Advertisements & Notices

... Public Notc0 /HULL AND SCULCOATES DISPENSARY. A A' a Committee Meeting held this day to A receive the Resignation of Mr. CORTIS, the Di s- enser, the ELECTION of his Successor was fixed for Se WEDNESDAY, the 19th October. To enable the Com. CR1 mittee to judge of the eligibility of the Candidates, they Ii Ire required to send their testimonials to the Dispensary, Ra on or before Saturday, the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... aJuditc XOtitE0.i J 6, Gouglz-SqUar, London, '25th October, 1842. FEE FARM RENTS, due to the HEIRS of JOIN TEmL rEsT, Esq., Right Hon. Earl SomrEls, Rev. T. R. JOLLIFFE, GOBe. GOSaING, Esq., and others, at Michaelmas, 1842. OTICE is hereby given, that an AUDIT N will be held at the BEVERLEY ARMS INN, BEvEn- LEY, on TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY, the 1st and 2d days of November next, for the receipt of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... RUSS'AI STEEL IRON, C C N D. JHE undersigned having, been appointed SOle I T AGENTS for the MESSRS. DE DEMIDOFF, in England, the above Mnrk of Iron can only be obtained Re through them at 18, H I G H.STREET, HULL, AI 29, AUSTIN FnAns, LONDON.AllD At LzvERPOOL, they have appointed Messrs. C nRer and Arr TELO; and at BlmSTOL, Messrs. P. MAzE and SONS, their SO Agents. The undersigned ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - -/FURS. RRElDUCTION O.F D-UTY! M~/ ESSRS. LAWSON & CO., Fun MANUFACTURERS, in announcing their REMOVAL from 18, c ,ARE STREET, to 26, COLLEGE-GREEN, the Premises formerly occupied by Messrs. GofF and Co., re invite the attentio of their Friends and the Public to their Newly.nsanifactured STOCK, which they are ntit o s TflE LFAROEST AND oST HAIONABLE THAT HAS EVER BEEN OFERr.En IN THIS ClTY, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... STARE ASSEMfBLY ROOMr, OXFORtD. MIR. MAi~RSHA.2LL ]3EG S to inform the Nob~ilit y, GCDntry, and Inhab~itanlts oft tbe ILniversitv naid (ity of Oxford, that hsis ANN'UAL Bl N~l'I'r CON(SIlltT will talho place (by the h~ind permission of the Reverenld tbe V'ice-Chancetior anud the W~orshipful the M71ayor) at thse above Boom, on TUESDAY, NOVEMiBER I, 1842, for wvhichl thc followving emineont Art ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I q ASK FOR THE ENGLISH CHARTIST v CIRCULAR! PRICE ONE HALFPENNY. a CONTENTS of Part Eight, Price sixpence:- n U O'Connor's Letters on the Land-Sketches ef the ri French Revolution by Pro Chartist-Speech of Pat Henry, the Orator of American Independence- e Horrors of Transportation-Spy System and Blood Money-Lecture, by W. Jones, (lately confined in l Leicester Gaol)-What is Blasphemy 2-An ...

Advertisements & Notices

... of lReceiver of Police, Town HAl chester, 50th September, 142. LL Persons having CLAIMS e, as 1-RLeceiver of Police, for SU PPLItESX el Police~ cbrcis dharae requested to send in th artiosslars of 5sr'h ictaj,is ini,7sedioiteli, in order that they mtay be ex- 3nijedi raidfPJXO. THORPE, Receiver of Police. WLTTSH ENTER- ff &!NINHIS G (Satur- (;ctober, at the Theatre Aihenmum, Mr 4svt--O N-sill ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE Several SUMS of £3,000,',600, . £2,000, and £1,500, and other sr~er Sums toI be LENT on Mortgasge. Several oft siumS are trust money.-Also, WANTED to p HASE Good CHIEF REN TS.-Apply to Me 46rsCASSON and WITHINGTON, solicitors, Brown-street. ANTED, by a Chemist and Druggist, T in as old-established concern, a respectable and well-educated YOUTH, as an APPRENTICE. He will in every respect be ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Kopper's TideTables (Tab&ed) JUST PUBLISHED AT TILE CoLAio. O And may be had of Norri &. s London, and of tlhc -bookselClj TIowns thr elou ?? l TOW 11S t 1o~t~l2t;t tile 1\tall1 )I.'*I, 1NEV ASTRO ?? T D A1E-T L'A 9 l EllewIng atSigiE THIE TIM]D OFF0 AND DEPTH OF XVWApT BARS OF SiIIELDS AN T U' For the ANe SUM W I 11 A TA EL Showing how to find, B s High Water at all the npee'i)aI Y tl c: ...

Advertisements & Notices

... n I ADVERTISEMENTS. LECTURES. MR3 ES. MARTIN lectures every Friday evening, at the ASS EMB BLY ROOMS, No. 8, The-sbald's Road, Red Lion Square, Holborn, at Eight o'clsck. The object of these Lectures is to pourtray the merits of the POP0LAR PREACHERS, SOCIETI]S, and SECTS of the Metropolis. Also on SUNDAY evenittgs, at Half past Seven, upon various subjects, connected with the general ...

Advertisements & Notices

... To THSE te g ar . IBflrgesses of st. reter's Warol. ~''1ETLEME,XA vacancY having occurred in the kX representation of your jWard, I aebenta reueste by a ntumber of the most respectable and InfluenilBr gesses to allow myself to be put in5nomnination. In responding to the call, I beg to say, that should it be your pleasure to elect se, it shall be dY endeavour to act upon all occasionls for the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ORBOMBAY, with leave to touch at the Cape di I jltaio, at1 In, P.iet wit h a talk dlrraIIt-h, the Anrs tatW * la-itl-Itlt ibhil SAMUEFL ItIINOTON. r070 toil, ,I I ala- voppr-fnlaattadt, N oA t) Na ' KS, Cta tIe It, i.Fa Intd at Efinn'at Da. -asa reta Drlor a, fl,, tan AaCT hiaaantt a poo an, h sax ootaixInhes - i d o~ cill carry et a e'rAna burga'ia1aa 4 ita tathatCoaaaaazdaronbarda, ...