R. LUCK ART'S SPANISH BALLADS MIS Noll 11000r0'. ___________Salln OA rley, Akiobrarflv.-etic..L, No ro 1 l i liaieri~res, tree volumee, price itt.. boards, 'talc I. AR CHIONESS. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Now Pi ulishing. by W. Dugdade, No. 6 Hell/wetl t .oStreet, Strand. VOLTAIRE'S PHILOSOPHICAL DICTION- 1' ARY. Neatly printed in Crown 8vo. Small Type; Double Columns;* and will comprise, in One Volume, the whole of the Six Vohurmes published at :£2 l1s,, and now very scarce. Itlis supposed that this Work will be comprised in One Hundred Num- bere. Nos. I and 2 may now be had. AN ESSAY ON THE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... (ABOOL DISASTERS.-PROCEEDINGS and RESOLUTtONS of the PROVISIONAL COMN ITTEE-The sympatbY which has been rlversalily expressed for the Sufferers in the receot Disauers of Coabool having specially called the attention of Gentle- conn eot~leetd with Indira to the circumstance. a Provisionaal Committee, omposed of the following members of the civil and military professines, hate assembled to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TEHE USUAL WEEKLY MEETING of the LOYAL NATIONAL REPEAL ASSOCIATION OF IRELAND will take place at the GREAT ROOMS, CORN-EXCHANGE, on THIS DAY (Monday)) e 6, at ONE o'Clock. Each Person not Enrolled to pay One ShI. Sion. The Gallery Free for Ladies, as usual l. N.B.-lMore than one-half the Room will be reserved for Associates, Each Member, in passing through the Se- cretary's Room, where the ...