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... SOMERSETSIZSM AS5ZZFAS [CONTINUED FRO5U iSCYENTH PAGE.) CROWN COURT.-THURSDAY. Bduln Colley and Joseph Mewnsuan, two boyst of 14 and 12 of~ years old, were indicted for feloniously setting fire to a Citable at Queen Camel, thle property of Charles Jay. The huildlitg, havintg been improperly described in the indictment, the Coon~ directed nIt ssIntiattl. michael O'Areil, a sergeant in thle 40th ...


... FOLZC? ZNTELLZG?NCE. CoUN.CIL -/I0 uSE, Baiarloc, SATUgR DASY . Magistrates present: The Mayor, and Mr. Savage. Twco respectablyattired persons, namaed Ellen Perish and Eleanora Pelrish, mother and dlttuhter, woere charged, the daughter E~llenl with having stolen the goods of Mr. .JohnJonles, and the mother wvith receiring thena, knowinlg them to be stolen. Mr. Joises keeps a ilknmercory and ...


... Assrz Ir RELMZGENfCZ. EXEOUTION AT LINCoIN.-On Friday last Thomas is Johnston, aged 28, suffered the extreme penalty of the law for on the new drop at Lincoln Castle. The culprit had been in found guilty of the murder of Elizabeth Evison, an aged woman, residing at Croft. The concourse of spectators to witness his awful end could not have been less than 8000.7 .n- Doncaster Gazette, n- At the ...


... 3A2q?LRUPTCy COURT. MONDAY. rBefore Mfr. fosnns7issiotner Stephen.) IN5 Ha HARFOItD, DAVIES, AND CO.-On his Honour taking his seat, Mr. Palmer said he wished to offer an explanation with re* freoelce to an observation made by binm lost week, and whicih had been repsorted-and he wias bound, in justice to the s eperter, to oay moot correctly resorted-its a public paper. To these whob were ...


... 3Z?U?TCT COUR'1'. MONDAY. Hr MrocsssNr.-Mr. Commissioner Stephen Ittiving appointed this as the day oa ,vhiah he aliosid dative. his jsd0ieeut in ye- I gard to tbc application of this baokrept for his cortificate, Mr. Carlisle, one of the assignees, addressed the court, otatiog that he ondorotead his 1-lossour, at the last meeting, to llOOe uSp?55Cd a desire to have mode some inquiries of him ...


... GLOUCEsTEus[1IIU? SUMMER ASSIZES 'rirese assizes otiminenced on Wednesday, which is cnn- with Siderably varlrr?r thin usual, in consequence of the circuits brett bern's alt?red so as to make StaiScra tire last place. Mr. and Justice Williams arrived in tilatrceste-r es late as ii o'clock, N and opened the commission. 1-ha lordship attended divine little service oii the tollorving remorninit. ...


... POLICE XXTELLIGE.NCE. CouNCIL.&HocUsE, BrSo'roc, SAoTURlDAY. Magistrattes present:. Messrs. Ash, G. E. Sanders, & Newican. Thomans Coward, for assaulting ta polit-eman, was fined 2s. oil.j or to be imxprisoned,for seven days in default. Win. Morgan, remanded for stealing moot from the cart of William Milmer, was again brought up. It appeared that the cart was left inl the charge of an old man, ...


... B3ANKRUPTCY COURT.-TnuRsDAY. EIPARTE ALLESOP & C1.-Ra ACnA5SANS, MORGAN, AND Co.- DX- Smith, on behalf of Messrs. Allsopp & Co., resumend his arguments in this case, contending that, in point Of equity and of law, his clients ere entitled to prove against the estate. The learned counsel's able address, in the course of which he referred to a vast number of authorities, after having occupied ...


... CeoUAT Or ISANsLRUPTCY. GUILDIIALL, BRISTOL, AMONDA.Y. (Be fore M1r. femJllsusstasef Stephen.) Re, SMsA Ts 'r. eu a(1, an application for a certificate. On the banhitapt appearing, attended by his solicitor, Mr. CisIIonour said le was sorry to observe that the meeting iaf not been adrertiC-d, owfiig to a mistake on the part of tle mnessonger, whigh li ght not to have occurred, and on which it ...


... couff Or NAAWKSUPTGY. GUILDHALL, BnswonL, MONDAY. Mr. Haimar, in taking in a fiat in the case of Hloweex-parte Edwards, took the opportunity of applying to the dourt with regard to the registrat ion of fiats. Mr. H. said, the fiat which: he produced was an old one; it had been worked out. aud the bankrupt had obtained his certificate (a final dividend! having been declared), but the ...


... oMZC;G ZNNTMLLIGMNCE. COrINO L-HUttU.5R, JH srorM, SATURDAY. olag-istrates present: The Mayor, and Messrs. Newman, Hawsvell, iand Savage. ce James O'Brien wvas rhlarged ('upon a warrant) with assaulting ill Jane Leak. The complainant, whose face was much disfigured ot by bruises, stated that the prisoncr had kept up ain improper tb intimacy ivith her daughter, whom he claimed as his wife, and ...