... 1Jf1' ITALIAN OiPERJ. It to-r the oito-r, we' Ittve, Itotely hoeet' oblil~'ed to stwallow 01' I 0 er nd %I it icADoit rTE, it wots rlotirehing to ertj v -'C 11moe the tr j HaulEor/iere di oSevegiato, wilich woa~ d''oOO (oc theattrieool phtrate) yetsterdty eivening. T]his pecer devout.- it' Otitroe rtors' existence otr it witst writteto o-hemao it, ouothor woos twoeuitv--toe its only tiftyntew) ...


... I FASHION AND VARIETIE5s Lord ald Lady Southamptoin have arrived at Paris from Bordeaux, on their return to England. His lordship is c,. pected by the close of the ensuing week. Lord and Lady Francis Egerton entertained a dist ingcisled party on Wednesday evening with another of those theatrical representations which has made so much noise in the fashionable world. Amongst her ladyship's ...


... IP(DIMIRIMTO ORIGINAL AND SELECTEV. RURAL SONNETS. tprom allscelllatrcoS Poems by MIr. J. Jo-s8 of the Inner Temple, author of 1SPaCtEICUs. 1Regulus, all! other Tiage'tics.) JVNE. The tenmer fruits unfolding to the sun, To drink its beams, and hive their vital pow'r, Delightful May, her Spritg.tito mission done, Marries with June, and seeks their Summer bower. Now, the laburnums flaunt ...


... =AOJ~E~ F&SHIO8 - I , . = , : , ?? Ilo I 0 T¢0 T J 3 1I$, tiful patterns and eolours, headinglsclt tuck 0o me sx= Or forming tablier or, tunic; &c ; -those aepb med ll ;Ytqtd are aleo very pretty, and Wndeed ftdreis W I46 qno, I s suitable for the season'.- Thiere Is:mi~chinclin'ation tooutntinue thev open apulibule skirts, and to-apply them to iummer ?? decided tendency to the train is also ...


... An inquest was hold on Tuesday in London, on the body of Anne Gray, aged 48, whose death was caused by tight lacing. The surgeon who made a post-mortem examination of the body, discovered upwards of fifty stones about the size of peas, and resembling glass in the gall bladder. 11usnoured Attempt on the Life of Louis Philippe.-Parls letters refer with some concern to the reports in circulation ...


... j. Uorlrp. ?? ?? gONG FOR THE MILLIONS. Our God Is good, his works are fair, His glfts to siaf are rich and rare; gis holy presence everywhere, O'er land sea, pzoeiaims that all should equal share Sweet liberty. ,he gfr with mounds of Freedom rings, W7ao the lark bis carol sings, WbeOS'Sr the bee bestirs his wings; From tiny bld And joyful twittering insect things That sound is heard. 'Tis ...

Literary and Scientific Notices

... Dcesign for Farm Cotltero and SlconlvteaCin By J3AoEs CrUMVInGnAN, Surveyor. (reenlaw. Edinburgh : Blackwood & Sons. Tots we colnsilcr a very able practical wvork oil u subject of parameount importance. Tine substonce os it Appeared originally in a Letter, whlich the author addressed to the mtoembers of the Highland Society, during their late meeting at llerwickb.on-tTsoied. Its object is to ...

The Fine Arts

... . - Ot f ilic, art%. rSNigZXTION or PICTUORES. 105. Tle WVarren, near lineehead: C. BRAsNaWtt.,; and No. 113-Viet of Alnite/eadfro/n the Sands-by the samo artist, are both vorks of promise, possessing many points of excellence. Tlie trifling faults in colouring, are such as we arc eure Mr. llranwhbite wvill correct. log. Teresa Panza adictating letters to the Duchess and her Rnsobonda &ncho, ...


... (Fvom the London and Paris Ladlies' Magazine of Fashion.) The dresses in most general use this season that have as yet been worn are of silk materials, and they are usually short and glace, either plain, striped, or checked, foulards, bareges, Pekins, na- cres and cancles, &c. In dress white is univer- sally worn. Dresses of the redingote form are with tight sleeves or a colisses, or with full ...


... 1'PUBLIU AMIUSEJ A',S. W ILTL C7tLOSE IN T!IE MIDDLE OP IJUNEF. I -APTi AN flALL, Picl'atflliv-Tfhe O~ts rid-- t cr31 i~ NO E~illtl'lI ii o the. Egirtisri 9 'rn ipetfer rtt a tttg- e~l Ot o R itarti of Ant-- J'''1\N r IN ___ LST `OPNELi at tile cAre11tAftIre t~tean t Mt rr-itint decr-d liT ott. a tel OrOiA if t ,- Jrc ii SII'tlitr AC 9,,'iA I viL dio, Ou do-er. L~~~~~s- itMor.S'-r e i,`t.- *' ...


... ORtIGINL POETRY. TEE.TOTALLERS' GATHERING SONG. NUAOCIH, march, march to our meeting, boys, Comc in your best array --march in good order Join, join, nor flincl at our greeting, boys, Irivo drink and drunkards far from your border; llced not what tipplers say, Drunkards liave had their day, Whilakey no more our brains shall disorder, Dashi down the maddening cup, Lot no one take it up- Bane of ...


... it e tit, r e. The Poetical fflars of Thnoras C/hatterton. with Notices of his E Life.-Printedlfor W. P.'Grout, Cambridge. These volumes ?? a 'ational and an intensuly local liter. est. II the language of the editor- To gratify that elass of n readers who recogniso, in the stady of tn, the )i)oper anld I most ennobling study of their raco, and who fnlid a delight in I |examining ilitoi the ...