H alto by alutiotn, &f. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, BY MR. STAMP, By Order of the Mortgaee, on FRIDAY,

... the i4th Day of June inst., at Twelve O'Clock at Noon, at the Sale Room in the Pantcohicon, Market- Place, Hull,subject to such conditions ot Sale as shall be then sand there produced, (unless previously disposed of by Private Contract, in which case due Notice will be given,) A LLthatDWELLING-HOUSE being No.19, A on the East side of Spencer-Street, HIll, now cpied by r. Joseph Hare. Also, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO ARCHITECTS. '4EYSSEL ASPHALTE COMPANY, Claritle's j Patent, established March, 1838, for working the Miineral Asphalte Rock of Pyrimont Seyssel. This valuable material has been extensively used since its first introduction into this country for the followving purposes :-Foot pavensents, public and other; in the carriage appsroach to man- sions, garden wvalks, and terracec; the flooring of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... the'; ing' ian; ere erd Ilier Is hbe .ir) dy Dr) -I ,e Fj A utttion. I ~ ?? ,OLVESTFON. FRtEE HOLD HOUSE & S HOP FOR SALE. TO BEn SO.LD BY7 AVC2'ION, By Mr. JOHN TAYLOR, At t-s White YHart Inn, oLvEsTroN%, on iFRIDAY next, the,24th of June instant, at Four O'clock, subject to Conditicoslo be then produced, Modlern, ineatly 5nd most suibstantially-built A UW ELLING-1,0USE, comprising two ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EDUCATION, pECT MIONASTERY, NEAR GLAS- ^ 1pECT jNEVIN. Under the patronage of THE MOST REV. DR. MURRAY, GBC Th On15 VICARS GE 11ERAL, 'Y V. DR. MEYLER AND THE VERY 1111 REV. DR. YORE. PrEFECT OF STUDIES, THE REV. T. O'DONOGTIOE. he MIDSUMMIER EXAMINATONS, hel onthe 14th, Ibth, 16th, and 17th Int!antthe vo ul, Gentlemen distingnislied themselves in their 11 l c'aj sn. The number of honours ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ' ~ ' ' ' ' -hit.bll i~ z' TO PERSONS IN TBE BRITISH EMPIRE WlWHO SPEAK O Il WOULD ACQUIRE T IHE FRENCH LANGUAGE. L ' COURRIER DE L'EUROPE, L BOIIAIN'S FRENCH NEWSPAPER,PER Forning at once a Weekly Journal and a permanent work, which for two years has met with the greatest success, publishes every Saturday a complete digest of all the papers printed in France, whether Political, Literary, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Wri~Jlt0 to be Ret. - TO X:Bl RIS. 1 NOld-Established BUSINESS in the above A line, in a populous neighbourhood, TO BB LE T, with immediate possession; coming-in moderate. Particulars rnm be known by applying to Air. SILCOX, Baker, W 'Ceet, Bristol. TO BE L Er. tIIE HOUSE, No. 10, BRIDGE-STREET, T su.ithBimmediate Posss~s~iol. ?? Partivalars may be known on application to Mr. L. A NO Share ...

Advertisements & Notices

... fliRI' ORTl'PITILLIP and SYDNEY, aL regulair 1r-,iir, fOr ilia-srolnrnt intodil Only.. Ito 11a ship P0AT. 'klicie 1, l5ll loa bird,!n, AcisXADSils MILNRsa. Corn- snas5inc in til Sit. KIIaslinsinc1 locks. This ship hlli a srscioal O 11, I -i IP~cloosIroilaio-ejadiisoP is lii 'ncY coape,, - sisabjl Airt5 Isasyiisof colsb~ passegers, and mill carry an easecienseIl risrcos-se Icias Pneria-ago ...

Advertisements & Notices

... * Paw liels' t ?? - BOUYLTON FIELD FARM. TER-Y Superior Dairy of short horned new calved / Cows, fleifers, and Stirks, incalved short holmed Stirks, and Heifers, fat Cows, and fat Martin Heifer, very high bred shorthorned Bull, descended from Comet; ure bred Leicester Ewes, fat Sheep, fat hogs, and fat Lambs, an excellent purebred Leicester Ram, four shear hog Rams, capital team of Waggon ...

Advertisements & Notices

... . Foreign and BrlitsI4 Lace and Fancy 112. QUEEN-STREET, PORTSEA. t'Wj5. WINKI respectfuly invites the attention of' * the Ladis of Portsmouth and Its EnviWons to his new and splendid STOK ?? and British LACES; Veils Lace and Blusliti Collars, lebit Shirts, A Cuffs. Oardinai Capes, -antiUas, Scarfs, Dresses, Shawls, Infants' Robes, Cape, French Cambric and will b Lawn Handkerchiefs, plair. and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SALES BY AUCTIONi, 'Die M nIrwcait seryloo of Pluto -at Lichfiold Hlouse. S~t. Jamoo'o- Altoaro. ~AR. GEORGE ROBINS has the honour to ..V. announce that ho. will SEL!. by AUCrION. on the Promloos. I81. St iroa-rro TH 1IIS DAY. Jne. 17. at Twalee. 'flog SIDEIIDAt D Of SPLPENDID OOLD and SILVER PLATE, EM IRlACING MIANY THOUSAND OUNCES, and ecomprised In four costly ebloaod coop tureon and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Olt M1ADIIAS, toueiriiw; fit th'k CAPE of'I F 7001)II-lP F,Kwt~h haT trust punctuaolity, to , atI Ur Intir yrAtz r-nil Istri 1`1rretnnro-tlo theo J5th. tLEN WELIMlfOTON. vo-.'-,nIt -ita W11. C. KNyu otrnC Cortiirdrnre, ling. loth di Elat etetWirthitn nr onf..drlnl~to .at ItR P0 ETA 1) E LATI ) E(South Ai die) direct, ithot .,iet part of tier ca.s50g5 i. a-d ~iil Ieat with n*--y -- im-i to te ...