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Bristol, Bristol, England

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... J?Octrpv. - THE IMPOTENT MAN HEiALED. Benslon Bethesda's sacred pool A ivretehed man despairing lay, Poor victim he of pain and dool, Afflictionas sad and helpless prey; And lie had lain there many a day, With no kind friend to aid or save, Through clamorous crowds enforce his WVay, And plunge him ill the healing Scave. For duly heavell.commission'd there Health's own bright heoldng angel ...

The Fine Arts

... zte efne alto. EXZBi3TXON 0P.&fl'PINTINGS BY THE OLD MASBTERS. The works of Murill occupy a prominent station in the pre- sent collection. The largest, and what will generally be termed the two principal, pictures by this master are, 1 The Adoration of the Shepherds, and Abraham and the Angels, or the Pro- n ise of tile Covenant, both of which finoe oibjects are impres- sively, if not ...


... 1ITER.ARIC VAUXETZTS. That man strangely mistakes the manner of spirit he is of, who knows not that peaceableness, and gentleness, and mercy, as wvell its purity, are inseparable characteristics of the wisdom that is from above; and that Chriatian charity ought never to be sacrified even for the promotion ofevangelical ?? olant. SCIENTIFic JAnGooN.-A cook would be surprised, even in these ...


... Plloetry. - i SEPTEMBER.-BY THt AUTHOR OF REGULUS.' WeAVE Us a thousand dahlias into one. Bold the device, and rare its radiance be, Serve us a banquet, long before tihe sun Go down, in molten rainbows to the sea. Velvet the lawn of fountains ?? 't is spread, Sweet with cleinatis every near alcove, And let September's horn of plenty sied Its choicest stores, to music fronm the grove. Pine ...


... TLxwmAzy VA.RZBE'S. SuernE.-Suicide is unknown in Western Australia. Tbe natives are believed to have no idea that such a thing as a person putting an end to his own life could ever occur. When- ever Governor Grey interrogated them on this point, they in- variably laughed at him, and treated his question as a joke I Idiots are rare amongst the people, and mad persons are unknown. E FFECTS OF ...


... MIZTERArY VARIETIES. A BTrTrPa FEAST Ir9 THE EAST.-On another eccasion I was invited to a village feast, some two or three miles from the city, and found a large concourse of people assombled. The esotertainment consisted of rice and roeghan; but it was so bitter that I was obliged to declare I could not eat it. Saleh Mahomed, who was with me, instructed me that the unpalatable taste had been ...


... ?? 71.EIiJEIE. WAs.Z Our Leather Fair commenced on Tuesday, the 6th inst. E SOLE LEATHxER.-There has been a large supply of heavy and middle weight butts, on which, generally, lower prices have been submitted to, but on those of extra substance there has been a fair demand. Light butts, of from 201b. to 241b. have been in good request, and sold freely at our quotations. DassImNG LEATHIaL.-Best ...


... kottr), SONNET WRITTEN IN AN ALBUM. IN dull oblivion should the names e'er dwell Of those whom thou hast loved unues that here stand Reveal'd, and traced by Frienldship's own fond haod,- Open this register, and let it tell The tile of other days, and friends belrved* 0, let it tell thee of full many an hour Of peace and pleasure, whoen the blessed power Of hope and loye thy youthful bosom ...


... J--otE1, AN AUTUMNAL TMOUGHT. TE flowers may ?? tree3 may 6s1ed Their witlier'd foliogo edry and dead,- Anti Joy may wving Its flight away, Alid coctilest treastures know deca: This little page, that soft reveals Tihe liodest thoughts a2fectiol feels,- This fair meoomoriat of tbe past iary yield to roli's poever at last; The faithful hnood that wurtoly writes- The heart thl:t cals fooead word ...

The Fine Arts

... Zoe eille AM+ Eznz4Tzow 0or PICTU1R.ES n3Y THE OLD 1WASTEP. In our concluding remarks last week, we briefly adverted to the advantages which might result to the youthful artist by a careful study of the portrait of Titialn's Secretary (No. 6t), by the greatest colosrist of a school famous far its excellence in this depolrrtment-the Veouetiani. Titian has, perhaps, never been quite equalled ...

The Fine Arts

... I TI)e attic AM. SMC>2BSNi9W OgT;2:£O, TI'l:E FALL 01! I3t (IYLON woas produaced at Norwich Fcstival on'hllursday. TI'he bo ull onsisted ofo r0) pcl'iortl'rI. 'I'he cbi ((11s colmlprised '21 Voices, diviided i1tO S0 trebIes, 51 altos, 01 tellOrs, and 74 basses : tile ?? performers were lid in unl o- ber-4' Violilo, 20 violals 10 eviololcello, 10 double'basses, wvith ;0 (l1e pr:oportionl of ...

The Fine Arts

... ON Sille Arto. 1XHIBITI0NT or 0 P1'PCThESs BY THX OLi) MASTERS. The bustle and business of this w worling day world have, for the last few sleeks, so completely absorbed our time and space as to have rendered impossible it notice of the exhiibitioln at present open in Piark-strect. The trials of criminals are, howvever, at length over: the ' civil uncivil business has ceased, directors ...