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Bristol Mercury



Bristol, England


Bristol, Bristol, England

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Bristol Mercury


... LITERART VARIETIES. Wicdiffe's body, thirteen years after nhis death, was disin- terred and burned, and the ashes throwvn into a neighbouring brook. .Speakig of this transaction, Puller says-l Tue brook did convey his ashes into Avon; Avon into Severn; Severn anto the narrow seas; they into the main ocean. And thus, thte ashes elf Wicklife are tho emblems of his doctrine,which is now ...


... X?ETrflARY VAREETIIIB. Flirtation jot a woman is equivalont to libertinism in a man; it is the manlifostetion of tile saume loose principles, only eestroain- ed by the usage of the world fromd developing itself in a similar SEA SeeseNxES.-Tl1 MIAteodssie d'Inzdtaetrie states, that a girdle worn. round the body above the hoovels--that is, over the epigastruos-will prevent Sea sickness. it is ...


... a 5tO&zmst's STOR.Y or A 5MULZL. A LUlEND). NEcit the village of Abbots Lillinigtols, in Cuuaberland, ill thle yoar 1616, stood at etail 0ehinch of Saxon architecture: oin Cte rigt, f iteovvgrwsspah sayoftChsc hureltytssd, on Christrafs evc of tile slame year, yawned1CL ft newlVy-dug, grave. T1hc sunl was:' setting upon Cite trill of that. old, grey towe~(r as at Stranger slowly took ]'is walk ...


... 15octArj. TO THE SNOW-DROP . Hope till hope creates From its oxviw wvreck tile thiiI9 it COnt(iRlUat1CS,-SIRULLEY. THou gentle flower! Emblenm of innocence and purity; Sweet harbinger of Spring! Say Wsert thoea not afraid Alone to rear thy fragile head Amidst stern Winter's snows; And with thy spotless hope Menlace the durance of the tyrant's reign ? From thee-thouggh but a simple tlow'r ...


... poetry. LINE S OCCASIONED BY THE DEATH OFTHSE RflV. JOHYN FOSTzit, As rivera to the swelling ocean tend- As glowing sparks towards the sky ascend, So man to trouble is on earth an heir, And enters life exposed to toil and care; Around his barque the storms of Sorrow rave, From life's first downing to the quiet grave. Oh I can we not appreciate this truth ? Yes: for the stroke of Death now ...


... ?)oetV?._______________ THEI LAST FRlIENDS. E~~MTUE ATI5ONE05 J tOne of the' United Irishmen, who lately returned to his country, after maoy y'ears of exile, being asked whlat had induced him to re- visit Ireland wvhen ail his friends were gone, anowered, 'I came back to oee the mouetoine.J I come to my country, but not with the hope That brighten td rmy youth like the cossvd lighling how, ...


... E it ea 1tu Rt. An EhJiient Remedy for the Distress of Nations. By John1 Gray.-A. and C. Black, Edinburgh. The ': Remedy of Mr. Gray merits grave consideration, from the striking and original manner in which the author deals with subjects of the first importance to the community. The I work has been commended by soond authorities, and will be found well worthy the attention of political ...


... WASHXONS POP IwAy. The newest and most fashionable material of the season is the caneadilon silk, deriving its name from the ever varying shades it assumes in difllerentlights; this with taffetqs nacri, Pehin Bengal, Ecossaisgitana, bartdges of many'styles, fou. lards, miosselinem cachemnire, &c., are now replacing the thicker materials of winter; all shades of grey and violet are fashionable. ...


... ZWiTER&AY VARTETES. AGRICULTURt AND CommtiEitnc-Every region that has become the home oif great cities, lhas become the home of an improved agriculture. This has resulted in part from the wealth of cities; but still more from their mechanical and scientific skill. In this manner it has often been reserved to cities to convert the desert into a garden, and to give to the richer soils of the ...


... IMrEptav VIARIMETZES. DECtIPEaIN'G POWER or LONDON PRtNTEES.-You tax m11 with Sny illegible wrsiting; but I cannot amend it, for 1 3 mosa t. fle'tay to shape my letters, and I bave, I believe, got a I bad habit from the facility with which the Nrinters here make I it out; verily believe, if! I hut my eyes, or flung the pen at Ithe paper. so as to make any kind of mark, the London printers - ...

The Drama

... ?Jvama+ The nsao 020 tess 5oct55 doterittised to bit the public to if it ItC possible, sort its osottor does oss class el tre for for oct05 f?ri to ttttrtot titan site lots reese too to ttt?ritOt. '? world trever sate a etoro in efrttigalr is eaterce tsr rite iith?t gratilirrstiozt-titets is tin limit to liet spirit of eriterirrise-slrt cert ii's it bosortil tire irottttti?ttet Of tins ...


... X'RXGurHUL SNARE STORY. TuE following incident was related to us the other day, by one whose veracity is unquestioned, and who was almost an eye witness to the fact. It is more appalling than any we recollect to have ever read in the history of those terrible reptiles Some time last summer the inhabitants of Manchester, Missis- sippi (United States), gave a barbecue, which was attended by the ...