Advertisements & Notices

... ADY SALE'S JOURNAL will be published L before the EASTER HOLIDAYS. John Murray, Albemarle street. HDHE LIFE of SIR DAVID WILKIE will be ready T before the EASTER HOLIDAYS. John Murray, Albemarle street. Now ready, post 8vo. 9s. 6d. ETTERS from MAD RAS, or Manners and Society L in various parts of that Presidency, described during a Three Yeara' Residence. B AY John surray, Albenmarle street. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HER MASESTY'S TREATE. C! IGNOR PUZZ I respectfully intbrms the Nohility, C) Subscribers tor the opera his Friends, and the Public. that his BLFISOT will take plate en THURSDAY NEXT July 11th. When will so performad lfr'r tho Ia't timel Rossini'n Opera, LA GAZZA LADRA. Nisrette. Madame Geisi; Pippa, Madame BIa.W mbtll Gian- 1ete ipinor Mlario Feernando Villabella, Sigaol Formasari; Podlesta, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... n.Fortsi'aaosstis dL I rttese 3Bankh far Sia'in~s. a V N Jl'1E O1rI'CE o\f this ?? Tvi1I be 'e obenl onl M\ 0 N D A Vt the ?? and on el 'I UEbDAY the tweoztp-si~tl of D~ecember (lMonday ut being Chriottnae~day), and on each succeedingr ossO- tte DAY. ?? 12) tO 2 o'clock, as usual, fbr the Receipit he andl Psymentof~l~ney.-Attendotlace *vill be given at .re the Office on 1 IIDAY E ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1veI?r Woodbrldge, Suffolk. ?j0gnlorly valuable and very desirable Freehold & Copyhold ESTATE, Of ?? 200 Acre. of First-rate Land, In high cultivation, with a GENTLEMANLY RESIDENCE, in PERFECT ORDER; SUBSTANTIAL Plantations, and Woods, 'The whole possessing superior local advantages, ?eliuhtfnl't/ situate in the admired village of Mellon, one ,5?t?frarti the flourishing market toum of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IMPORTANT ANDS .aTALUABLE PROPERTIES, Ait IXa '*AaCE, E'Sssex. cAPTAtL FREEHOLD RESIDENCES, MiESSUAGES CA ?? Tonements, To be SOLD by AUCTION, By Miessrs. FENN and HALES, (Whlo are jointly concerned on this occasion), AT TIIEC eUPS HOTEL, HARWICII, AOn Tuesday, the 6th June, 1843, At Twelve o'clock at noon, li Directiosn of the Trustees acting under the Will of AtoyCow, the elder, Esql., ...

Advertisements & Notices

... .It IW8tttishaln, BetWeen Bildeston and Needham Market, Sqftlk. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By Mr. S. FENTON, lpon the Premises, on Thursday, November 8th, 1843, Without the least reserve, A LL the Crops of Corn, Hay, Stover, Live and Dead Farling Stock, Dairy and Brewing Uitesils, House. d Furnriture, andf other Effects of Mlr. JOHN KING, the whole of which vill appear in Catalogues duly circu. ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... The Somerset Pile nemedy, A safe and effectual Cure for that distresasisg Com.ssplaint, TS offered to the Public with full confidence, arising .1 fronti an experience of upwards of Twenty Years, dur- ing which period it has been extensively administered amongst the friends and neighbours of the late Proprietor, The SOMEeS tT PILE ?? is entirely Vegetable, and the best mode of taking it in when ...

Advertisements & Notices

... cirecicester Wgiu lSociety. 1- 'LE Fifteenth ?? this Society, for T the Exhibition of I~v kch and Claims for Premiums try Servants arid Labourerw rhoplace err Vinrsday thle thday of Decearber, 1843; ars~tieeis herebyv givers to all Members of tire said Society, Nvir cray is to exhibit stock for at, of thle rjrroiums, or claimrs forl premrniurs for servants arid lboar'ers, thlit they are ...

Advertisements & Notices

... By Pesrnission of the Re7. hle Virce-Chance7)or aem the Right Wforshiipftdl the 1a2yor. Rfl NVALKER respectfilly informa tile Nobility, M (entry, aid the InhabitantsdofOxford, that hisSECON I) LECT TRE on ASTRONOMY will be delivered on Monday the 'ith, and-l the coucluding ?? on Wednesday the 15thi of March. at the 'MOVN ?? Grand Unique Concave Orrery, 42 feet in circumference, vill be ...

Advertisements & Notices

... To the Oxford m3oayd of Guardians. GENTLEAMN, T Beg respectfully to offer myself to your notice as a Candidate for the Office of Collector of the Poor's Rates for this City. I have been engaged for the last ten years in colcot- ilg the Poor's Rates,-in St. Michael's parish, St. Aldate's St. Martin's, All Saints', St. Ebbe's, and St. Peter's-in-the-East. Should you consider me a fit person for ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -TOt1'IIDE~~NTD 'OTHERS: 0 L T- d l)j 10 be LE'174-A~neat I?~ E H UEeuti-t vi~ew, appyoM;: OmoIstd F 370 OLET, anldiiity:be entered .on iinuediate o t- rent vee amWn, 0%rtah~eW~LLJIn HLonE (utioeer Wmislesyo MrdJoh n -andl deiteel HOUSI ?? -shops, hes OB f the' GREN L ABR, ?? ' . stables, ° -it s BEc. 1 n C B YA. Op Mndyae mm-ila the Gth aild 7t, IItot e. premises, Of he tervMtry.sTxrinui; 33t ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WINTER FASIRONS. R~nS. BOWVEN, inl returning her gratefui thank: Mt to tlie Nobility, Glentry, and Ladies of Ohippin Norton and tilie neigliboarh od, for tlse very liberal silpport she has so. long 4ijoyed, begs to informn them she is now in I ondon selecting th b most fashionable materials for MILLINERY, DRESSES, CLOAK.9, FURS, &c. &c. suited for the present season. She -purposes opening-lier ...