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... FASIIONS FOR TJANUARY. uis o l oL Oas ni and Paris Lad es' Jld goiale O ' PslhlOl- ) ! 1rin v morning toil, tao In Paris nre made of drap w ithl tight sleeves, rorooqe Iligi nild tigilt, worlkd insbraidor ?? narorI frequeetly. with vvide bais of velvet. Promenade dresses of perki ostin, poirlt de goic with sleaves of moderate size, a little fitiltess at the armhole, nid joekevy formtoti or a ...


... LITERtARTY NOTICES. .Kitlyo Ciil/qee .1ieqoztte.-No. IS, for Decemnber.- coio~loc tel Iv, tla-S lodeto of K ittis College, Lotmlon- 1-losl.totou unoitism,!v, 1.51, Stranid London. Wie recommoendl to liii ?? 01 tiltr 0011l . m1101 thle t-liptlers intt his v.ell got opl nuisbir, C O i enbiss 1-uoy truee1 the- remork, tholi ori jilgeo genmius by thei ownt sltandird h ut to Criticize 4q 114 ...


... MC.iv op}rilillyvft How pleasant is the opening year! The clouds of wintel mnelt away; The flowers in bealty re-apilear; Tio soligster carols from the spray. Lougtbells tho more refulgent ric, Anld bloer grows the arcltlig sicy All thiirgs arounlid ?? seem to soIV, Chri tionl ! direct thy thoughis on higlh ?? darkness, throgtlk tle drcarr Ieregtih Of wvinte'r, slept both hullad nid bluomr lint ...


... ?t'ra, UTI.C,-, 0? ?? The first paper consite of soms SPIrite extrelo. from 6ther correspondence of teeebte nd m tis ?? stanllope--ti, lady, ?? It her from English Polsed e ey r E~ 'It asen Queen Amongst ?? ftl eet isted ?? sa f colliection, of stornes an ncdts 'oiteetcd r wtthth l~er'a of that amusing PerO~e~ -lbt ?? Som ofb the f sketches are Well toltcul5 hi~mrl be~avhing is: byn means ...


... .,oTERAiT ' - - Si It is in ,p~olitiesas in religion,. nong rmninto, such extrecines as! renegadoes, or so'ridiculously overact their parts. The passions,: ony these~occsions,: take Xiiciir,;fol1' dvxg, Ean, d ,reaet like a p~en'du-. Iusn.whoseoscillatiois on one side, ,will always c regulated by 'the len'itli oftlie ar6it haS subiended on the~other.-lacon. LAsT I6V~otcObjs OatOBI RUSrElL Oe ...


... poetrY., I THE BEGINNING OF THE SECOND BOOK OF LTUCBETItUS, Suave maril magnoe turiantitus aquora entis. SWEET on tbe shore, from care and danger free, To wateh the raning of the angry sea; Soe tbe worn ship upon the billows tost- Now high upborne, now in the surges lost. Not that ive any joy or pleasure knowv From witnessing another's grief und wo; But, being ourselves beyond the tempest's ...

The Drama

... Eiji zDrama. la days ' laig syne Bristol was esteened as a uursery of the drama, and masny an actor, who has shone as a brightestar in the theatrical horbzon, first smelt the lamp, or at least passed the greater part of his noviciate, on the boards of our i theatre. If we were to carry back our reminiscences to the t palny days of the histrionic art, we might refbr to a long string of ...


... POETR.Y. Me -IRear's fao kgl It comes, through the wintry night, A deep and a saleall) strain, Like the voice of the distant torrent's might, Or the moam of the sleepless main; But wild is the music of weindvwoiro strings, In its far and fitful rwell, And airift as the passing of eagle witigs Is the dying year's farowell. It floats o'er the faded fields, Where the reaper's joy bath been, With ...


... T/u Thr, P'rize Essays otl Agricelturre and the Corn Law -ololiru(l Iby td(n N'National A .ti-Coru Law Leagine.-R. r mr.irbiitgn, 5, P aternoester Row, Loiolun.-J. G6adiby, manOiwrster. ThrI first ol thili essays, shrwiig tie jllionls ,Iecio tS the coril, ilr ilr i0 teni-ilnt Plieriners nod larin laboirers,' ;i, bv GvorgqI I- p, described ias a teniret lariner ait laddlineton, -ietlar(d. ...


... II.ZTER.Am vaul is3. DErcOcRAcy.-What form of government, or whatkitats, ever hi effected so much, in the same space. of time, for hmnanityias. -tt Athens and its democracy, during the brief period of their men- tt dian glory-? Pericles, Phidias, rolyghotus, Sophocles, Socrates, cc Plato, and Demosthenes, were the childiren of democracy mnd as truly great mnst the public spirit of that nation ...


... Roetttp.4 MIS-SPENT TIME;-DY Smt AutmRY DE VVEBE. TnERE is no remedy for tire mis spent; No healing for the waste of idloness; Whose very languor is D. punilmlaent Honviei tha' active souls can feel or guess. 0, lours of idleness and discoutent,_ Not now to be redeem'd l ye sting not less Because I know this span of life was lent For lofty duties-not for selfishness,- Not to be wiled away in ...


... WLttcvatlure. 77ie Comic Adlban; a Book for eveiV Table-Orr and Co., London, ii In richness of binding, clearness of typography, and gemeral 0 fnish and appearance, this may fairly enough be termed another Book of Beauty, whilst its laughter-provoking contents fully justify its title of the Comic Album. Its exuberant mirth, and rich, grotesque humour, is a rare contrast to the proverbial ...