H alto by alutiotn, &f. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, BY MR. STAMP, By Order of the Mortgaee, on FRIDAY,

... the i4th Day of June inst., at Twelve O'Clock at Noon, at the Sale Room in the Pantcohicon, Market- Place, Hull,subject to such conditions ot Sale as shall be then sand there produced, (unless previously disposed of by Private Contract, in which case due Notice will be given,) A LLthatDWELLING-HOUSE being No.19, A on the East side of Spencer-Street, HIll, now cpied by r. Joseph Hare. Also, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I 0-- NIUCTIO OF SUGAR. HARDY, BROTHERS, AND CO., WILL SELL BY AUTCTION, on TIIIJRS- If D sY, 30th June, at ONE o'Clock, in WILLIAIMI ( and SON'S Office, COMMERCIAL BUI - Iwo Hdhds and Tierces Sugar, just arrived, ox Hadfrost liarbadoes. WM. HONE and SON, Brokers. -SALE OF POLICE OLD CLOTHING. Er.ALUED Proposals will be received on or be~re fl(RSDAY, the 30th instant, at Twelve otlck fr. the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO ARCHITECTS. '4EYSSEL ASPHALTE COMPANY, Claritle's j Patent, established March, 1838, for working the Miineral Asphalte Rock of Pyrimont Seyssel. This valuable material has been extensively used since its first introduction into this country for the followving purposes :-Foot pavensents, public and other; in the carriage appsroach to man- sions, garden wvalks, and terracec; the flooring of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO CORRtESPONOENThS &NDb [ItADXElS. The order to discontinue he Notlce setting forth that the As me would be raffiled for, canuc too late, that part of the paper in. which it appears having been worked off when we received it. The boat, we un- derstand has been sold, The History of Bells is postponed to next publication. ?? ADDRESSES.-We cannot insert these gratuitously, being ...

Advertisements & Notices

... iT ONN EY .-M40O, and flarger % Of i- Sumgs t%'bADVAXCEDoiAyrovysecurity. a Apply to fR.A'TGRUNDY, solicitor~jurY6 A Single Gentleman may 4av FRT- u A AENTS, in an airy situation, e ip the P Exchange, where there are no child r or a other 6 lodgers.-ApplY at the Printers'. H RAILWAY POLIC C WAC11tSNTED, T WELV OL ICE lars, stating age, family, presenPt u c. my be addressed pre-paid, to ms h ...

Advertisements & Notices

... yV' TR1ATBE RO YAL, D UBLIN. Apearnce but Five of Mr. MACREADY. LstFN FATCIT, of the Theatre-Royal, Drury- lio II. lso Engaged, and will make her Fifth Appear. ?? paublit. &01 p1F.SENT EVENING (Saturday), 4th Jalne irill be performed Lord Byron's celebrated pigge6° 3ARTNO FALIERO, DOGE OF VENICE. a to the stage bv Mr. Mfacready, and performed (Ad' iPl[ stt powerful effect at the Theatre Royal, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EDUCATION, pECT MIONASTERY, NEAR GLAS- ^ 1pECT jNEVIN. Under the patronage of THE MOST REV. DR. MURRAY, GBC Th On15 VICARS GE 11ERAL, 'Y V. DR. MEYLER AND THE VERY 1111 REV. DR. YORE. PrEFECT OF STUDIES, THE REV. T. O'DONOGTIOE. he MIDSUMMIER EXAMINATONS, hel onthe 14th, Ibth, 16th, and 17th Int!antthe vo ul, Gentlemen distingnislied themselves in their 11 l c'aj sn. The number of honours ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ;7iThr A=LRYAL, DUBLI..': ur. begs respectfillv to announet thbt the C'eC'ill It Open for a Few Nights, on 94A¢UR- JLeatre Y 2, 1842, for the purposesof ntording p'JY DELA PDE KEMIBLE an opportunity of piainig l AD 1 visit to the Irish metropolis. It is quite im. af f elie e ,listinguiehed artiste can ever agairt appear P°efot tile ?? of Dublin, as she retiresimmedihtely on the ?? of the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DERBYSHIRE GENERAL QUARTER SESSIONS of the PEACE. r NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the next General I N Quarter Sessions oftthe Peacefor the CountyofDerby, . will be opened at 12 o'cloch at Noon, onl TUBSDAY, the 28th day of June, 1842, in the Crown Court., at the County Hials. Derby, when all matters connected with the Income and Bxpenditnre of the Countyl, and other Business usually transacted ...

Advertisements & Notices

... lEETING' TillS I)AY. PUBLIC IMJ I1,1; TO On TUPIbD.-A Y nex.rt, 7t ll ist. MY l)DAR CoUtes ?? REQUEST Nonxil nill call a PUBlIC MIET'PING ill 11 titrt, on 01S Caliy a il y is possible, f)r thhe peir p iq0 of congratulating the Qtell uopon hel Ma;~stj's providential ?? from the recent atrocions attack. I fevi convintced that all the Itilialtitants will heartily ron. cur witl ntle in the anxiety ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OXFORDSgZ71?r, C~ounty Afeethtg to AddreNss Her Mfajesty. H VrING 'rc~eived a requisition, numnerouns. q oal,~ re- ,4%etably .eigried, to colt ei Alet in9 ofJ the N'obiliti, Genty Clergy, and Inhabitant.,tof ?? aps of `rapsin aI Addres& of Congratl nation to Hier Majesty the Queen, on her late Providential Becape fernj the hands of an Assasin;- In1 eoeq1linee With ouch requisition, I hereby ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... the'; ing' ian; ere erd Ilier Is hbe .ir) dy Dr) -I ,e Fj A utttion. I ~ .-~ ,OLVESTFON. FRtEE HOLD HOUSE & S HOP FOR SALE. TO BEn SO.LD BY7 AVC2'ION, By Mr. JOHN TAYLOR, At t-s White YHart Inn, oLvEsTroN%, on iFRIDAY next, the,24th of June instant, at Four O'clock, subject to Conditicoslo be then produced, Modlern, ineatly 5nd most suibstantially-built A UW ELLING-1,0USE, comprising two ...