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... IP(DIMIRIMTO ORIGINAL AND SELECTEV. RURAL SONNETS. tprom allscelllatrcoS Poems by MIr. J. Jo-s8 of the Inner Temple, author of 1SPaCtEICUs. 1Regulus, all! other Tiage'tics.) JVNE. The tenmer fruits unfolding to the sun, To drink its beams, and hive their vital pow'r, Delightful May, her Spritg.tito mission done, Marries with June, and seeks their Summer bower. Now, the laburnums flaunt ...


... An inquest was hold on Tuesday in London, on the body of Anne Gray, aged 48, whose death was caused by tight lacing. The surgeon who made a post-mortem examination of the body, discovered upwards of fifty stones about the size of peas, and resembling glass in the gall bladder. 11usnoured Attempt on the Life of Louis Philippe.-Parls letters refer with some concern to the reports in circulation ...


... origtind. :to REPORT UPON THE LIVERPOOL *Ith - ' COTTON MARKET, Id From afvt poeMl.Herchang to Aa4hi4t at lq'en Orleans, tated In ~ ~ ~~~*Liverpool,.runee 14,1842. Lr( Ohm Sleemy letter of May, v Me. Ther is not much to say; vs ad The rise looked for, by many, Of half or one penny, ro- Is postponed for a while- d say, till rich harvests smile f nd From one end to the other rea ?? ! Rdrtawo bir ...


... ?Iv- w T(t)3vmTo - ORIGINAL AND SELECTED. To THE OCEAN; -B3Y DIDASEALOS O (original.) While on this mount I quaff the vital air, A blending of solemnity profoundo oe Of' joy and grief, bright hopes e nd anIOUs care, And visions which tho concave cannot bound, *I y rising thoughts demand, inspire, suI Olcean I I see theea-awf'tl in thy sleop)I Th'ou seermest with celestial spilendour crowned; ...


... I Government, it is understood, hal concurred in opinion as to the propriety of constructing a spacious building fire-proof for the depository of tile judicial records of the country. The woman who regularly reads the newspapoer will be so mutich the more suitable a companion for a well-inforimed husband, and oxest far more influence in the family than she oterirwise could, there10re every ...


... - =!= = 1pol-ORMTo--.1 I ORIGINAL AND SELECTEDI STANZAS. Tvo babes are diumbering in tho dust, Grass waves above their plac II the fust, Thoir s(uls are numhor'd ith !t lv t, Reposing on the SaviOUr's lie silent, sorrow-whoreforo mourn? Tears cease to flow-Miy heart ho still; Are thoy not ,afe? Would they return ?- of, I bow asUbmissivo to His will who Cali'd them 110cO-Oh! love ...

Literary Notices

... I 1Aiterarn Grotties I HAND-BooK OF MANCHESTER. By B. LOVE. Manchester: Love and Barton. This is a new edition of Manchester as it is, published in 1839, with considerable and valuable additions to the matter. It forms a very handsome and very useful volume, indispensable to strangers seeking information concerning this great centre and market of the cotton trade, and highly interesting to ...

Literary Notice

... mutcrarn Notice. Tax, GREAT COMMISSION: or the Christian Church constituted and charged to convey the Gospel to the world. By JoHN HARRIS, D.D., President ,of Cheshunt College, Author of Mammon, Th e Great Teacher, &c. &c. London. Thos. Ward and Co., 27, Paternoster Row. This work, issued under the impress and commen- dation of five distinguished and honoured men in the several Christian ...


... THE PERnoDICArs.-Tho lack oi roomand the pressure of other I matter cotopel us to disisiiis teise moenthly visitants very bricilir. We take them in the order in which they conic to bhnd, alid fir.t, the Dubtiim Uliicersily Magazine. We ore 6orry to say that the hupes eclertainel from rho ?? of ?? Lorrequor' to the editorship. laive not ydt been realized. With tho excop- tion if half ia dozen ...


... (Fron tlhe World of Fashion.) BosNETs.-Palles de Riz. These bonnets will cortinly be the greatest favourites for afternoon toilettes. Some are lined with silk glace, pink or blue; the interior of the brim surrounded with pale pink or bluo tulle ruches, the garniture composed of velvet ribbons, lignes and shaded. Others are lined with coloured gauzes, tihe bride's formed of a very small flower, ...


... I TUDIMI'MRITO -- 11 ORIGINAL AND SELECTED. AN ENGLIS1l COTTAGE. (From the Belfa st Chronicle.) Beside a lane, diverging from a wood, Where tall tree-tops o'er-roord the grassy way, A while.wnshed cot in calm seclusion stood, And, sloping down to face the southern ray, Beforo the door a wsll-steck'd Garden lay; Clean.weoded beds by winding walks outspread, Where household roots were ripening ...


... I I THE WHITE POPPY. r f BEY IRnS. ABDY, THE AMERJCAN POETESS. r t Thou hast no power to charm our eye, F Or aid us in our need, Disdainfully we pass thee by, a Thou pale and worthless weed! Bright flowers are near thy dwelliog-place, And corn is waving round, Thou dost but sadden and deface This gay and fertile ground. Yet hold-my censure I repress- Thy wondrousjuice contains A spell to ...