... FASHION AND JTARi- The Queen was visited on Saturday morning by her R Highness the Duchess of Kent. Their Royal IHij the Prince of Wales and the Princess Royal were dris el 0ea into Hlyde Park on Saturday morning, attended by Dl°y Lady Lyttleton. Y °waser The Queen and his Royal Highness Prince Albertlef, the palace on Satur day morning for Wormwood Scrulet review the 1st and 2d regiments of ...


... TIFB ITALIAN OPBRA. Last night her MA.TfETY visited the opera, and her pre- sence produced an enthusiastic demonstration of the feel- ings which, at this moment, must be uuiversal among ber Subjects. Before the commencement of the opera, and be- fore her MAAeErTY'S arrival, God save the Queen waS eung with great effect by the whole strength of the company. During the first scene of the piece ...


... ?Btbido. SCENES OF JOY AND WOE. Br EVEN Ryrsia. Scene First. The Blessed Apparition. London: Simpkin and Marshall. Edinburgh: Mae- laohlan and Stewart. Glasgow: David Ro- bertson. 1842. This is the first of a series of tales illustrative of the joys and woes which chequer this changing state of existence, and produce the vivid lights and deep shadows of human life. It will, as we learn from ...


... THR IJALIAN OPERA. Yesterdly evening a new interest was impnrted to the performance of the oft-repeated Puritleai by the appear- ance of Madame PIS1I5ITAit in the chnracter of Elcira - a part which; ever since the first production of the opera in tiris country, had been exclusively sustoined by ;itist. It was ono of the fieest efforts of that great performer; and, in her' absence, its ...

Literary and Scientific Notices

... ?? 1hnelBtf S~qslepn. By JAMESS CowIO\V, 1lais of Hlauloerfolr Edin. burgh John Johnostete. t THItS little worv contains to Esssy oil the Reilly Systee, to whici h w v O i awarded a prize by the Ilighisod Society; and a series of Letters ott the condition of Farm Servants, which appeared originaolY Ji tine tolumns of a nowspspcr. The whole contaliss eony sensible observa- tions, anid useful ...


... LITERARY :VARIETIES. FEverLON O0T CoMrtsncE.-The true way to establish commerce is to receivc all strangers readily; let thoer find in your ports safety, accommodation, perfect freedom; above all, do net attempt to ?? cominmree by directing it according to your owvn motions. Let the prince have iso concern in it. He will be suflicintty enricoed by the riches which commerce will bring to his ...


... THE MAGAZINES. BeaNyTLEY 'S AIISCrLLANY.-Ingo~dSby himself ulshers in this month's .liscellany viih St. Cuthbert's Legend; or, the Devil's Dinner Party in which a poor kinight, having made too. free a ttso of the Horned and tailed gentleman's name, he comes to dinner with his legion, eats up all the meat, and makes a shuttlecock of the voung curly wigg'' heir, who is only rescued by St. ...

Published: Sunday 05 June 1842
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 5299 | Page: Page 6 | Tags: Arts & Popular Culture 


... 1Jf1' ITALIAN OiPERJ. It to-r the oito-r, we' Ittve, Itotely hoeet' oblil~'ed to stwallow 01' I 0 er nd %I it icADoit rTE, it wots rlotirehing to ertj v -'C 11moe the tr j HaulEor/iere di oSevegiato, wilich woa~ d''oOO (oc theattrieool phtrate) yetsterdty eivening. T]his pecer devout.- it' Otitroe rtors' existence otr it witst writteto o-hemao it, ouothor woos twoeuitv--toe its only tiftyntew) ...


... ,CNECHANICS' INSTITUTION AND . ' LITERARY SOCIETY. O'n Moiday evenuag list, was held the Erst i general me.eting of the members of the United Me- ehaoi'4is' Institution and Literary Society. The mceting was hold in tha Saloon of the Mechanics' H all, a half-past seven o'clook ; there was a very , ?? attendance. On the motion of I. WillPmP West, seconded by the Rev. Charles Wieksteed, tohn ...


... STANZAS. I loss merrily in yotider baIll, Witli Soti; gartldis cro ed, 'I BlInd laugh, nad song, s,1,I clarloi cull, Calt A rapturous sea of sounild ;- Ilot While mid the dance s da7zling tl0aL, ilog VollptuoUs fgureXS tile, tmig And niaddooing sttr?5ts. ill sorltall', praise, T The soul of Scio's Illtr I'ari And it 1ibe tnier sdon s'ats, ,ar Oit tultsics sloilg6. ol nc, 't In bewrtys car tile ...


... TIIEATRE ROYAL. The performances on yesterday evening-consisting of the Jealous Wife and the entertaining afterpiece of the Bee Hive-were, according to an annual custom, devoted to the benefit of the widows and orphans of distressed freemasons, and the audience, as is usual upon such occasions, was to a large extent composed of brethren of the mystic craft, Wvh13e presence in the theatre, ...


... lFASHION AND vAR (From thne Court Cjrcelre) The Queen and Prince Albert atterleel *divine sen' Sunday morning in tie Chapel Royal, Stf. j.lTOI0 Among the nobility were the Dnke nac a l) fort, the Duchess of Bedford, the Marql;ses eot 0ne and lleadfort, the 'tarchioness of Westmieath ?? and Countess of Wilton; Earls Hlowe, andonC EIfingham, Sieflield, and Errol; 3, Lords Eliot, ...