... e Every variety of silk material, with velvets and tachoiree d aro in demand for the present season. For simple overpay wear, plaid carhemires and/ansnelles Ecosseises, with erapesol Tlibet wool, checked or striped, and Pekins be laine, are prial cipally used for the robes redingote and peignoirs fermd,; tbi make is high, with fall backs and tight sleeves, ornamente with jockeys, godets, or ...


... Vodr?. THE SONG OF THEl EXILE. F~naswcLL-faieweill the last blue hill of English ground I view; Ere yet it fades, 0, let me still That sad delight renew ! Perchance no after-time to me Will that sweet scene restore,- Perchance I ne'er again shall see My loved-my native shore I To distant lands I now must fly, And seek a refuge there; Ah I better 't wovre at home to die Than live in wealth ...

Literary and Scientific Notices. &c

... Literary and Scientific 'Notices, &c. 2'I-e J t;y)and Note- I ;: o, Sk:.,l.s iiil .iicwf'iles. fy l . C.tlu. TItIls. Il.ilnitirgh : Aloain & Charles lilach. A MtoST agreeable, though unprlettilt. little volime. It preselts us with a variety of very graphic, and tnstefully-written sketches of into. resting scenes. chiefty in the Northern Ilighlalido, (if local history, manners, and anttquities. ...

Literary and Scientific Notices, &c

... ti?v I'61ittle '06ti ?? ' . ';Mi6f i ?ti'W??C ? 1. I . I i. ?? I . , - .. I,- ? 'i li1e Dlbe. iu Bpse. fy ?? fe ?? _Y 2 Vol oloCs- ?? Murray, TuI~is th.fis f 3itirray's rjett Series. of Cheap eslitlopis a r stalI (IWI ?? ?? is, li ,Iilet, OPh it d v III af 'II I gsot Cx te ItIstsO giretilait tlsi oIfiW ri t piresent II a ?? I (AlltItif o af ottte r 11 vufs, u1t a ,I ?? Q. 50 re. II ark;abily ...


... joHN KNOX'S METRICAL VERSION OF TIlE| PSALMS. (Continued from our last.) P S A L M1 E XXIIIr. To God the earth doth appertaine, with all things great and small The world also is his demaine, with the indwellers all. 2 For hee hath founded it full fast, upon the salt sea strand : And stablisht it tabide and last, and on the flouds to stand. 3 Now who is hle that shall up go into God's holie ...


... THE SMITIfFrELD CATTLE CLUB AND SHOW. On Wednesday, simultaneously with their usual exhibition of prize cattle, the annual ge- neral meeting of the members of the Smithfield Cattle Club took place at the Horse Bazaar, King Street, Portman Square. The Right Hon. Earl Spencer, the President of the Club, presid- ed on the occasion. The meeting was very fully attended by members, and amongst the ...


... LEITLI. THE RoADs, Augrest 19 & 20. Flying Fischl, TorkelAlen, Chriatiansand, baulk Cutlev, 11ill, Antwerp, do. Juno, Kr:ieft, Dantzi vwheat Pvtra D)ornlris, Erick-en, Kiel, wheat Electra. Lindsay, I)nutzic, do, Violet. Patterson, do. do. Annu Christine's H-naah, Bensen, Mandahl, bark Skebavartet, Larsen, Nykjopping, wheat Anna Margareths, Kinde, do. do. Fortuna, Horne, Ruddekopping, barley ...


... SUDDEN CLOSE OF COVENT GARDEN THEATRE, |MIANAGERIA&L DllrFICULTIES. Brief bas been tile duration of the season at tiis theatre. Two treeks have been sufficient to brbig it to a close. From Mr Wallack's address it would appear that the les;ee lays tbe blame of his rros- *uccenss more upon his company-hntlssdually atnd personally-thara from any apparent disinrlirratibn upon tile part of the ...


... CONCERT IN AID OF THE ROYAL INFIR MARY. We were wt ry much disappointed to see so scanty an audience ij the Music Hall on Thursday, and can in no way au count for it, unless by supposing, that the price of admission was considered too high. So fully persuaded were we that our fellow-citizelis would tuen out in force, both because the object of the concert was so praiseworthy, and because the ...


... SUMNER FASHIONS. (From Berger's Ladies' Gazette of Fashion.) BONNETS, though differing in form from those of last season, have not passed from one extreme to tie other. The brims are of moderate depth, de- scending rather low at the sides, and the crown raised a little, but very little behind. Thle finest kind of Italian straw will be in vogue for chapeaax. Rice and Italian straw, poult de ...


... (X,,UFACTURES. ?? It I , lf tf gacl i ne ent itt competition for prize, (an- jed by the Traistees for Encouraging 00ee ttires), are DOOV ot exhibition in re th a I stiti They are [iot i f the h l e as on former oasifls ; | c b ldether isn variety or cin t nifrmer year. Amongst the ar- PC irare nomerousspecimens of paper I iote of them remarkable fur any pe- ea rge carpet, with dark crimson th ...


... I THEP MAGAZINES. We owe an apology to our literary readers, and to the . publishers of these long-cherished and highly-prized favou- rites of the public-the Magazines-for allowing so much l of the month to elapse, and so many of them to accumulate taround us without having noticed any of them. The Im- lportant debate on Repeal, and the other matters of interest f which have occurred since it ...