... LI?4ERTCF ASSIZESNIToNuA'r. Michael .laber Aidrew Mulony, Patrick Dwyer, and Mlichael Ryan, we;e irlicted for feloniously assaulting H. Sauriderson, onl the 26tJh of June last, at Killoora, by firing a loaded gun at hiim, of Coffey's house. Mr. Bennett stated ~ e case for the crown. llenry Saundersorv rn and examined by the lion. Mr. Plunkett-is head co~jstable of police; knows Alalachv Coffev ...


... DUBLIN POLICE-YESTERDAY. ?? .A.o ]READ OFFICE. HoniianLE DEPRAVJTY.-A mainiamed Barrett brought his daughter, a little girl apparantly about eleven or twelve years of age, into the board-room, and'stated to the niagis- trates that about five weeks back she left his residence, and he never knew what had become of her until a few days ago he ascertained that she was confined in the Grange- ...


... I THE RIBBON CASES IN ARMAGIH. Trie following is anl extract from the speech made by Mr. Wisiteside, for the defence, at the late kvibbon trial in Ar- magis, as we find it reported in the N~ewry Telegraph : 11The counsel for the crown told you trely that the main- stay of their case was the informer Hagan ;and never did 1 lsear evidoncc with more pain than I heard the testimony of that bad man ...


... LA W NO 7'ICES-Tais DAr. Tbe l~ord Chnncellir will not atteni court to tiay. VICEr CiANCifLOntq coUrns, LINCOLN iS.1lNN-At ten. Befor- SIr L. SferDwo.L C.%uonq, &cc-Pancali v 9cott, by order-Forbes v Peacock, to he spoke to-Sylvestvr v Bradley, by order-Gibitns v Strath- mire -('Sok v Cr,.,v',rd-Mtnter v Wraith -1are v Cartrldge -Hara v Hv'tster-Ciaugh v Boud-Collbin v Ctolini-Bitiey v Inoes- ...


... A SSIZSl S iAITZ U=jPTCE. ton SOUTH WALES CI1RC~UrP-CARDIP1F,,TULYt B.V ty The learned judges opened thucimisolon, hore on. Toea- el* day. The oinly case of interest, viz. the trial of Edwards for tile nootricideat Merthyr, took place yesterday. Consi- derable interest was felt for the resultof the triaT, aund the~ court was completely crowded. irte ~ ~ MURDER./ ~,t Riditard Edwtards was ...


... CARNARVONSIIIRE. S Mr. AhtnSmthaaridathis. new Irc-, ' Vsidence, Plas Nowydd-the ancient seat of the v~ Anglosdv fiimily;-'' ' ~by: The Ifishdp.~f Wanger, Sir Richard Bulkoley, pra MmBat, M.P§P.Pee~s Williams, Esq., M2P. and Gri W. B3. llu~glic, Esq., MLP. are expccted to reach eha r their respective seats shortly.Pr A CAINAnivo- BAR.-At the Quarterly meeting fje of ?? Carnarvon H~arbouir, ...


... I vic-E-Cla!N- coult'r-jul'y 1101. -I y ]toiimr.rSf Joxias.-ili'his vas a petition hoard 't s before the Vice-Chalncellor, to determinie which of two suits, in an inlilut's naulle, was tic one for the tb infatnt'sbeiielit. janeltobhit theini ott wasahout the age of seventeeni, wvas only ihild of Mr. Hugh Ia Roberts, a Grocer at Dleaunuiris who died ijtes- a) Y at ;r tate, leaving a wahloo' ...


... COL7RTOF CONSERVANCY. T usi GREsEsNWicHi FPo(&rurce PlEaR.-On Wednesday the Lord Mayor, attended by the llecorder, Common Ser- gellat, Town Clerk, City Solicitor, and other City officers, leld Courts of Conservancy in the counties of Essox and Kent. The Recorder, in addressing the Kent conservancy jury, called their attention in a very emiphballc manner to the Condition of the river Thames. ...


... POLIC'E INYAlLUGENCBoNDAY. if ~ ~ ~ ~ lIT W-STR ,LI'p f A igenttlaoan name Mr. Tl'ioa~tts Steaoe piie hfr cAr Jardine, afitir th ihachre o bcappae bIOilfIia (1o1, to makle' thle foIoslo tatantnt :-.l l said : Yoor Worshtip, I Ita e doIT t 1impera-11tive oat myself, altar what 1happofled yefit rato attenld to lay hefore you tutu -fallowvintg ciraurtisto iia s 1wo prraidiitg klast week ait it ...


... A4S1ZB INThLL1UR1V CB. (:OX IORD Cl IICUIT-STA tProtiD, JuLY '25. CtROiWN COURT. I [llefore Mr.Justice Erskine.] RA P11. Thoeiaes Parrywas indicted for a rapeupon Elizcbeth t Wel1 ker oct the dth of March l ast, st tbtte ptreeh olfWolstantou. Mr. Iltenotter prosecuted, and Mr. F, V Leo conducted the ceese oal beltalf of the prisoner. c 'Titn prosecutrix, a most remilsive looking woman, stated ...


... POZLICE XNTELLIGENCE. CO UNCIL-I1OutSij, B1r15tIOL, t'`aeD AY MAagistrite present: Mr. J. N. Sanders. Tlomas Hammond was charged withl having been found hi secreted under the tower of St. James's church, with intent to commit a felony. The prisoner was found in the situation St referred to, by P.C. 70, by whom he was taken into custody. a, Being unable to give a satisfactory account of himself ...