... he Vanburg and Cibber's favourite old comedy0f The se, Provoked Husband, was revived, with much god tute ter on Tuesday evening, and performed in a manner forth, f be the Lessee, and of another representation, befor. a tifl more numerous audience. Mr. Pritchard, who a have wisely modelled his Lord Townley betwei, G. w- schools of the Kenibles and the inimitable Etliston,Vour at trayed the ...


... BistissiAw's JOURNcAL. London: W. Strangec-ArnOUSat the Inesf ?? of this number may be mentioned. In par- ticular, The Ottoman Empire a comp~1rebensive sketch of that most remarkable kingdom, Fxow the frat Successes and con- quests of its founder, Mahomet, (properly Mohammed,) to the S present time; and Q riffth Merioneth astalesald to befoundeotd en fact,-Itis, Indeed,aromaneoefreallife. ...


... oriatalL SONNET. Blest is tho poet's lo I 'Il hisb 0 rOT' Throughrealms notcafllerken'. £eforoihle it . Wild chos; c ail attendant on him rise Beautiful forms, of Fancy corn and Love, k Breathing sweet sounds dad fragranc, aucS as 5 ro t- ~ Of Aroaid me'er ?? ho dweils.- Here reigns supreme,-bere weaves his giant Spls- Spells that shall make remotest ages inov In wilting thraldom. Oh I what ...


... , ly We gave an account last weck of the successful intro- he duction of Theatrical Representations into the Crichtoni V lie Institutioti, in the neighbourhlod of Dumnfries-a well- to conducted asylum for lunatics, The experiment has been he repeated ivith, if possible, greater success, as avill be seen V or by the following report, for which ve are indebted to the c; Dumfries Courier:- On 'i ...


... FRAaEr.-Frsser has commenced the year and his new: number with a dramatic scene, in which, under the title of Oliver Yorke at Home, he has introduced us to some of the sr-afisa personte of his magazine. Oliver Yorke, who appears to be the Christopher North of Fraser, is seated in his library, over a flask of Burgundy, indulging in a soliloquy upon the glories of editorship, and, as a ...

Published: Sunday 08 January 1843
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 2859 | Page: Page 6 | Tags: Arts & Popular Culture 


... | FOREIGN, CORRESPONDENCE AND MUSICAL INTELLIGENCE. (aXOLsCIVE FOR THE ERA.) The Commission of Dramatic Authors, of which most of the literary men connected with the stage are members, and have agreed to be bound by the decisions of the majority, adopt occa- sionally resolutions which are not less offensive to the peblic than to the best interests of the stage. The avowed object of the ...

Published: Sunday 09 July 1843
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 4458 | Page: Page 5, 6 | Tags: Arts & Popular Culture 


... - . -LIT-ERAT ?? PoATifY1tO1 T et MltLfON. By a ME IBER OF -PARULA- 1dENT. 4E#1ib'd by P a PsiaGGcts. *(Whitakef.),Evdi'y thing nowva.days is 'for the million- Singing for the Milw- ]iontt-'i*Morals'-for the Million.' The Masses, as they are politically called, are coming into fashion, and all science, art, and literature,, of every sortand kind, is served out whole-, sale; -The present ...

Published: Sunday 01 January 1843
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1596 | Page: Page 6 | Tags: Arts & Popular Culture 


... (From the London and Paris Ladies' Magazine of Fashion.) Cachernires, silks of every description, displaying peculiar beauty and varietv both in colors and style, with velvets, consti- tute the fashionable materials in preparation for the season. Gimp continues to be much used; nor do we see any chance of bugles declining in favor; indeed, fringes, resifles, berthes, and cei/fures composed of ...

Published: Sunday 08 October 1843
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 497 | Page: Page 6 | Tags: Arts & Popular Culture 


... LITERATUE. ! ' i, I . 4- w.; * -THE COLD WATER CURE. f TittkDAReBlS Or TEIX WiTEX CUax. By JAMs VS ?? a d'3fMs5 M- GUL - M.-D. (Cunningham and r ii ?? anF ne* invention in the treatment of disease is brought forwtard~we ought to be greatly-indebtedtoho ne stien who devote thems~elves to eni imnpartial in toteseglo mediclt vetgto fits merite and laybefore unprofesaional readera such an ae t,~ ...

Published: Sunday 13 August 1843
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1753 | Page: Page 6 | Tags: Arts & Popular Culture 


... g, TO THE EDITOR OF THlE blORNINO CHIRONICLE, a SIR-A stetement, copied fram the Observer into the M- Morning Post, being replete with misrepresentitiof, I it shall be much obliged to you to allow me to correct it. 1. I have never given any guarantee for the continuance of tire season. my tenure of the proprietors having been h limited, after eight weeks, to nightly oceupotion-anO y ...


... I _ _ _FASH.IONA I;L G-C . I WINDSOR, MONDAY--Thefollowing areepU toarv at the Castle this evening, On a iitt ?? to arrivo coneort ?? Portman, the Bishop Of Oxfor Sir Henry Wheat]e, a t ?? oaln. depa rt fln ai Edun Burk te R ight, Is. Vis o tecountyM] Attorney-Genleral of'the Duchy Of Corwal ViO1 e- bourne and Lord and Lady leasuvale took their departure front the Castle to-day. r ftecberatora ...


... FASHIONABLE INT L/G n WINDSOR, SUNDAY EVENING eb fineuess of the day, in addition to the atrat the Bence of her MaJesty at the Castle, caused an Ait Ley influx of visitors, who continued to arrive by the from London and various parts of the ...