
... CorudponVeart. ;en. I STATE OF THE STREETS. Cori wo To the EDiTORS of the LI VERPOOL MERCURY. ?? gin, GENTrLEMEN -IQ Yonr publication Of Friday last you very that properly eaiidthe attention of the locial authorities to the filthy an ft exis state or the bock etreets of the town, but it was not in so con. tn spicuusu a part of your paper as the importance of the subject to ladwarranted. Itlsan ...

Published: Friday 30 December 1842
Newspaper: Liverpool Mercury
County: Lancashire, England
Type: Article | Words: 3242 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 

RUMOURS, not entirely without some foundation, of changes in the Ministry, have set the downcast

... ____c ___A I_ 0tt8 HULL, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 30, 1842. 1I RuMOURS not entirely without some foundation, I d ofchanges in the Ministry, have set the downcast , -1Xr- -- - + , IRAQ- +1 - AAI rA +1AA1-n Uv sLI .0 an-' X p, Whigs quite cockahoop, in the hope, though a very d foolish one, that, some screw being loose, they is might, peradventure, profit by the derangement. a it They would be thankful, ...

Published: Friday 30 December 1842
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 2962 | Page: Page 5 | Tags: News 


... I (Fromn 17e Thnes of Honiday.) Our ordinary moonthly express from Marseilles in anticipation of' th e ov erland mail, reached us lant (E night. It brings intelligence from Blombay to the ist of November, and entirely confirms the glokrious 'I newvs brought by the late intermediate mail. The tina proceedings of' thle British armies in the neighibour- oft hood of Ct'abool have been eminently ...

Published: Thursday 08 December 1842
Newspaper: Caledonian Mercury
County: Midlothian, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 7700 | Page: Page 1, 2 | Tags: News 


... The Queen has been ple sed to approve of Mr. James NM-Henry, as Consul at Lontdonderry, for the United States of America.-Her Majesty tha Queen Dowager has presented the Church Building Association of Dorsetshire with the sum of, 501-Lady Peat, widow of the Rev. Sir Robert Peat, chaplain to King George IV died at Bishoupwearmnouth, on Saturday, in her 90th year. l Her eccentricities as Miss ...

Published: Sunday 11 December 1842
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 3450 | Page: Page 11 | Tags: News 


... I FRANCE. Journalsto Tuesday inclusive are chiefly taken e etfeirs of Spain, but contain no new facts beyond lpe ar under the Spanish news. The election of a af the first Arrondissemeit Of the capital, vacant by I a of Genera Jacquetinot to the command of the was to take place on Tuesday. The Genera] sils 1nt self again Iar the suffrages of his fellow.citizelns, ,.ts0Dihg position was ...

Published: Sunday 04 December 1842
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 2334 | Page: Page 7 | Tags: News 


... THIRTY LIVES LOST I S A ROMAN CATHbLIC CHAPEL. We are indebted (says the D ublin Evening Gael) to the politeness of the editor of the Galway Stand. ard for the following particulars of a melancholy catastrophe, resulting in the loss of no less than 30 lives, which occurred in the Roman Catholic chapel of Galway yesterday:- Galway, Dec. 25. Amelancholyaecident occurred in thistowrn this ...

Published: Thursday 29 December 1842
Newspaper: Caledonian Mercury
County: Midlothian, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 1171 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... 'THIE OLD WATR, COrIR'ANY. TO TRoE EDITOR OrF THE C CAL. 5OS.'tN SIETY. Edinburgh, Deceniber 19, IS4. Sia-Tin Mr M1'Iarell', letter ini your opac to- v day, the rassertions of Mr Cadell it rehli(onI to !!b * ?? of matters by prrb1)lir: Itiirdi. ut 1l n. chster, ais ?? with the resuot oif bhe urvrue ment of the samne concerns by private Doard. ii Edinburgh, are rebutted in a manner so :hil mid ...

Published: Thursday 22 December 1842
Newspaper: Caledonian Mercury
County: Midlothian, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 885 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... A discussion is now engaging the attention ot the gentlemen of the medical profession which, though arising out of the proceedings the profession have adopted with regard to the Medical Reform Bill be. lieved to be in the intention of Lord Eliot to propose to parliament, possesses for the whole public that in- terest which they never fail to take in personal conten- tions. We shall endeavour ...

Published: Thursday 29 December 1842
Newspaper: Freeman's Journal
County: Dublin, Republic of Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 1466 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... /- ---CATHOLIC CHURCHI - -e Xavier. Aoostle of the T1dies, I itbefeo s as celebrated in Upper Gardiner-street. ,,,1 lpI W conclutded wsith a solemn benediction of the itlesed p? Cooper ofliciated as high priest, Rev. M. eR1ev. r1 eacon; Rev. C. Fergnson, sub-deacon. ?? ,nope~tlh Lev. Dr. O'Grady, of Westland-row, Ittllg ,yegvrie of the saint, when he eloquently ,cb I't tbe ol~ject of the ...

Published: Saturday 10 December 1842
Newspaper: Freeman's Journal
County: Dublin, Republic of Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 367 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... THHE PROT'ESTANT CHURCH. I, I re nder stand that Dealn Daly, of St. Patrick's, Dublin, be the lewt5 Bishop of Cashel and Waterford ; and the Charles Fleury, formerly of Waterford, is spoken of to Rev t'f St. Patrick's._IWteifurd Mirror. Dhe Pe ay OF Sr. PArHICK's.-Letters remissory, re- ittiog thecase back to the court belowv, have issued from the court of Pelegates. and this day the mandate ...

Published: Wednesday 14 December 1842
Newspaper: Freeman's Journal
County: Dublin, Republic of Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 543 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... I TO THE EDITOR OF Till FREEMAN's JOURNAL. Slit-I have seen by a letter in your journal some time back that there was to be an auction in the Custom-house, consisting of teas seized from the grocers of Dublin by the excise, which circumstance caused at the time some ex- citement in the public mind. The sale, it appears, was postponed, waiting an answer from the Lords of the Trea- sury to a ...

Published: Friday 02 December 1842
Newspaper: Freeman's Journal
County: Dublin, Republic of Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 713 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... Fj IOL - W ?? feei pleasure in calling atten- CATirDfIAL.c-lnndelier recently purchased by the y t to tfbef Tfln, and placed in our cathedral. We a ?? I- at tile original cost of this laugnificent offeringd en stltd tdtd pomids, and that it formerly belonged to r lit ikPatreic], til Dublin Castle. We trunt that the li-I ;ic,~ lsntricila.; oace will incite other. to come forwvard r Jity ° ...

Published: Tuesday 06 December 1842
Newspaper: Freeman's Journal
County: Dublin, Republic of Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 1911 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News