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South West, England


Bristol, Bristol, England

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... j.oIV) MORNING HYMN POR SPRING. JOYFU'L in the morning now, Lord, my heartfelt praise I pay, At thy throne I humbly bDV, Grateful for another day. Thnu around my bed lhast kept Watch most meroiful arid sure Thou wert with me, aid I slept In thy rirms, 0 Lord, securel Light anr bliss around me break, While I rise to greet the morn; Thoughts of praise I cannot speak To thy throne are now upboene ...


... II.ZTER.Am vaul is3. DErcOcRAcy.-What form of government, or whatkitats, ever hi effected so much, in the same space. of time, for hmnanityias. -tt Athens and its democracy, during the brief period of their men- tt dian glory-? Pericles, Phidias, rolyghotus, Sophocles, Socrates, cc Plato, and Demosthenes, were the childiren of democracy mnd as truly great mnst the public spirit of that nation ...


... Z1I?WZ?ZA3Y ?ARZETZES. CRUELTY TO AW C5.&UTIVE.-Last Monday thore was at court a sea captain who bad boon made a prisoner at Algiers. Hie was complaining hoDW oruelly be bad been usod, They asked, how?1 Wihy, he said, you see Ilam not strong, and could do no hard labour, so they put me to hatch eggs ; but his greatest grievance wvas, that whon ho had hatched a brood thoy took away his ...


... ImITERARY TARIETIES. What maintains one vice will bring up two children.- Franklin. Whenever you see persecution, there is more than a pro- bability that truth lies on the persecuted side.-Latinier. The sight of a drunkard is a better sermon against that vice than the best that was ever preached upon it.-.-Savie. Laws are like grapes, that being too much pressed, yield a hard and unwholesome ...


... IL it t i* a t U V ? Tile Foreigna Qiantert. Rylevier; N~o. ; ?? and Hull, Lonidon. The opening paper of thlis able r eview Consists of an analysis of the character' of thae stranige piece of unlhealthy organization, Jean Jacques Rousseau Fewv per sonis have excited more atteu- tion thanl the Genevese philosophler, pr obably because mankind hove, unfortunately, a morbhid taste for inoostre ...


... The annual sacred concert of the Bristol Choral Society took place on Wednesday last, at the Assembly Room, l'rince-street, and although the attendance was respectable, it wae not 80 crowded as we think the society, after its experience of four years, had a right to expect. The solo singers engaged were our old favourite lillar, Mr. Collins, and Mrs. Charles Cum- llins, a native of this city, ...


... t tterature. IPopularCyclopmdia of NatnrZl Science, Horolog-y,4 Asteonotmy. m ! Py W B. Carpeater, M.D.-Orr and Co., London. til The object of this excellent publication may be gleaned from of the preliminary observations. ' The following little work (says W' rthe writer) is intended to occupy a place somewhat intermediate Pi Ibetween the simpler elementary treatises on physical science, m and ...


... Roetttp.4 MIS-SPENT TIME;-DY Smt AutmRY DE VVEBE. TnERE is no remedy for tire mis spent; No healing for the waste of idloness; Whose very languor is D. punilmlaent Honviei tha' active souls can feel or guess. 0, lours of idleness and discoutent,_ Not now to be redeem'd l ye sting not less Because I know this span of life was lent For lofty duties-not for selfishness,- Not to be wiled away in ...


... LZTJRALRY VStA3ETZES. Old friends are best. King James used to call for his old c, shoes-they were easiest to his feet.-Seldon. c Ill-bred persons, and proud empty fools, are ever ready to ta be angry at any trifling joke. h Every seed of evil is a cause of a harvest of misery. Every tl oppression in God's good time recoils upoxI the oppressor.- tl Westminster Review. ti A man should study to ...

The Fine Arts

... ErXEUBITION OF PAINTINGS, BY TUE OLD MASTERS. (CONTINU ED 15nott OUs LAST.) No. 31. At Catlon at .Sea: VsnAxve~vn.D-and No. 43. A B~risk Gale: I3AOKIIIYOsN.-A coupla of sea pieces, of dissimilar cha- racter, by two mastlers of such subjects. (Tihe poopocty of F. Iticlietto and WV. Fripp, Esqrs.) No. 44. A Landvscope: ltttYOOA 11.-A pleaoant, quiet little piece of oceocry, boautifally painted. ...


... iJoattt,. ni'f-, FISHfERIAN'S SONG. WASTS ?? the tiliet ; i yonder sky Tile iloiwI displays he r basan The night is calm, the tide is high, And hkere ve idly dream. Then coune, boys-collie, no more delay, 'tbe sea and sky invite Downw with the boats and poll away, Oar nets we '1I lill to-night ! At nighlt, When luilsnlenl safely slhop, Or colil or roughi tbe flood, Still we Mest vil.uchi the ...


... I.ITERARY VAILLETZES. FotEEnASONnY.-T'he wisest and soundest policy vould 'eave all veligiofls quiedly to theinselves so hng as they neithee Lttack morality, usoe subvert the public quliet, either by tbheit otbitioll o1r iutoleranfeo their varicty wvould not fail to pledlce a ivoalship, ustful as a halanc inl the scale Of pOwVer, and s aon enuelation to virtue. The state has sio tight to ...