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Hampshire Telegraph

Advertisements & Notices

... CL)ALS. E NbOW delivering at the Custonn Hoouse Quay. ex g - ilbert' BurriI4-A, CARGO OF BURDON ai WALLSEND' C)iAL4S, at lgs. per Ton.-Alplyon w board. I. t F \57ANTED to'RENT,-A small HHOUSE, ivith 4 Y Coach-house and- Stables, in -the Hambie or o Southampton W~ater, Fun NtseED or UNFIt JtSISHED. h Direct to' ?? care of atr. Diaper, lligh.strmt, 'lg~vee ' IF TTH EMIGRANT SHIP ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T IIE SECOND FAREHA'M SU1BSCRIPTION . IBALL will tase place at the AssemblysRoonts, on Tuesday, l0th Jantuary, 1B43. Tickets, Supper included-Ladies, seven Bhilings *it Gentlemen, eight shillings. s a'HE; ANNUAL BALI, In behalf ?? ariie6 u connected with the. Beneficial Society, will take place in, the Society's Hall, on Wednesday, January I1th, 1843. Dancing to commence at elght o'elock. A ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CHURCH'S COUGH DROPS. FOR COUGHS. COLDS, INFLUENZA, and FDISEASPS Eof the LU NGS. Patronized avid recommended by many of the Facilit. Since this excellent Medicine was first discovered by Mr. Chiurch, who was all Apothecary of very extensive practice severall thousaud perso.s have etperielced its happy anid sn. Inry efmects, uany af hhom hid be ner by Asthmftic ami Con- iniptive Complaits ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE ROYAL, PORTSMOUTH. MISS O'CONNOR'S BENEFIT. Paironized by CoL. JoNES and ihe OrrFcIns of the ' ROYAL MARINES. N MONDAY, January 2nd, will be Performed V THE MIARRIED RAKE, The New Farce of .lBROTH ER BEN. And the Favourite Drama of the DUMB BOY OF1THE WRECK. To IIEUCHANTS, TRADESmEN, AND OTHEI9S. WTANTE;D, by a Young 1Alan aceustomed to busi. ness, a eespctable & confidential SlTUATION ...

Advertisements & Notices

... u aotE Office of thins Imnlitufon viII lei osses Iel every Mo ixis! ?? 1z7 to ' o'cloclr, as usual r f ?? Pavnnenrtottley.-Aeettaticewill le I h;ie-h-en at the Oflied cvcry FRIDIAY EVENNING at le. |ck ,Eefollu'Cls, r halfan hour. ,o recaeee Dceoso r9. l o-sfur ?? purpolo o, havinr tme Intere-t added to |the accoun:, an v to deliver the B3ooks which were left -! l t lie prncedintj Friday. Tthe ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I r I r ?? TO PARENTS AND GUARDIANS. Tw ;1r BUCIKEL1,, CHE:UIST, DnUGC;IBT, and . DENTIST, Eata-street, Chichester, has a Va- Caticy fbr a well-educated qteady YOUTH as anl APPRENTICE. lie will be treated in all respectsas t one of the fatlty, and strict atten ?? will be paid to his nmoral'i. A Gentlemain wishes to obtalin a SITUATION for A h1i SERVANT. He is agood in-door servant, but preltes ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO. MILLERS. WA N T E ?? experienced S. T O N E DRESSER, -who will he willing to make him. self generally ?? to Mr. flasluck, Bed. hampton. TiHE NEW DISCOVERY BAY M I.N GRthe TREMBLING HAND MfAY B` BE`C~h'EHM ,c.TEAD., the wveai; ieArtlStrong, and Nler- VOUS irritability (so ofren the precursor of instinity) may be ar- rested. is offered to the Public, who may rely on nervous vigour, being ...

Advertisements & Notices

... + DUTIES. 11E DUTIES of AISS A LEGG'S SCHOOL, for Young Ladies, Avill-Ie kRxsu.mED on Mlonday, January-lfth, 1~f. 49, UPPER SOiJTHI-ST-IWEi, GOSPORT. t SE1,INARY FOR YOUNG LADIES, 9, GTLOIJCESTER.STREET, PORTSEA. M/ ISS CARTIHR gratefully. acknowledges the IL kindness of her Friends and Patrons, and im- fbrn-ri them that her SCHOLASTIC DUTIES will be REsu? mED o01 londay, January 16th, 1843. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... . P;a91ts0aout0 anti Forisea lsank' fosA. I - f^l singn. f IH11H; Office of this Institution wsill he open a Jt every MONDAy fromn 1'2 to 2 o'clocks, as usual. . for the Receipot an d Payment uf I~oney.-A ttendancewill 1 be given it the Office eery, FRIDA Y EVENING at Seven o'(locli, for alfan hour, to receive Depositors' .Books, for the purpose nf having the Interest added to. e the account, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ,OM1 AND ?? SE1;RVANT. A Ploang flnn, about 18 veurs, who is a good f A OOll, and understands In.door WVork, Would find a comfortable situation by applying to MIr. Wavlvcl, Butcher, Gospott. I FARE-IAM UNION. FliE Board of Guardians of the above Union on F Fi idav the 20th day of Januar y instant, swill be be ready at'2 at Noon, to receive applications from and in the band-vraiting of Persons ...

Advertisements & Notices

... II PORTSMOUTH. HE UTIS o tie MISSES LIVESA VS on Tuesday, thc 31st of January. 44, PEUNtY.STLREETI.C 4Eli iA1JSSES BWENT will bie hiappy -torece-ive R the YOUNGLADIES of' their EsTcABL15jI. MiEN'S', onl Aonday, January 23rd, .1843. 11, MsaIE LNDi TERRACE, NUARt PORTeSPA. STANDWELL HOUSE, LYAIlNGTON.__ W M 15 GALPINE'S SCI-1OOL for alim tedrfinm. M her of' YsOUNG LADIES (Boarder Pupils rj ony ...

Advertisements & Notices

... . . 1 ?? au ANTED, a good PLAIN COOK, in a Oen- Y V's tlem an's Fanmily, atBognor, a respectable hebithy Navi Woman, about 28, who understands hertbusiness, and tbe I whose character will bear strict ?? par. 6, ticulais apply to Mr. Hounsorn'a Library, Bognrur. POi TE ,LONDON IN 1842. r -TSIE [ILLUSTRA TED LON2VDONA XEIVS. IR HE Ilagniificent Picture of LONDONt I2J 1842, Q Y(size four feet ...