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... do., Mess, £b 5s to 7t 6d ; second quality, 4/. 10 ; Hams, Yorkshire, small, from 60s to Pork, India, prime, bl. to 6/. 2s prime Mess, per barrel, 21. to Xtis; Pork, Scotch, to 49s per batrel. Liverpool, Fbidat, Februart 17 Grain, Sfe. Contrary winds are keeping back supplies, and only a few cargoes hare arrived since Tuesday. We have had very languid trade, the dealers only supplying ...

Published: Tuesday 21 February 1843
Newspaper: Northern Whig
County: Antrim, Northern Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 7017 | Page: Page 2, 3 | Tags: bmd 


... Licerpovl, Saturday. —By the schooner Charlotte, which has arrived at this port, tbe following news ha> been received from Bueno* Ayrus:—The Charlotte ha* made the passage in eight weeks. It is stated, that Rivera, in his flight towards Cerro Largo, wa* overtaken, on the February, Cribe, tbe sources of Santa Lucia Cldc;, where was attacked and routed, losing men, and 300 taken prisoner*. tbe ...

Published: Tuesday 09 May 1843
Newspaper: Northern Whig
County: Antrim, Northern Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 4451 | Page: Page 2, 3 | Tags: bmd 


... drumbo and drumbeg farming The annual meeting of this fl Association,wa§ held *terday. The d«iy was Hue ; and the black cattle eihibited exceeded in number, and, particularly the amateur . r j point of excellence, th.-se we hare seen on any former year. There wai, however, an unusual paucity of and sheep the show ground. The judgev were Messrs- Cay, Sinclair, and Boyd; and never, we ...

Published: Thursday 17 August 1843
Newspaper: Northern Whig
County: Antrim, Northern Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 3672 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: bmd 


... TUE REV. T. D. GREGG IS BELFAST. A meeting was held, last night, Exchange Build* inga, Belfast, agreeably to the following public notice;— « Protestant meating—A public meeting will (D.V.) be held io Belfast, on the evening of Monday next, the 3d of April, when the Ke». Tresham D. Gregg, A.M., Chaplain of St. Nicholas Within, Dublin, Vice-Patron of the Dublin Protestant Operative Association ...

Published: Tuesday 04 April 1843
Newspaper: Northern Whig
County: Antrim, Northern Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 1467 | Page: Page 2, 3 | Tags: bmd 


... BOROUGH OF BELFAST.—REVISION THE The Revision of tbe Burgess Roll commenced at the Court-house, on Saturday morning, about ten o'clock, before the Mayor, and Echlin Molyneux and Thos. K. Lowry. E'qrs., Assessors. Joseph Napier, E-q., appeared Counsel for the Conservative party. Mr. Bernard Lennon appeared as Solicitor for Mr, Macßrair, the objector for Liberal party. Mr. Bates, the Town-Clerk, ...

Published: Tuesday 24 October 1843
Newspaper: Northern Whig
County: Antrim, Northern Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 3530 | Page: Page 2, 3 | Tags: bmd 

salpo. SALE ro >JOHKOw. Tln»l>P**» Ileal**, anil BY AUCTION. TOHN MARTIN & CO. Will SKLL by AUC.I rl()N, on T

... .-morrow (WEDNESDAY), tht »t DUNBAR’S-DOCK, TWELVE o'clock, the C.rgo (bo Ueltloi, from Miiamicui, coo‘l I3 While PINE TIMBER ; g DEALS, 12 9 x 3 2 ••• BtolBx9 3 j Afl Bright I*2 to 18 xllx 3 ; V Spruce 1 600 ’ 12 x 7x3;) DEALS. 14 to 20 x 7x3 ;J Fathom* LATH WOOD. GEO. C. HYNDMAN, Broker. Belfast. Ilth July, 1843. 37 SALE TO-MOHHO QUEBEC PINE TIMBER AND DEALS. THE ...

Published: Tuesday 11 July 1843
Newspaper: Northern Whig
County: Antrim, Northern Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 371 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: bmd 

A» the road was originally contracted for at than a most moderate estimate, the County, by paying . more, will

... still gain. The men now working the roa (except in one case) haee pot no money for their * will, therefore, necessary hate the money in the 1 bauds discharged, to paid off as far as it po, according as the work will certified. I hi* l «* Jury can do, according to the 1461h section of* J 'ln inclusion, I h..e >h« '»“ contractor, ar, BO- bound, b, .heir contract., to keep .be p'per. there ...

Published: Thursday 09 March 1843
Newspaper: Northern Whig
County: Antrim, Northern Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 1928 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: bmd 

PcSSCCOTtOD Mk Emcbsom TaMMBBT, M.P.—We have just heard a report, which, we confess, L>r the honour of the ..

... we hope is as untrue as it it incredible. have heard, that the Marquis of Donegal I, and his worthy son, Lord Belfast, are about presenting petition against the late return of Mr. Emerson Tennent, f.>r Belfast. Our readers will recollect, that, at the last election, the Conservative party at Belfsft, under the pressure of the present iropirfect election laws, in Ireland, entered into an ...

Published: Saturday 11 February 1843
Newspaper: Northern Whig
County: Antrim, Northern Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 3416 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: bmd 

“ Thrice is be armed wbo hath bis quarrel Ju*t.M

... Thrice is armed wbo hath bis quarrel Ju*t. M Now, ere here to-night; shall we help that roan?— (Loud criea of Yes, yes.) Shall we stretch hand to every friend of the people, in that House? (Renewed cries of Yes, yes, and cheers.) Shall proclaim to the world, that we have rut been talking idly, for years ihat are past, and dreaming of visionary measures of relief; or shall we pronounce the ...

Published: Tuesday 28 February 1843
Newspaper: Northern Whig
County: Antrim, Northern Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 2500 | Page: Page 2, 3 | Tags: bmd 


... l.iijlaufl oolle«i Warehouse, 5, DONEGALL-STREET. . J& J. MARSHALL respectfully annouice the arrival .heir New SPRING in; all «he pre»ailinir alyle* ai presei.l out in U.t/MIESTEND of LONDON;— M Splendid CHAU and SHAWL Light VIjS /’- INCS; J The most elenant Styles in TRO WSERINCrS, in Augnlo, Stripes, ('hecks, Sfc. ; The COLOURS for the season in best WEST ENGLAND CLOTHS for Frock and Dress ...

Published: Saturday 08 April 1843
Newspaper: Northern Whig
County: Antrim, Northern Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 175 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: bmd 


... Belfast, Wednesday, May 24. Grain, Sfe. —Mar- keep bate of every kind of grain, as well a* of Oatmeal, which gradually comes into favour, and the turn dearer. The quotation* are as follows :—Wheat, 9* 10'. (id Barley, 6s 6* ; Oats. 5s to , Oatmeal, 9d to per cwt. Provisions Best price Pigs at the Belfast Weigh-house, 31s ; second, t>d; third, 28s. Best price of Butler, Msd per lb. —l’lour ...

Published: Thursday 25 May 1843
Newspaper: Northern Whig
County: Antrim, Northern Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 7786 | Page: Page 2, 3 | Tags: bmd