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... CTERDAY. I The Ririht Hon thie Lord Mayor and ?? assessors too eats in the Nisi Prius Court yesterday, at the usual hour, ant proceededI with the revision, of the burgess list of the Castle ward, wvhich tley comnpleted withina brief period. At die close of the rocisioli the members on both sides wero q follow S:-~Lihefills admitted, 216 ; Tories admitted, 144; over, which, if admitted, will ...


... | ASSAULT BY THE EARL OF EiRROL. PnI rcsqn (b {a A TL.. -_ I OrronnTsourts, OiCr. 4.-The Earl of Errol appeared this 0 morning before the mayor and a bench of mnagistrates, to answer a summons preferred against his lordship for striking a police-constable who was stationed at tile King's Rooms, t on the night of the ball given by the officers of the 16th if regiment, on the occasion of the ...


... I DUBLIN POLICE.-YESTERDAY. CO Lr LOOOG tE ?? int l A gontlenn m raiued Parker, who is igagegd in the lea- ther trade, appeared at this otlioe yestel lay, to prnefer a charge oflarcellny agaiist ayoulng laed ?? KillinghIy Tlc p isoilel, it appeared, lad been thic all pprentice of the prose- cutor, and the charge against him was, that he had pumrluired leather to the vale of Oi. tid. The ...


... I DUBLIN POLICE-YESTERDAY. I .HEAD OFFiCC. EXTRAOILDINAtT CASE-A CLAIMANT FoRi TIE PEER- e ACE AN ALLEGED CONVICT.-On this day Robert Lindsay Crawford was brought up for final examination, on the s charge that he being a felon, convicted of horse stealing in d the year 1826, against whom judgment of death had been recorded, and which had been commuted to transportation 0 for life, had returned ...


... INSOLVENT DEBTORS' COURT-SATURDAY.I (Before Mr. Commissioner Farrell.) This court resumed its sittings after the long vacation on Saturday. There were nine cases on the list for hearing, in seven of which opposition had been entered. John Walsh, an insolvent, was discharged without oppo- sition. Thomas Richardson, an insolvent, and lately a partner at Clondalkin, in the county of Dublin, was ...


... THE ARREST OF AIR. FEARGUS o'Co-\ AND THIRTEEN OTHER CHARTISTS In another cohumn, says the Observer, will be fouarj all account of the arrest and examination of Ir. Feargu O'Connor at the Hlome Office, on a charge of sedition It will also be seen that thirteen other Chartists, ten at AIla. chester, twvo at Leeds, and one at another place, have been apprehend(d. We have obtained some additional ...


... DUBLIN POLICE-YiSTERDAY. I I IllAD OFPICE. UryrncENcS1n Fiar-AvrCIs-Mir. Henry G. Curran np- peared ol tire part of Inispector O'Connor, wyho charged aal Englishiman named Westropp with imbporting fire.arins into this country without license. It appeared from the evidence of a man named Kavanagh, and on th;it of tie in- spector, that they got two guns at Mir. Westropp's lodgings, in Dlame ...


... COURT OF BANKRUPTCY-SATunrAY. I (Before Commissioner Macan.) Tn the matter of Stephen Dwyer, late of the town of Cashel, bankrupt, there was a meeting for the purpose of re-opening the final examination which had been adjourned sine die on the I5thl instant. The bankrupt, who was brought up in custody from Newgate, was put into the box, and being examined by Mr. Fitzgibbon, Q.C., deposed, that ...


... ANTRIM, 18TH OCTOBER, 1842. I31POITANT TITHE CASE-TIHE PARISHES OF DONEGORE AND EILBRIDE. Right Hon. the Attorney-General v. Janies Agnew. This case excited very great interest, as upwards of fifty others depended upon the decision. It may he re. collected, that, at tile last Belfast Quarter Sessions, sixty similar cases were dismissed, with costs. Mr N. J. O'Neill, Sessional Crown Solicitor, ...


... | DUBULN POLI CE-H EA D-OFFICE-SATURDAY. I MELANCHOLY EFFECTS OF SEDUCTION.-A case of a very unusual nature in this city was investigated by the magistrates of the above office yesterday. John Bond and Jane Reid were charged with attempting to procure the abortion of a child, of which the [alter was Pregnant. The male prisoner is a tall middle-aged man; he appeared to be an Englishman in ...


... X NPOLIN E.. Al' HIEAD OFFICE. ATTE113T AT RoisnERY.-Two females, named Mlary bury as Bsligaret Kavanagh, were charged by Eliza McCarthy, a woraln residingat Kilmainham,wvithinn assault The emptlailnt t ntamed that she was wvalking in company ith lttle girl, nmed Maryanne Burke, and a child, vsi ed Atees 'Thonlson, near Old Kilmaitiham, between nine sod ten o'clock on the preceding evening, ...


... I PREROGATIVE COURT-yrSTERDAY, ; (Bleforothe Right lion. Judge Itadeliff.) s Ellen Byrne, Pelict of' A ?? Byeon ]rW, o altrses If ?? Drall IrIi T'1'ereSa Fe/nnll, bipuilplUts. e TiLs case, which came before the court, on the apllisatiors of the promovanit for letters of adlministration to her late ,husbalnd, had been adjurnred to yesterday, for the pumpose of giving her an opportunity to file ...