
... THE LADIES' HAND BOOK OF KNITTING, INETfING, AND CRO'L'(CHET, containing plain o:rections by which to become proficient' in these brariclie. of utefial and ornamental em- p'oyment. By the author of TORE LADIES' fA.ND BocK oi FANCY NEEDLEWORR AND ElnitOIDEtING. London: Hi. G. Clarke and Co., 66', old Bailey, 1842. This little matal is a wverthy successor to its companion,the Ladics' Hand ...


... LIT13A TURE. Narratiree of RJ cid&ce in Various Patrts qj'Ae, Zee IVl tngetlher rttih a Descripliot qf thle i eesri Stet0 v' K Coispaeny'8 S5ettlevients. Bp CiiHARiES ilnlp~r Drafitsonaan to th IVe Ne Zcaland Company. I , [Smith, Elder, snr Cp This is a little book intended to set off to tilebet , vantage the settlements the New Zealnud trnpslny, aj, b induce as many good substantial people as ...


... tovtr . AN INVOCATION TO THE SPIRIT OF HOLBERRY. IHail ! mighty spirit of t ho dead! 0 fill each tyrant heart with dread, And freedom's sons inspire; That they may gain the glorious cause For which thou fell'st to class-made laws, A sacrifice so dire. Tho' burst thy chains, thou'et not forgot, The proud man's scorn-the poor man's lot. Freedom thine eye once fired ! Injustice quail'd before thy ...


... j==ttjJ. SONNET. Zt,-be Itlly comforter when thou wert saIV,- To chosie the nanguill from thy hveely eye.3 To hush to silence aill thy bosol's sigSn, Again to ma ic thiy pensirn spirit g nld, And call back all thy reI siniles-O, tills g still have deem'd a pririlege aind bl 1s Yet happier have I becell if an tile hour When the world vanih'd. ind thle still ?? power Of all things colt aol lo- ...


... Abhotesford Editiotn.-We congratulate alike thepublish- er and the public upon the appearance of Nos. 1 to 10, inclusive, of the Pictorial Waverley-a work abound- ing in the most exquisite engravings upon steel and wood, of the most reiparkable and interesting localities and per- sonages in the Waverley novels. This edition of the works of Sir Walter Scott will comprise upwards of two ...

Literary Notice

... I I iterarm Notice. 1iaaI1AM LANGSIXAWVE, THE COTToN LoRD. By Mrs. STONE. London: Bentley. $ It is not a little extraordinary that with the ever- $ gowing demand of the circulatinig libraries for food, t and the growing perplexity of authors to discover t nelv pmastures to feed on, the fertile field which the manufacturing districts and their many-hued po- pulationl offer to the pen o1 the ...


... VISITS TO THE MUSEUM OF NATURAL I HISTORY, &c. No. IL. X We resume our remarks upon a few of the more interestiug specimens in the collection, and shall now ] complete our notice of those in the department of t Upon one of the tables will be found an interesting c relic, probably the only one, of the great plague which visited this part of Englaud in the year 1634. Several cases occurred in ...


... THIE LITERARY EXAMINER. Russia and the Russians. By J. G. Kohl. Vol. 1. St Petersburg. Colburn. Mr Kohl's sketches have been compared to those of the Daguerrotype. As lively and minute they certainly are, and present every evidence of extra- ordinary and passionless correctness. The writer himselfis less seen thanin any similarbook weknow. He never intrudes an overwrought enthusiasm, a ...


... The Guildry of Dundee have conferred the freedom of 'the city on the Marquis of Breadalbane, as a public acknowc. Iedgment of the princely and magnificent manner in which his Lordship received and entertained her Majesty and her Itoyal Consort on the occasion of their late visit. The Great Western Railway Company have made arrange. mnits for a cheap excursion front Bristol to London and back. ...


... - . - . ?? (By the Autbior of R * egulus, - Teli Cathedral Bell, and other Tragedies.) AUGUST. I The searlet poppies skirt the ripening corn; Tho zephyrs wave its masses like tho sea; The tinty rustic sallies, with the dawn, To keep, from pilfering birds, the produce free. The Sun's own flower, its orilanib display'd, Turns with the Day-god's triumph through the spheres; The Lady's bower, ...


... 6 IP(D I.amxo -- 11 ORIGINAL AND SELECTED. THE CONFESSION. There's somewhat on my breast, father, There's somewhat on my breast; The livelong day I sigh, father, At night I cannot rest. I cannot take my rest, father, Though I would fain do so; A weary weight oppresseth me, This weary weight of wo. 'Tic not the lack of gold, father, Nor lack of worldly gear; My lands are fair and broad to see, ...


... V F ASSH1O6N ?? VARIETIES. - 4I . WIXDSOIa, WEDNESDAY. Her- Mlajesty and His Royal Hiiglness Prince Albert toek thoir accustomed early walk in the royal pleasure greunds this morning. Her Royal Highness the Duchess of Cambridge, Prince George, and the Princesses Augusta and Mary of Cam. bridge, have also taken their departure, as well as the fel. lowing illustrious personages :-His Royal ...