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Flintshire Quarter Sessions

... o Tlhese Sessions commenced ?? last, beforc the Ioin. Lloyd Kcnyoll, Chairman, aiid thc following l magistrates -Lord Kenyon, C. J. e W1rD D Dundlas, 6. B. T. Roper, F. C. Phillips, 1 Esqeuircs, aid the Rev. C. n3. Clough. le 17illinao Coiplftand against Joseph Daciv Roberts, fur assaulting a policeilian in the execution of his c duty. D This case excited considerable interest, par- Le ...

Anglesey Quarter sessions

... Anglesey Qaarter Sessions. On Tuesday last, the Sessions for the lMichael- nissquarter were Isels din the SIiri-:ial , Ieaurnlaris, before John Williamis, Esq. Chairminm, and WmI. : !Bulkeley Hughes, Esq. M.P. Lord Vivian qualified as a Magistrate for the County. Tue following yeomlen answered to their niamies to scrve on thec granid inqucst MIr. Robert Lewis, G arlnenmecn, Foremllia . Mr. ...

Denbighshire Quarter Sessions

... IC These Sessions wore hold on Tuesday last, at it the County Hall, Denbigh, before Johnl leaton, a Esq., and a ?? benclh ofinadgistrates. Inaddres- sing the Grand Jury, the Chairamn expressed his ig satisfiaction at sceing so large, a body of them pro- sent, and very elallorlltcly called their attenition v to the recent Act of Parlimient respecting the ap- pointrinent of parocihial ...

Carnarnonshire Quarter Sessions

... ~e The Quarter Sessions for the County of Carnar- ot Leyen were held in the Shsirehiall, onl the morning of to Thursday last, before Con. Sir Love Parry, Chair- ic at, man, and.. the following magistrates Right l-1on. E in Lord Newborough, Ifon. Con]. Douglas Pennant. ci I C ,jC, in. Bulk~eley Hughes, Esip, M.V., John ii ~c Rowlands, Esq., P'lastirion ;the Very 1'ey, the Ir Dean of aloogor, ...


... cONSTI'I'I'I).IT, I i'll IJ)()3I AS 1)IS'1rx- GUISIII.]J) I',Iu\ I)DEHOCLAT'iC'IC 1,E. 'TiOIUSI ,SS. Tlhe Charge of~lefbit lusftier''iiildai, at the opelt- ing of thle C;ommissiono speciailty appointed for thle trial of the itatlordshire iom-r, has excited great attention anti c.-tiled lurth, so fiar ats we have SentJ, universal apprlobation. We stibjuiti a nofice Iii Some of iUS iout Striking ...


... CORIZECITIONAL POLICE. TI ii Jl IAoI-s 1 II-s IeA) IXD 1111: XIU.N ( I Po1. A 1ictilin of' jenolhsyv appeared belbrc the tri- I'Zil al:l inl ti le pen(l >, ola couni itryo 'genit! lelliall nall' tio. tl ui.lwor a 'loage of' ?? prte'lrredl w'lieiS hii hv t veolith, -whilose thrv+d (1li iziililitioll 11 lA ?? Ootli lhilll.ta('!anud tilc (Itel~Il~liit ilito ?? we31icl it was tilt'provillce ...


... WiFE MU1IE''R ANT'D SUICIDE. 'J'he vicinity of' I'eQi'inidsey Old Church was IC cIal',' hioIII onl Moidii IJiuch shocked by a tragical occurel wic. ti lii Is took pi1cc hil OSIIOIId's S. lulildillbs, BCJrDRiidsC ) Ne ?? labourilng i a 111Wlil halin-' 11ii1de ld hi., Wile by ?? her i5 thrat withi a ro, alti theln laid violent alids iO pin hiniase'l TIhie name of' the wretchei mian 3 as ,T; sti ...


... LIVERP'OOL. SECOND OUT~iltK G1' Tll' FI'lt. ON 3N'l)AY MIGhtT. On Monday night, shot tic before ten o'clock, a lice ain broke oitt within the, area beufore noticed, ill pres that wvere tioughit to bo quite sailfe after dusk. it wais lirst di.scovured by at boy, who ?? it to lusqeotor AMoore l he hlome- diatel I' made it knlownil to Mr. Whlitty, who fortu- ?? -was just then umaking In touir of ...


... TIJ LATE EXTRAORDINARY CASE AT BR11ISTOL. t)n Saturday a ?? middle-aged fe- mlailet, dils )rih)ilig h ,rself as the aunt of Mary Ann )1ocisatll thle ?? NvoiillI recenitly married to AtI. W\oolev;the fristol tillmber merchliant, under the extratortfiniliV cireultustalc5s detwiled in the Ch/oroirle, of iluesdl tv, attendedl at Union Hall Police Courit to inwc* some niquirius relative to hler ...