... I FASHION AND VARIETIE5s Lord ald Lady Southamptoin have arrived at Paris from Bordeaux, on their return to England. His lordship is c,. pected by the close of the ensuing week. Lord and Lady Francis Egerton entertained a dist ingcisled party on Wednesday evening with another of those theatrical representations which has made so much noise in the fashionable world. Amongst her ladyship's ...


... ADELPUI THEBATRE, The performances now going on at this snug little theatre deserve the patronage of all who delight in rational, combined with intellectual, amusements. Besides comedy, farce, and melodrama, we have the varied and very clever performances of the Btleno Family, a host in themselves ; besides the graceful and finished dancing of Miss Wcbster, who is allowed by every one versant ...


... £- 1.- - ?? 'I ll 1:; E W\ - I) R O Y I R:aw dew-drop, cool ond clear. Dntce on a- myrtle !:prav s GRs coloart declkd the iuc;id tear, lotcc those vhich gleira and disoapptiar Wthe Ilmooers and stilbeamne play, ?? .Is othwvart n glinccro, And scorched the pearl away. fligh on a slender polished state A ?? ?? grew On the ptore petals mesly a gcm CGltttCrd, ai native diadem Ohlicalthy morling ...


... IP(DIMIRIMTO ORIGINAL AND SELECTEV. RURAL SONNETS. tprom allscelllatrcoS Poems by MIr. J. Jo-s8 of the Inner Temple, author of 1SPaCtEICUs. 1Regulus, all! other Tiage'tics.) JVNE. The tenmer fruits unfolding to the sun, To drink its beams, and hive their vital pow'r, Delightful May, her Spritg.tito mission done, Marries with June, and seeks their Summer bower. Now, the laburnums flaunt ...


... FINE A l~~~~~~~~~~~TS.~~~ S PonRTAtET t ro PRINCEt Ail~anwT.-Mr. Lucilt's portrait -c of li Royal H I ighucss Prince Albert, which has nlot lIi- therto beel exhibited, is now to be seen in the show-roots t of Mr. Moon, tbe printseller, iu Threaducedle-street where te it has been deposited previously Ito its beingplaend in the n IInds of the engraver. It is aJ full length portrait, the size r, ...


... =AOJ~E~ F&SHIO8 - I , . = , : , ?? Ilo I 0 T¢0 T J 3 1I$, tiful patterns and eolours, headinglsclt tuck 0o me sx= Or forming tablier or, tunic; &c ; -those aepb med ll ;Ytqtd are aleo very pretty, and Wndeed ftdreis W I46 qno, I s suitable for the season'.- Thiere Is:mi~chinclin'ation tooutntinue thev open apulibule skirts, and to-apply them to iummer ?? decided tendency to the train is also ...

Literary Notices

... Uitruiral' Nottiro. - I 511 itt.' XtNOWLIS' NEW PLAY. Boll's Me~ssenger has given what appears to be aln impartial and fhir critique oil Mr. Knowles' new play, the Rosea qf .Arro~qia, so bepiraised, as all works from the poen of thel- sainie writcr inva- riabl~v ale. After developinig the plot, thlu Re- viewer Iproctetds :- Such is the faible of this piece, which-however .skilfully Constructed ...


... An inquest was hold on Tuesday in London, on the body of Anne Gray, aged 48, whose death was caused by tight lacing. The surgeon who made a post-mortem examination of the body, discovered upwards of fifty stones about the size of peas, and resembling glass in the gall bladder. 11usnoured Attempt on the Life of Louis Philippe.-Parls letters refer with some concern to the reports in circulation ...


... j. Uorlrp. ?? ?? gONG FOR THE MILLIONS. Our God Is good, his works are fair, His glfts to siaf are rich and rare; gis holy presence everywhere, O'er land sea, pzoeiaims that all should equal share Sweet liberty. ,he gfr with mounds of Freedom rings, W7ao the lark bis carol sings, WbeOS'Sr the bee bestirs his wings; From tiny bld And joyful twittering insect things That sound is heard. 'Tis ...

Literary and Scientific Notices

... Dcesign for Farm Cotltero and SlconlvteaCin By J3AoEs CrUMVInGnAN, Surveyor. (reenlaw. Edinburgh : Blackwood & Sons. Tots we colnsilcr a very able practical wvork oil u subject of parameount importance. Tine substonce os it Appeared originally in a Letter, whlich the author addressed to the mtoembers of the Highland Society, during their late meeting at llerwickb.on-tTsoied. Its object is to ...

The Fine Arts

... . - Ot f ilic, art%. rSNigZXTION or PICTUORES. 105. Tle WVarren, near lineehead: C. BRAsNaWtt.,; and No. 113-Viet of Alnite/eadfro/n the Sands-by the samo artist, are both vorks of promise, possessing many points of excellence. Tlie trifling faults in colouring, are such as we arc eure Mr. llranwhbite wvill correct. log. Teresa Panza adictating letters to the Duchess and her Rnsobonda &ncho, ...


... A it tit 'itre . Poemts; by Rolert ANcoll-Tait, Edinburgh. There is a melancholy intcroht attached to this volume. Its author died early. Just as his vigorous mind had gallantly suc- ceeded, in a great measure, in obtaining the mastery over ad- verse circumstancesa-ust as his writings had begun to give the world assurance of a poet-the frail body proved unequal to the demands upon its ...