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Leeds, Yorkshire, England

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... ?Btbido. SCENES OF JOY AND WOE. Br EVEN Ryrsia. Scene First. The Blessed Apparition. London: Simpkin and Marshall. Edinburgh: Mae- laohlan and Stewart. Glasgow: David Ro- bertson. 1842. This is the first of a series of tales illustrative of the joys and woes which chequer this changing state of existence, and produce the vivid lights and deep shadows of human life. It will, as we learn from ...


... ,CNECHANICS' INSTITUTION AND . ' LITERARY SOCIETY. O'n Moiday evenuag list, was held the Erst i general me.eting of the members of the United Me- ehaoi'4is' Institution and Literary Society. The mceting was hold in tha Saloon of the Mechanics' H all, a half-past seven o'clook ; there was a very , ?? attendance. On the motion of I. WillPmP West, seconded by the Rev. Charles Wieksteed, tohn ...


... j. Uorlrp. ?? ?? gONG FOR THE MILLIONS. Our God Is good, his works are fair, His glfts to siaf are rich and rare; gis holy presence everywhere, O'er land sea, pzoeiaims that all should equal share Sweet liberty. ,he gfr with mounds of Freedom rings, W7ao the lark bis carol sings, WbeOS'Sr the bee bestirs his wings; From tiny bld And joyful twittering insect things That sound is heard. 'Tis ...


... dtt ru). T'O EGLAND. Oh. England, if thy mighty powers WVere wielded by the free, What a'g' Star unto the nations- What a Saviour thou mightst be., The Sun in l's eternal course Neoer sets upon thy name;` The winds of Heaven echo forth Thy glory and thy fame I yet, midst thy fame and glory proud, What pictures do we Bee, Of noble hearts and honest worth Condemned to misery. The blessings sent ...


... jpoep. .- ?? ?? t SONG FOR THE MILLIONS. our God is good, his works are fair, is gifts to man are rich and rare; His boly presence everywhere. O'er land sea, Fr,,lsl'W that all should equal share Sweet liberty. Tbe air with sounds of Freedom rings, Whene'er the lare hs caros sings, ,ffhene 'wr the bee bestirs his WingS; From tiny bird And joyful twittering Insect things That sound is bead. ...


... I.-IMCIDO. JUSTICE TO THE PRODUCER THE ONLY ME-ANS OF RESTORING THE PROS- PERITY OF) THE CUUNTRY. A little tract of eight pages, printed by Wrigley, Rsethdale, in which all the volumes of elaborated SOPhuitry spoutcd and vomited forth by the free trade mue are EffiCLually answered in a Vew lines. DESCRIPTION OF THE NAVAL AUTOMA- lON, invented by J. A. E'ZLER, and lately Patented in England, ...


... urbicto. JUSTICE TO THE PRODUCER THE ONLY MEANS OF RESTORING THE PROS- PERITY OF THIE UuUNTRY. A little tract of eight pages, printed by Wrigley, BRochdale, in which all the volumes of elaborated sophistry spouted and vomited forth by the free trade men are effectually answered in a few lines. DESCRIPTION OF THE NAVAL AUTOMA- TON, invented by J. A. ETZLEa, and lately Patented in England, ...


... f4ovitp. THE NEW SHOY HOY. AIR- Pity Poor Jarvey. ol listen kind friends, while tale ate, And ] Taow when you hear it you'll pity my fate. o vJob Arthur Roebuck, the member for Bath, IWho was climbing to fa me, hut have suipp'd from the Bpattih I look'd on the Chartists, who on me look seur, As the ladder by which I might clamber to power; pst ?? I was fated my ?? to stop, For I kiot'd it ...


... wrb(cluo, SCENES OF JOY AND WOE. BY EvEN RHYSn. Scene First. The Blessed Apparition. London: Simpkin and Marshall. Edinburgh: Mac- ]achl)an and Stewart. Glasgow : David Ro- bertson. 1842. This is the first of a series of tales illustrative of the joys and woes which chequer this changing Atate of existence, and produce the vivid lights and deep shadows of human life. It will, as we learn from ...


... jocetrp. TO EgGLAND. Oh, England, if thy mighty powers Weewielded by the free,~ WaaStar unto the nations- What a Saviour thou mightst be The Sin in his eternal course Ne'er sets upon thy name;* The winds of Heaven echo forth Thy glory and thy fame I Yet, 'midst thy faens and glory proud, What pictures do we see, of noble hearts and honest worth Condemned to misery. The blessings sent by God ...


... lootirp. 2S wo ?? - o ?? ?? - oo THE NEW SHOY HOY. ARa- Pity Poor Jarvey. osw listen kind friends, while my tale I relate, °nd I ?? when you hear it you'll pity my fate. 1A3ohu Arthur Roebuck, the menmber for Bath, IWho was climbing to fame, but have slipp'd from the path. I eodd on the Obartists, who on me look sour, As the ladder by which I might clamber to power, Bat alas was feted my ...


... THE VISION OF MYCHENOB. to {(lAdapted firon the rencl.) * * * 3 Oppressed with the labours and fatigues a- of the day, I threw myself down to rest, and beheld! it while yet aleeping, the following vision appeared Lt- ?? me51 to 'Vlethluht I stood by iwide extended plain, thronged at by an inliense multitude of human beings; 'old misen, a. grey with, age, striplings, and children of a year, ...