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Literary and Scientific Notices

... ?? 1hnelBtf S~qslepn. By JAMESS CowIO\V, 1lais of Hlauloerfolr Edin. burgh John Johnostete. t THItS little worv contains to Esssy oil the Reilly Systee, to whici h w v O i awarded a prize by the Ilighisod Society; and a series of Letters ott the condition of Farm Servants, which appeared originaolY Ji tine tolumns of a nowspspcr. The whole contaliss eony sensible observa- tions, anid useful ...


... STANZAS. I loss merrily in yotider baIll, Witli Soti; gartldis cro ed, 'I BlInd laugh, nad song, s,1,I clarloi cull, Calt A rapturous sea of sounild ;- Ilot While mid the dance s da7zling tl0aL, ilog VollptuoUs fgureXS tile, tmig And niaddooing sttr?5ts. ill sorltall', praise, T The soul of Scio's Illtr I'ari And it 1ibe tnier sdon s'ats, ,ar Oit tultsics sloilg6. ol nc, 't In bewrtys car tile ...


... ADELPUI THEBATRE, The performances now going on at this snug little theatre deserve the patronage of all who delight in rational, combined with intellectual, amusements. Besides comedy, farce, and melodrama, we have the varied and very clever performances of the Btleno Family, a host in themselves ; besides the graceful and finished dancing of Miss Wcbster, who is allowed by every one versant ...

Literary and Scientific Notices

... Dcesign for Farm Cotltero and SlconlvteaCin By J3AoEs CrUMVInGnAN, Surveyor. (reenlaw. Edinburgh : Blackwood & Sons. Tots we colnsilcr a very able practical wvork oil u subject of parameount importance. Tine substonce os it Appeared originally in a Letter, whlich the author addressed to the mtoembers of the Highland Society, during their late meeting at llerwickb.on-tTsoied. Its object is to ...


... EXIBII ITION OF IIIR INS'IITUTION FOR TIHE DEAF' ANDI DUMIL. OnVhn, thle Astnisol Ehiton ?? PI-pill ?? the Instilliit o thle Dealf cml1 Dintltb in this city sops, held it, bei [loll of the lloyel Ilintel, '['hie ttlotlottce, oie, (ar pitncrpally or ltnie;,tw00. ce ranegre to soy, ((I so tioctitf ,tl as inight hove been enxeeelle Ott s0 filtr~ia l rto 0m. so~n. Atoetic, ether gent l-ten prleset ...

Literary and Scientific Notices

... Literary and Scicntific xotices. Tbrc liehe eiralle eaiirk, By JSort on BR OWN. Ahbreratcr Lewis Stoith. AN old1 friend, wi th a vat-oltt aria ?? wha,i we tine fgnadl t niact oagas. At rthe 1ii-'c'it ,sati ha ii oastrl 'inks's strll ip loitl' that c~artiiitt i' iit bat latoory, iths N Ut alo'' t.i IttlaL 'te 'ioii ?? vh. Jdooie i rtiir Jhovstooe. Or, the ilaii situ _,st'a'oio a Ilis ?? tare ...


... LITERATURE is sAlABLA~INII1r, ?? , aondlO? e a Ntem , by Porktri fi E dipor Jel - nce io tII JIll r t his volume i s curious. The edi i Colt t 011y ' ' fei eand in a foreign land, the I 15 !irt *th the charms of Miss Bllire er , been ste ethusiasm of a congenial ther ,de votole heirnselt to the task of collecting her ing 'd to 5(1 d nafter a patient research of p |rt ?? sljfpiettsi of in myy ...


... (Froin tlse World of Fashion Monthiy .PtMgazine.) BoNNETs.-PaIlles de Riz. These bonnets will certainly be the greatest favourites for afternoon toi lettes. Some are lined wish silk glace, pink or blue tulle ruches, the garniture composed of velvet rib- bons, lignes, and shaded. Others are lined wit h coloured gauzes, the brides formed of a very light small floNwer, and the outside decorated ...


... LITI'ERft xrU RE. MORAror ERrNsTIrlr ; or, ?? Tenants of tire tleirt. By I G. ?? R. Jameg, Eq. Londson :Saunders .& Oiley. thee We have read this well-conceived and powerfully ratic written tale with no ordinary interest. The author's Besi object is to exhibit in active operation the antago- vai nist principles in the human heart, the one tend- Four lnog to the earth, the other aspiring to ...


... The RHoyl Scottiih Society of Arts held its lest meet- ing for the session in Maekay's Saloon, 91, Prince's Street, on Monday the l3th inst. The Council proposed an address to her Most Gra- cious Majesty, expressive of the indignation and abhor- rence felt by the Society at the recent ottompt upon her Mojeety's fife-of their gratitude to Almighty God fur his goadness in shielding her frome ...


... I L~~Ii~ J ErZ5IFT ner 1Ti lii (.istcr Je Os aTIC tATE ts ibK.C.B3.) A Ot1 WAtfIrl srr Cb1r),_ FJX ai'l,' Alire- Jo J s.i Ili, lo'f VI' 8l. Jio hnAul, n 11 ttiaer' h I Frgarai have rivl'ilei el mitt. .20 rit~rsII ,1 tle %v r vaie rrln or the elegant tire Set I it, le,, to rice tire lt. IL ry ?? 1 ttcied friend, were ?? ala htanive Nell distill the I meek~ly softened, anti ii b i,,te eertion ...


... LITERAT URE. Trir lWA AcCottiO REPO'SITORY; by J. H. Wilson. Aberdeen : George King; and Oliver & Boyd, Edia- bargh. Although the title of this volume may be an enigma to many, yet they little know what a thousand asso- ciations are entwined with the words Bon Accord, or what lively sensations they excite in the bosoms of hundreds of our enterprising countrymen scattered throughout the globe ...