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... 1819betweezi persons named Harriett Cooke and Waylett vrar read in evidence. William Bennett proved that he was a member of the Drury-lane company for a considerable period, and conti- nues so. In 1819 he was at Coventry, engaged as an actor. Harriett Cooke was ...


... 1 m le Wircclolae Henry Saarie Hartley. [s let rtley ,as opposed by Air. Nichols, for Thomas 0 Pi~nOf the Albion Tavern, Drury-lane, and by l 5 leuseveral creditors. !CU o h ct vas anophew of the late Earl of Scar- r s losbad been made a bankrupt in 1834 ...


... which were patronisid by the attorneys when I wag, written for by Mr. Gardiner (laughter). I was offered aie' engagement at Drury-lane by Mr. Bunn, but I declined it. Mr. Hojel-What a loss to the public! Plaintiff (symnatheticazly)_Deep loss indeed. Mr. Hojel-It ...


... Tavern, Great Queen-street. G. Wilees, Esq., the chairman, annonmced that their next weekly mect- ing would take place in Drury-lane Theatre (cheers). Fie chairman went on to state that, since their last ineeting, the council of the league had issued upwards ...


... situatioci, field placed herself under the care of a Mr. Cooper, wrho was at neai that time a principal actor upon the boards of Drury-lane isani Theatre. He lived in the Ineighbourhood of Bedford. aceil Isquare, and she resided with him for six years, under' ...