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Yorkshire and the Humber, England


Leeds, Yorkshire, England

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Bankrupts, &c

... I 3anIruptf, an. From ?? London Gazette of Friday, A un. 5.. BANBU^PTS. Thomas Armstrong, Conduit-street, Paddington, merchant, to surrender August 12, at twelve o'clock, Sept. 16, at two,- at the Bankrupt's Court. Solicitor, Mr. Wadeson, Austinfriars; official assignee, Mr. Belcher. Robert Rolla, Darhan,-street, Vauxhall-road, mer- chant, August 10, at one o'clock, Sept. 16, at one, at the ...

Bankrupts, &c

... 23anuhrupt, Wc. From Ihe London Gazette of Frtida, Aug. 5.. BANKRUPTS. Thomas Armstrong, Conduit-street, Paddington, mprebant, to surrender August 12, at twelve o'clock, Sept. 16, at two, at the Bankrupt's Court. Solicitor, Mr. Wadeson, Austinfaiars; official assignee, Mr. Belcher. Robert Rollo, Durhaim-street, Vauxhall-road, mer- chant, August 16, at one o'clock, Sept. 16. at one, at the ...

Bankrupts, &c

... l~altrupto, WC. Froen the Londonr Gazelle of Fridav, Agts. 5. BANKRUPTS. Thomas Armstrong, Conduit-street, Paddington, merchant, to surrender August 12, at twelve o'clock, Sept. 16, at two, at the Bankrupts Court. Solicitor, Mr. Wadeson, Auetinfriars; official assignae, Mr. Belcher. Robert Rollo, Drhbam-street, Vauxhall-road, mer- chant, August 16, at one o'clock, Sept. 16, at one, at the ...

Bankrupts, &c

... 3sanurupto, wC. From the London Gazelle of Friday, A iug. 19. BANKRUPTS. Walter George Dodds, of Howford buidirngs, Fen- church-street, City, merchant, August 29, at haldpast one, and September 30, at eleven, at the Court of Bankruptcy. Mr. Belocher, official assignee; and Messrs. Turner and Reusman, solicitors, Basing-lane. Francois Gnutier, now or late of Gould-square, Crutched-friars, City, ...


... LEEDS CORN MARKET, TUESDAT AUGUST 23rd.- The supply of Grain to this day's market is Emiller thda last week. The disturbances in the manufac- turing districts have caused us to have a thin atten- dance of millers, and they only purchase for their immediate wants; the accounts this morning are more favourable, and nearly all the mills have eom- menced running. Old Wheat has been 2s. to 3s. per ...

Bankrupts, &c

... vaillril-ploo &-jr. From the London Gaeettc of Friday, July 29 BANtSRKUPTS. Richard Cooper Gray and Henry Tr-mbey Geay Grossonor-place and M1arine-place, Cnmmorcial-ruad, Eat, and Upper Stamford-rtrcet, Blachefriar's.road, rope-makers, to Erasrender, Aug. I5. Sept. 9, at twelve o'clock, rat tho Bankrapt's Courn. Solicitor, Mr. Church, Spitai-square; official aseignee, Mr. Belcher. Thomas ...


... LEEDS WOOLLEN MARKETS.-Although there is no improvement to be noticed in the demand for manu- fnetured goods, at the Cloth Halls, there is, never- theless, more business doing in the warehouses, par- .icularly amongst the finer descriptions of goods, in which there is much more doing. A better feeling exists amongst most classes of mercantile men, and we may hope, with the blessings of a ...

Bankrupts, &c

... Wanbptoi, &c. H ?? F From the London Gazelle of Friday, A ug. 12. e a BANKRJUP1TS. e George Garden Nicol, late of Batavia, in the Island . of Java, in the East Indies, but now of 17, Adam- s. etreet, Adelphi, London, merchant, Aug 23, at two, D and Sept. 23, at twelve, at the Bankrupts' Court. Mr. a Belcher, official assignee; Solicitors, Messrs. Simpson e and Cobb, 11, Austin-friars. Joseph ...


... LEEDS WOOLLEN MAIanETs.-Although there is no improvement to be noticed in the demand for manu- factured goods, at the Cloth Halls, there is, never- theless, more business doing in the warehouses, par. ticularly amongst the finer descriptions of goods, in which there is much more doing. A better feeling exists amongst most elasses of mercatile men, and we may hove, with the blessings of a ...


... LEEDS CORN MARKET, AUGUST 2.-There is a large supply of Wheat to this day's market. Fine fresh qualities have been very dull. and 49. per quarter lower, in the secondary qualities there is very little doing. Oats a half-penny per stone lower. Beans very dull sale. There were a few showers of rain up to Friday-since very fine. THE AVERAGE PRICES OF WHEAT FOn THE WEEE ENDING AUO. 2, 1802. Wheat. ...

Bankrupts, &c

... ma~ntptp, a. From te Licfdoos Gazettc of F idartc, Aitv19- BANKI1UPS. Walter George Dodds, of Howford-buildingsO Fen- church-streett, Cty merchant, August: 29y at balf-past one, and September 30, at eleven, at: the C Gurt of Bankruptcy. Mr; Belher, efficial assignee; and Messrs. Turner end lensman, solicltors, Basing-lane. F-ancols Gautier, now or late of, Gauldd-npare, Crutchad-friars, City, ...

Local and General Intelligence

... I %ocaT avo renteral GEnteller. LEZEDS.-LEEDS AND SELBY RAILWAY COM-a PANY.-On Saturday last, at noon, the annual meet- ing of this Railway Company was held at Soarbo- i rough's Hotel, Leeds, John Gott, Esq. in the chair.tI The proceedings, owing to the railway being let at a s certain fixed rent to the York and lorth Midland 6 Railway Company, were of a very uninteresting character. It was ...