... ?? R~tzlrdev ].tf Id I I4u o1in. Ad DE.ATH FROM A FALL.-On Saturday last, an inquir took place as Into the eircumstances which led to the death oat Villiam Jen- it kins, late mate of the barque Actcon. It appeared that, about is three weeks ag-,, the deceased was walking between decks, whea is his foot stipped and he fell into the hold and inflicted a severe d wound on his head. He bound a ...


... CCOURIT OF QUEEN'S 1BlENCIT-YES1EFIuYx. I TIlE 11U111GESS ROLL. lIti* lrall(hiS JoIll NValier moved the court, ol the part of Joshilua Pl ote Cona ay, for a nil Il ii. ordelinig that the lialme of .1. it. Bxter 6lihoul he sat rock fieeil ofr the burgoess roll of t ho borough of D ublini, he not having a legal title lo tippear thereon. Couimel moved ulpoll the affidavits of the relator, a ...


... LAW EXCIIEQUER-YESTERDAY. I - . .- . - . . . . I . .. Assiryne vf' Iferessy, of' Cork a Bankrupt, against the Caledlniaul IrssuraeGce Company. S'uge v. Same. Mr. J. D. Fitzgerald apiplicd, onl bolialf of the plaintiff, that the service of writs in these causes be deemed good service. From tie affidavits it appeared that the attorney for the p1liitiff, on the ?? of Jule last, informed the ...


... LAW 1A'TELLIGBENCE-FRID&Y. COURT OF CHANCERY. ANDERSON V. WALLIS. The Lord Chancellor gave judgment in this matter, which was argued before the vacation. The bill was filed by Mrs. Hannah Anderson on the partofherself endthe intfant children of the defendant Mrs. Wallis, and it prayed payment of ala nnuity of *L& bequeathed to her by her brother, and also that the executors might be compelled ...


... GUILDHALL. On Thursday, Mr. Warwick, of Cheapside, Mr. Morley, of Wood- street, and a number of hosiers and others, against whom bills were recently filed in Chancery for an infringement of the Caoutchouc Company's patent, again attended before Sir Peter Laurie. Mr. Warwick said he had the pleasure of attending there to meet several gentlemen whom he did not know personally, but who were known ...


... INQUEST BEFORE P. F. CURRY, E86, If furiampt DitatI-On Tnesidlgy lat. an the body of EiRlzheth = iLinden. en aged female, who f-r n longt time bediben troubled ~e wlth asare coiugh. Ont Saturday- evenintither cough became , wvotte. Md a l~ little ?? Was drninistered lit relieve her, I. - T~tshot die a OD tndasy eirning. 'he surgeon who examined tihe body sfter dte th, said be fi und no} ...


... TheYe sessions commenced y esterday week and termi- tnated on Monday last. The following is a list of the . prioners,, with the result of their respectivc trials:- George loenman,2t0. antd DominickWelsl, 18, forstealing three silk handkerchiefs, the property of Betty Oaks, at Warrington_ Penman six months, Welsh one movith. Nancy TNylor, 41, for stealing a tub, the pit p trty of Robert Mather, ...


... -- - ?? - I -- ?? CEN J ?? ?? C:I'Di I NAL CGURT. Nl* NIAy. Oict. iii 0 (Br/bbre Mr. Jusiree 11 skiOC e TrE. C.\SF r i ALICE LONNE,. Alice owae-, describud in the cleden tar ats a spioster, ageil 19, was indit~cld for sts-altsc! tee gulet boexs, onle b~ watchts ick ansidp slatint, ?? rriliatnileS, k&c, the pVU . pertv of Lord 11:arhf itrt, in his awc lung-house. Is Mr. Adolphuas detfeasenid lt ...


... (From the London Gazettc of Friday. ) Whereas by a statute, made at the Parliament holden in the bth and 6th years of the reign of Her present Majesty, entitled, ,An Act for the Amendment of the Law of Bankruptcy, it was enacted, amongst other things, that it should be lawful for Her Majesty, after the passing of that act, by a commission or commissions under the Great Seal, to appoint as ...


... LA.4 INTEB,!MJGHCE-THURSDAY. COVRT Or PTANXCERY. The Lord Chanic llor mit this lnlliart;g tit Westminster. lHERtRlINi Y. IU.Ollt Ri. 31r. Wo a'kefield Prayed his lordship for judgraentl L tl is latt' r, als it was of !rcat imuportimce to the parties inlte- restesd. nis Lordship said it wais his intention to give judgmnent 1 jD t ht anit severnl other Pases in the course of a few days. several ...


... POLICB INTEBLLIGERNCB-TUESDAY. GUILDITALL. An: elderly man, who gave his name John Corner, was chargted before Mr. Alderman Kelly with confederating with two persons, named Clark and Humner, to defraud several tradesmen. Mr. Swift, a shoe-manufhacturer in Greville-street, list toll-garden, stated that about i fortniialt ago a man named Clark came to his premises aud stated that he was going to ...


... i'OLICB INVTRLLlGBNCTES fAY. MANSION-HOUSE. A man of respectable appearance, na1med Peter A doainson, appealed before Alderman Gibbs on Monday evening, 'it a late hour, charged with having obtained the sum of £200, under false pretences, from a young Scotchinail, named John IHeron. The false pretence was understood to be, that the com- plainant should be a partner in a commercial agency at ...