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Morning Chronicle


... TIFB ITALIAN OPBRA. Last night her MA.TfETY visited the opera, and her pre- sence produced an enthusiastic demonstration of the feel- ings which, at this moment, must be uuiversal among ber Subjects. Before the commencement of the opera, and be- fore her MAAeErTY'S arrival, God save the Queen waS eung with great effect by the whole strength of the company. During the first scene of the piece ...


... THR IJALIAN OPERA. Yesterdly evening a new interest was impnrted to the performance of the oft-repeated Puritleai by the appear- ance of Madame PIS1I5ITAit in the chnracter of Elcira - a part which; ever since the first production of the opera in tiris country, had been exclusively sustoined by ;itist. It was ono of the fieest efforts of that great performer; and, in her' absence, its ...


... 1Jf1' ITALIAN OiPERJ. It to-r the oito-r, we' Ittve, Itotely hoeet' oblil~'ed to stwallow 01' I 0 er nd %I it icADoit rTE, it wots rlotirehing to ertj v -'C 11moe the tr j HaulEor/iere di oSevegiato, wilich woa~ d''oOO (oc theattrieool phtrate) yetsterdty eivening. T]his pecer devout.- it' Otitroe rtors' existence otr it witst writteto o-hemao it, ouothor woos twoeuitv--toe its only tiftyntew) ...


... FINE A l~~~~~~~~~~~TS.~~~ S PonRTAtET t ro PRINCEt Ail~anwT.-Mr. Lucilt's portrait -c of li Royal H I ighucss Prince Albert, which has nlot lIi- therto beel exhibited, is now to be seen in the show-roots t of Mr. Moon, tbe printseller, iu Threaducedle-street where te it has been deposited previously Ito its beingplaend in the n IInds of the engraver. It is aJ full length portrait, the size r, ...


... L1Tk,?A TURE. l(4hlie'' Ceaaell, lI (lhe 0,l'-fl tx FAMZiLY. In three Tolorlnes. [ NO wby. Vattier Conuell is itt Irish otory of deep interest, It is not free from tho feults of exaggeration and occasionoI heavIness of detaiti, to which Mr. Batilm is oomcwhilt prolte, but its defecta are not merely atoned for, betf thrown quite into the shade, by Ito general beauty and truth. The Collt- ...


... 1'PUBLIU AMIUSEJ A',S. W ILTL C7tLOSE IN T!IE MIDDLE OP IJUNEF. I -APTi AN flALL, Picl'atflliv-Tfhe O~ts rid-- t cr31 i~ NO E~illtl'lI ii o the. Egirtisri 9 'rn ipetfer rtt a tttg- e~l Ot o R itarti of Ant-- J'''1\N r IN ___ LST `OPNELi at tile cAre11tAftIre t~tean t Mt rr-itint decr-d liT ott. a tel OrOiA if t ,- Jrc ii SII'tlitr AC 9,,'iA I viL dio, Ou do-er. L~~~~~s- itMor.S'-r e i,`t.- *' ...


... PUBLI Cl A.1 USEJL.EN7 7S. ROYAL. POLYTIKCII NIC INSTITrUTION.- l~t. A V Ei Sf1 ill t ,tti If ESUFN All .Ii lbIii Ia] j C. lIt hELL II> -ioicu o tic, to oth o A it. tt, rctcOof .ettt flt fflr ltfatrcC l-ti loito .X ltoo -i.ifi o Al1'GILANI?'ANJSTO ND at the iiO'l Al. P b OAtMl~ A, utulcttitooo ctitreft-ciitocitt iii- cto il I lt. laIu1,' if,-it rF-octc-,uf, Poloc, fite, Iii Ott Ciiftt tofuI ...


... HER MAJi,,TY'.S THEA TIrE. Yesterdayev0Uing Mademoiselle RAL rlTE performed the character of larie Stuart,'In LaateuN's tragedy of that name. It Is one of the parts in which she appeared lust scason, when it wits generally admitted to be one of her greatest efforts, less, however, as being a powerful and beautiful representation, thin as l:eing a triumph of the talent of the actress over the ...


... PUBLIC AMUSBOLLENIS. ROYAL POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTION.- biorluor I'd 3,kaniag, ol,tepts aturday R .-Tkit COLOSS0AL I'LiFL'THIiIAL VACHLiN9. tworked by sam i ooaer, rllrblLiag 3 it' Dlaril IldIt, AUro, liogllo. and varku.B Experoiment on a graes itI.Collt-inlt au1dithion to lilt Enlargad ai.d 1ierniod DianolvinK di can, ti h or t tima , frinti a grrlga iri 3did toi maiiitr E tYeitoSnoery ...


... .I'BLWC AMUSEAiEN7S. DIOAMA Rgen'o-ftk.-heTwo Piclume of (1wNA'I' V ITV at Bil, enui. lilnte ly I. )tllooeio arim 0 AFFGOIANIS'I'AN.-, US']' OWPENED at tuis ROY AL PA NORAMA IA ,Loiei ter~e,imloroa ~o Iehrxli o ]u.- Llir.,Ling VI W of CAtmi , biObilolt yif 10( ijoli't of a loo-t Ili Li.. (A y. JIMrl, It bo-, or berirlo nod taar the Rtlor ClII roind ii nt v ox toot of Plain iif th tix (I varbid ...


... CIIINESE MUSEUM. . laty of our readlere will probably beave observed tire =CtioII, within the Ilst few weeks, in 'te iniotediiateanrigh- be2urhoedof illyde-itark-coriter, (t La singularstructurc in tthe airchitecture of (China. It rpresets a Chinese summer house, and oclupie bhe site of the now relinquished lKnights- ,bridge lIdareck. This sinegular building forms the enitrainc to one of' the ...


... SOCIET'Y OF ARTS-ADELPHI. |~~~- I I I .._.. rr_4. 'The annual distribution of rewards took place yesterday at the Society's rooms, it) John-street, Adelpli. H ib Roy al Hlighness the Duke of Seausex had promised to preside on this scesion, but baring been prevented from doisg so, the chair was assumed by SirJohn Guest, M.P. A very nume- rous company wats assembled to witness the ceremony. The ...