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Morning Chronicle


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Morning Chronicle


... COVENT-GARDEN THBATRE. The English version of ROSSINI'S Sellfeanmide, with Miss Ki murat.t as the heroine, und the first appearance of Mrs. AL.FRESD SHAW o01 tho English stage, after her successes in Germauy and Italy, drew an overflowing audience to this theatre onl Saturday evening. For our part, we expeeted brilliant displays of individual talent, and were not disappointed; and, as we did ...


... LIT13A TURE. Narratiree of RJ cid&ce in Various Patrts qj'Ae, Zee IVl tngetlher rttih a Descripliot qf thle i eesri Stet0 v' K Coispaeny'8 S5ettlevients. Bp CiiHARiES ilnlp~r Drafitsonaan to th IVe Ne Zcaland Company. I , [Smith, Elder, snr Cp This is a little book intended to set off to tilebet , vantage the settlements the New Zealnud trnpslny, aj, b induce as many good substantial people as ...


... PUBLI C AMS12SiUENTS. llOYALPOLYTECINIC INSTITUTION, ex- i ved to Civstdo i- aare.-Exellent t peckiirni of Maoeirnc ry, ouit conmp Icted, arid oft work by bteamp rower, in thi ad lt of M anou- tactures, inctua inz Nwapier' Patent Prrrfn; Machiie Aiisligs'1 I trjt lifrick .,w1 Tilc-lio~ing Machitot Tajlor lPatent Solid- healed Pit'-yrtiking MSachine, &rc. The Weekly List of popular LectIsrer ...


... i U9IC'v. X Al NWttEe'S 3t[eil V '! TieCq, (sd 1S;iiqmng Circalar. loi ilnd, for a itaniber of years, possessed one of the best an1d most distinguMiNhd musieal journals ira Europe, thl Ha~troieadsst Its reputed editor was a gentleman emieNt tor his learning as a mualiciau, as well its for his attainments as a IN al of letters ; and the variety of sources from whence its naterials were drawn ...


... TIHATINROYA; DRURy LANE. This theatre opened on Saturday ni:hta ith er ini cation ot increasing interest in the great experiment, pastoraby itsylemspehoornthe revival of a national drama. to heriing by itshese ra for ts otlieIfo b Every part of tle house was at once filled to overflowing. The audience seemed in a state of excitement which, one would hope, mit es sometheing wOre than mere ...


... DRUR? Y-LANE' 'IILATRE. Ilatt night, sifter. the trlagedy of' Marino DEahero, at new vasIdville comedy wast produiced, under thle promisinig title W of k ol~sl/ire ol'a .V/jgs. It is it sprig~ely little pI rece of id veniture and intripiut-the sotelsa Paris, thi date the gal- I ant days of Lou is X 1 V., whicht was carried merrily thirough two cseslher louu acts, by the aid of' Mr. aind Mrs. ...


... rpUB. IC AMUSRAIIBNTWS. ROYALt ADEAIlt tALLe'Y 9p'otttVi 'rt. flt l~at ite at t. Pete's, at Interi0Cor of te r a oi o f Ciariolt. l oit at Jettt.Ilt-;ru the ftte after D. iotrte, RiA. tegetid bv tlvi a' V~ierc.stDis Tie Orrry Dirint eTc duilyr &E.h iothoe BC'toier-aar.. I' bttare. ohori, te . rnae ratftadto a ROYAL ADELAIDE GALLERY, Lowther atgtetrj. ~traad, oceudolly o .teverynt tive ...


... PUBLIC AMiUSBZI EBN'S. ROYAL ADELAIDE GALLERY, Lowther- ireade. - rrod, otly dally fron Eleveln to Bive, aed froin a Querter to Sevelr to lOlR. )st Tell o'clock every eveli -.-firand Promrrena de ecaicert, V al 114 . llitrurnct tel, every foe irtg.-trl,,tIlO 'or tile and tlo nlorrw ev vllin lrctlnvcen's Overtares. Fidhelilh and Prone- thins 10si ii 'Ind MA ugrd'n Quaiilee S truir i Waltee, &c. ...


... OL l .11 PI C' 211L:4 1 RE. Ti(, Sq asoo comincitced here last night with a d ramna, pro- e ti be wiliuded upon Sir 1.. L. Bulvwer'e itovel called ubt ess(nutially pvrtainiun; to that class we could i';i! iIto see banished fom the stage, aid known as the .J 14 sh/p/ arid behool. Ve are literally sick of seeing the ullts *,t tbieves, and the foul debauchery of flash houses '*rgged upon the ...


... PUBLIC AMUSEAJENTS. ROYAL ADELAIDE GALLERY, Lowther. afcitde, tragd, open dally fronit Eleventc Fire, andefroma Qurrtort9 8evect to Hall-poet Ten o'clock every eveninx-Grand Proaeona-le IGocert, Vocal dlld listrumnntal, every everinig.-Belections ofr thie asil to-miorrowuvonintz: Overtures. Italia in Algieri, and larbiere C hjvl, ; llobioes ant Maird's QIlatlrilleg * Blsirio'e Waltzee. &c.c r ...


... PUBLIC AMUSJME NTS. ROYALPOLYTECHNIC INSTITUTION, ex- to-ned Into Cavutndi tis, Ioere.rncelItnt y oriters of Machinery. Just completed, and tit work b in ttl Hall of Manu- raeioreo~~iactudln. H aelern's' JfaelIureRq, includin4Z Nalier's Patriut Prni Machine, Ains~lie PatetliikdTtnik. aiieTYrj tnPatent SozId-lheaded enirik Til e-nioklog lnhnoTaviurA Pip-niahIng Machioe, &e. The Weeikly List of ...


... rUBLIC AMUSEA11.6XNI'S. RtOYA ! POLYTECII NIC INSTITUTION.- Tihe Coln E' I;;crical Maila cvxi ribitiug thd varied adug bearitifot 'rareironx~ of i-.etrir ILrht. tiov Aerralloraliail, &c. er,, is 81awnI daily at Th voo'clck, arid at Ecght ii tre Evenings. Three exe-Iltnt Sp'eckui IrI. of Mocihinery hiriv, oast 1,;n toinpltriwi vrid trro niow at work be tcaar p',,,,,;r. iIli r' lritnof Cn ...