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Morning Chronicle


... DRURY-LANE' TIIEATRE. On Saturday evening SnAstat.IAnl:'S romantic play of to Cyrssoe~iirse Was revived in the purity of its original text at o this theatre. It was a worthy and a bold experiment, for the p]ay is not a strong one, according to the ordinary Ed notions of Stage effects and an ordinary star-mon- to gering manager might never have dreamed how Y much was to be done with it by a ...


... --- LrLTEnRATURE. .,rillQuarterly Revieu', for January, 1843. Tile juiyiQuarterly 1?eview continues to display thle hig uil.,, vitriti ability with which it started uinder its niew ransct . The uiumber before us Is an admirable one Tho ,rt~ artieleis Sonl Schiiler-a subject somewhat worni br. t~r trillD exhiiousted, aind tireated. in this instance with Loril Iretbll('68 iiitll vigeour. It ...


... THIE PRINCESS'S THEA TRE. Another Italian opera doine into Eiiglish, Lucae-t di Lam-. the inet-eoor, thnugh a vile burlesque ef the most exquisitely pathetic Of WALTE R SCOTT'S talles, May be tolerated eci the Italiain stage, because, when we see a set of Italian aellers eeStieffltting atter their own fashion, end hear themn de- claiming in their own tongue, anrd tickling our ears with the ...


... A DELPHI TIhEiTRE. I MMr. YATES made her first public appearance last night since her melancholy bereavement, aud it is scarcely ne- cessary to state, that this estimable lady and highly gifted Yeactress met with the kindest and warmest reception from that audience she has so often delighted. The house was crowded in every part, and immediately Mrs. YATES ap- 4 peared, all present strove to ...


... COVEN'T't- GARMDEN THEATRE'Oh. Why the new comedy produced here last night was calledput lust hers and71aughters, we in all humility profess our- bre selvi aincapable o1 discovering sinless, indeed, the author ma intended the characters of Lady Masr~bld and Esaily~to p be the types of the species in general; in which case w e demur to the postulate that must be admitted. All mo- Ig there are ...


... COVENT-GARDBN THBATRE. The opera of Sciairafide was represented at this theatre last night for the first time since the retirement of Miss ADELAIDE KEMBLE from the stage, and Miss RAIN- FORTH has achieved a decided triumph in the principal character-a triumph the more complete from the formida- ble difficulties shebadtoencounter; not theleastof which was the comparison necessarily suggested ...


... . ,LITBR& TURR. 'e Life anss Aedvenstures of Martin Chutzleikit, 4c.| Edited by Boz. [Cbapman and Hall. Mr. Dickens takes the field again with renewed strength. d We are glad to see him at the work which is so peculiarly t suited to his genius; and, judging from the first numbers ? we are inclined to think that Martin Chuzzlewit will 7l surpass any of his previous performances in those ...


... muSIC. The creation. By JOSEPH IIAYDM. A new editito'1 by JoriN BIsHop. [Cocks an(- (0, A new and elegant edition of HAYDN's great work, aft'r the various publications of it which have appeared in Flg- land within these few years, affords a remarkable proof 01 the increasing diffusion of taste, among thu public at Iarge, for sacred music of the highest class. Alnd this difutmnoll, which for a ...


... The Great Physician. By JoHN' GARDNER, surgeon. t [Hatchard. The design of this work is stated by the author to be the l development of the Idea that the phenomena and laws of sdiseases, and the powers and actions of remedies have an intimate connection with the truths of revelation. He explains that this connection does not consist simply in the analogy between medical science and theology ...


... LONDON AND PARIS FASHIONS FOR' I JA NUARY. I [PROM T}IE WORLD OP FASHION.] Morning caps have a very pretty effect when doublJe (or lined with Florence, lilac, pink, or blue), and trimmed with i ribbon posee, or (placed) in loops over the top of the front. Another style, and more simple, are those composed of Lyonnaise muslin, with rounded ears in the form of papil. Ion, and trimmed with three ...


... ADDRESSED TO SIR ROBERT. We taste the fruit; but we reject the Peet. A lover of the constitution; No friend am I to revolution. I am, in fact, an honest loyalist, And, as times are, a passive royalist! But subject, when the world sees fit, To change my politics a bit. I'd give a portion of my meal To carry on the common-weal; Ay I give of every meal a part To aid the State with all my heart ! ...


... On Saturday evening two debuts took place at this iff theatre, which promise no small accession of strength to 1- our musical stage. An English version of La Gazza LadMr of was produced for the first time, in which the part of le Ninatta (called Annette) was performed by a pupil of c- the Chevalier MICIHEROVX, and that of the boy Pippe (called Felu) by a young lady. There was little occa- ...