Advertisements & Notices

... R. BARTLETT, No. 4, Queen-street, Oxford, M and Rose Hill,Iffley, begsto announce that he has opened rooms at the abovo address in Queen-street, for the Sale of money ?? wanft of a repository appropria ted entirely to the above instruments having been long felt in Oxford and its vicinity, Mr. 1. has made arrangements to havo constantly (n salo a number of new and seoond-an~d Piano Fortes of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - ;1)j~j-FX EFOII M RIEGISTRATION ANi F)/; ez- r.MEET I Ni; of t '.CLUiil 1i) h,,I > l^,;r oi. e. 1!, fe l^t tu.IlR , bmrmrd, iLL IH-rcnlfjor Tw, le i eli, i ~ nr~e tel:. si.I*Ni* 2ec lr~ 'j(~r, EA l ~I IC I'U1{TlilIAIUlUtEv.----Thee j~ graie^id incre~linini nit'r.. igt if 'lie izbility neel gee~try In r. .e ivi wtidn;r Il ll neil ii1, ltini t~it in* 181 Ilbenesiiw pp tinle r r-..1nL !'il ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EI2~~?~L~~OCKSFrbIO to stand on a w T. CO SAVOR, clockand wachmake. ' CwLondon lueee ereleal ti thr anento of theor ayeen. SIL'VE RPLATED DISH COVFRS._ 0?Peseoo.'ony pao-r-n of SILVEhR-PL&TIII) DStICOEj i ~-v tilildrwlate Ptrott o21iva til o i IPlated Deli Caoer, 2h in. is1e, I Plated l11th tnr Jo a &d. D10. [ie Ci-rc. iS In. 4 Cdl 6 . Dik -vr, Mint. 0 14 en i. 11b Coero-e4 n.t ll 12t II 2 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WATSONS' POPULAR TRACTS: EMIGRATION TO THE UNITED STATES. Just published, price One Penny, A LETTER, addressed to Mr. PITKIETHILY, ASof Hutddersfield, Yorksllire. I By Dr. JeeON Eleven years resident in that country. Containing the writer's opinions on the People, Government, Education, &C. Alsc remarks on the fitness of the territory of Wis Consin, as a residence for English ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO BEjLET, FULLY FURNISHED;' BRON MENAI, NEAR GAilRfT PoI'i v, BiAXGOR- ME IHotlse is beautifully situated on the banks Tof the Menai, anti consists of Dining Room; ])ra'iag 1Room1, anld Study; four Bed Rtooms; Dressing Rloom i (,losets; 8ervalnts' Room, kc. I-lot and Cold Baths are within the distance of a huidred vards. BRON IEXNAI being only a quarter of an hour's walk, homn the town, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... tADVEuISE-3tENT.] To the EDITO-R of thle ExFTER FLY.ING POST. IR,-Soeing an Advortisemen in yosir Jonrnal las t LI eesigned Ti'os. M. C. StiARtAND, 1I1mus1t ceosifeoi I doe not wonder ait tint gentlemen, 1aftor looting tit hits forsor lettors, rocollecting thle oldt school Copy; and rx prcesing. oshto diseetiouitos ill furthetr corrcsponttcnco ; nor would I trouble Mile with another ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Dn o Intimero got Ore =ing ttoa in the Mercurir. We arel Cs'U~ea g asommo~teouradycetisers, and not to mbe .1 I ''ead , bitt many of ourlriends delay theirai- ri ?? our ' late on the Thursdy, tbat It i8 wth the it -Mt ?? 'a , an get the Vapersr in tisefor the great u d ?? all our exertions ad faties ot eulY P yip wing friends will obligeus by ?? u printl~g v~b efts on or bdore Wednesday when ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SiZSTOL AND GLOUCESVZTE RAILWA-. . . HE Directors of this Undertaking will receive IL Proposals forLOANS OF MONEY ON DEBEN- Parliamentdin thenmonthof OCTOBEtnext,insumsof not less than £200, for terms of three, five, seven, or ten Te years, on Interest at the rate of c5 per Cent. per Annum, h- payable Half-yearly, at the Banks of Mlessrs. MILES, HAIt Rth cOhD anged Co., Corn-street, Bristol. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I , _IERAL IVTEMEST. *i>GlSTRATION OF VOTERS CIrY AND BURGII. 1842. in the LIBERAL INTEREST OVEn ?? being REGISTERED, may dir-,AU s ade out, and every informa- I'ten, by applying at the SIDE-RooM, Ov I'hA;6L, IlLUNTER SQUARE, between V,,iTs f d r Foon a'1 Four o'clock afternoon, IO' Si. and Eight o'clock evening. gik rdoe 'ax fir tle last year, if exigible, r01i ' Wnlt who require to Reg ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Charl # es Latiarce. eees ssgu fl lt. To Te SOLSD by AUCTION, y B Mr. ()ICIIESTER, M At the Coatoh and Hors es I mn, , on Tharsday, the ~)ttj dav ot junle, 18.12. at Five o clook in thle afternooli, f rTlE FOLLOWING DESIRABLE PRIOPERTPIES: A In I the fotto ll'cin Lots Lot 1. TH IIE EQuTy of REDEMP'TION of and in EIGHT TFREEHOLD TENEMENTS. situate in Potter Street, r il Ipswich, now in the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE ROYAL. i of the Fand for the Relief of the DISTRESSED IDII)OWVS and BRETHREN of the MASONIC OllDER'. &^irean tlinder the Patronage of his Grace the Duke yof LElNSTER Grand Master of Free and Accepted M~elCO1 ill Ireland. ;eooS to the commencement of the Play the Brethren of the Order will appear on the Stage in full Masonic Ceetcne. and are requested to assemble in the Saloon at yl o ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AUCTION OF SUGAR. HARDY, BROTHERS, AND CO., IL -W ILL SELL BY AUCTION, on To I- ' DAY, Next, 16th JUNE, at ONE iat William Hone and Son's office, Commercial i duiS, 75 XHDS. and TIERCES BARBADOES SUGAR. PRICES 0OF iRISH STOCKS DURING THE WEEK,: THIS. I Uj SAT.0|02. TES. I WED. 3er Ct Cons. 9q1q 9i{, - _ - shut Reduced do.,: 3j per Ct Stocki D9* 99k 99.1 994i1 991o 99*hrcmo C*o ' w130 9c 99 9* ...