... 'TBz coxT3p.T, E69. WINDSOlt, Sund(ay.-This mnorning the Queen and Prince. Albert, and top, Count Mensdorf, attended divine service in the royal chipel of St. George. The Rev. Mr. Markham preached a most eloquent sermon from the 4th and bth verses of the 15th chapter of St. Luke's gospel. The Queen received addresses on the throne, on Wednesday afternoon, at Buckingham Palasce, from the ...


... , : . . f LN : . , - PvQ1xcd*lv ATz6:G>92x¢;M C0 NOeIL-HBSRi BsrsrMa, SAV&DAY. Magistrates present i The Mor, and Messrs. Leani Newman, George, and tierapath. Sarah Bleekl was charged with stealing the goods of Sarah ,and Mary Nowmain; tappeared from the statement of ODe of the complainants, that theproperty consisting of a pair of boots, L two aprons; and a pair of ?? wis stolen from a room ...


... -- LaW IN T.ELLIGE~NCE. l ROLLS' COURT-YESTERDAY. a Craiefoord v. Wroodley. a CollinsQ.C. appeared ol behalf of tie defendant in this o 3 foran order to oblige the plaintiffs to pay ovor o sotof50, costs, or otherwise, thattheitjinctionagainst ti Ah defl dIt besetaside. A defencehad been takenin a tet court el behalf of the plaintiffs, who were minors, by t, thr. John -AI Cornmck, their next ...


... I LONDON, MAY 31. AT'WEDUPT To ASSASSNATrE T= Q'UEEN. Yesterday afternoon her MajestY, accomsp asieod by Prince Albert, proceeded in an open carriage and four horses, preceded by outriders, for her accustomed drive in Hyde Park, &c. the Rloyal'Equerries, as usual, accoen- panying the corteqe on horseback. On her Majesty's re- turn, about tea minutes or a quarter past sic o'clockc, down ...


... 1. v 's- Act jES-Til l DA\. ; n El\Sf i ~l)'i 191 hi- I. liCOLN':i INN-At Ire. It .1- a.l j . r ;cill 04 ti-rL heorl-I. -'ad Aintiitkyg a N'tuooirrj, N - .:1 , -__1:: '1pl> ze 1 k-r Wilk. :'rj joarrl-0lbbrii.riiiii- . .s¢-:trawl. * -a iSjta 21-s ' I.iacrya *.Ianar~y(7] ' I-- rio- mlt:rrj gir1:it -lii.' Suttl~ r DOe S it, sian- tu~i ': iriiitti.* -.u.-irrn;i.,ir at.-- litre a ilittilec- ...

POLICE [ill]

... Po IJCBN LIC . -4 THAMES I .Yr CAS5t or' hM then we Mr. B commar IvitD( I when t swore h _ stat, ba bhys at 1 power t t pwheel, t vwanted qultt. .thne I plained .Iif I Y I told - had go r borge d wards I noise or _ when f sald bef if have ml e for eO. him of toited , Ih-dad t pelil. the Pic C Loners the ski, men ha i Ion tool mate, . ,_ eritos w ivard t, a of the me do c_§ at, aSO 3I tnd tel ...


... Her Majesty left town atnoon on Monday, accompanied, f by his Royal Highness Prince Alberti and attended by a f numerous suite, for Windsor Castle. The Royal cortege was escorted from Buciinghan Palace by a party of li Hussarx. The Court willrem aiu until Fliday at Windsor; and daily, during the Ascot races, large parties will be entertained, a usual at this season, at the Castle. A vast ...


... I .DUBLIN POLICE YSTEXIDAY. COLLEGE-STREET OFFICE. Maria Wilson, a servant in the employment of the Bon and Rev. Mr. Stopford, was charged by her master with converting several sums of money to her own use. Mlr. Meade, solicitor, attended on the part of the com. plainant, and examined Mrs. Stopford, who stated that the prisoner had been recommended to her as a'shipwreckedper son in January ...


... ig 4frwrnar'5 3tutrnai DUBLIN: TrIJURSDAY, JUNE 2, 1842. ATTEMP''PT ON TIHE QUEEN'S LIFE. The whole attention of the London press seems to be occupied with the attempt upon our beloved Qneen, whose life has been mercifully saved a second time from the hands of an assassin. Apart from all consi- derations of loyalty to our Sovereign, we should con- gratulate ourselves upon the failure of this ...


... 1'POLICE lIELLi OLNUE-MOND. MA If 1.110 Rf) Ito I-STRIHEl'. Tii REnCENTa ASsAUIU ON lBARtNin S fTIaN--i1/c. lPrieteinoiiapp fearedi butora Al r. Alalsthy tolanswertrh-a barge of' In~loin COiiirnitfed a Very vieleit. jjjissunt sit ~ieiitrI-IIiiit- ColsuilI lirou Osten, under tile tollowillg liCeuthir circtuim- Thr osc excifed so inoth interest that the court was ci owd ii, aiid monotg thiose ...


... (Al'AN7'JA LCb ~ I~L(JLJ.'MN I.>v>aCJ~tl~l@z}/fZt-~o rfi(~ioiif m~r. Balronl Gurny.1 J~, (,to?/.roh/4 It, I >gn 21, (I I AIp wriht, hIV fouis` d I d ilty (it1 U Il tillit Ornlvei , iaild sntrtgiice or death recorded o'lmillst hlimi. Tbhi is tile HR eed Conviction for Crinme of tlits nuture dulpring, tilw pri~sen;t s-siion,. S''.'All3N(; AN!) WNU)UNI)DNIt. T/ho., SAa,,, ageeil i, lithoa rer, ...


... . Th'De trial of John Franicis, for attempting to airc shoot her Majesty onl Constitution-hill, took place fthle on Friday ait thc 'Old Bailey. 'Vhe-Court -wa$ very full, but, from thce regultations Which had been e of' ma'de, not ineodveflicutly Crowded. Colonel that Arbuthnot, Colonel Wylde, and some other officers Veoy- of her Maj esty's Household, had seats enl the lites, benich, 'rem Thie ...