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Northern Star and Leeds General Advertiser



Leeds, Yorkshire, England

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Northern Star and Leeds General Advertiser

Bankrupts, &c

... Zanttrupto,, ?-v. From tih Lofidon Gazette of Friday, Jine 23. It BAtNItII1US'S. John Mee, Noxthamptoinipire baker, to surrender July 7, at half-past one, Augi 4, at hiaf-past twelve, at ll the Bankrupt's Court. Soliciars, Mlessrs. Fox and It Britain, Ba nghall-strcot; and Mcr. Hunnybun, Hun- c tiagdan; ofocial assigoeo, .Mr. Wttitnwra, f3asinghall- UO street. 0 Thomas Hobbs, Nettlebed, ...


... LEEDS CORN MARKET, TUESDAY, AUGUST 1ST.- The supply of grain to this day's market is larger than last wcek. There has been a limited demand for Wheat, and prices 3s. to 4s. per quarter lower; in old very little doing. Oats has been Xd per stone, and Beans Is. per quarter lower. The weather has been showery; to-aay cloudy and cold. THE AVERAGE PRniCrSS OF WHEAT, FOR TrHE WEEK ENDING AuGUST 1, ...


... LONDON CORN EXCHANGE, MONDAY, SEPr. 25.- ?? the past week, as well as fresh up for market, coastwise and by land carriage, a fair l average time of year supply of English Wheat has l been received As the quality of the new Wheat was by no means first rate, and the supply of old very small, the former sold at prices fully equal to those obtained on this day se'nnight, while old parcels were Is ...


... IMPORTANT MEETING AT HUDDERS- FIELD. On Monday evening last a most numerous an t important meeting was holden in tile large room of' the Philosophioal Hall, to call upew the Queen to direct her Ministers to make the principle of PROTEGI TION FOR LnABnOvithe basis of measures for the relief of the oppressed prodwcers of wealth. It was called at the instance of one or two gentlemen of the town, ...

Bankrupts, &c

... LasuhrvvO, S&. From 11c London Gazette of F7rdaV, Feb. 17. BANK'tOP't. Judah de Jaxob Piriente, uf Bury-street, St. M3ay Axe, City, merchant, Fob. 2b, at one, and March 24, at twelve, at tbe Cnurt of B-inkruptcy, Lqndon. Mr. Pennell, offioial asignee; and Mi s61S. Hill and Mathews, solicitors, St. VLryrY Axe. Thomas Pal ton, of Swan-street, Newington, Surrey, iron-founder, March 6, at hadf ...


... LEEDS Corti MARKET, TUESDAY, DEC. 19-Our supplies are again liberal. The Wheat trade this morning has exhibited a considerable degr e of firmnneas, and we have a more healthy demand at fully last week's prices. In the value of Barley there is Do material change, fine qualities are coin- pavatively scarce and are freely taken. Oats are ,id per stone, old and new Beans Is per quarter, and ...


... ! LONDON CORN EXCHANGE, MONDAY, Nov. 20.- )Y. The returns of Eaglish Wheat in the past week shew at very moderate arrivals, while the supplies of ail other a Grain have been limited. The number of samples of ahome-grown Wheat fresh up from Essex, Kent, and Suffolk, being comparatively trifling, and the attendance ie, of both London anei country miliers good; the demand rd for that article, ...

Bankrupts, &c

... WC. - ?? From the London Gazelte of Friday, April r. BANKRUTS 0. John Shaw. Soyinour-place. Camden-town, buildsr, to surrender April 21, at half-past eleven, May 19, 'at eleven, at the Bnkrupts' Court, Solicitors Messrs. Pain and Haterly, Great Marlborough-street; official assionee. Mr. Whitmore, B seingball-stroet. Brnjamin Vines, Hoole, grocer, April 19. at ten, May 23, at twelve, at the ...


... MARKET I9TELLIGENCE. LiVtRPOOL CATTLE MARKET, MONDAY, JUNE 19. -We have had a large supply of Cattle at market to-dav, the greater part of which eold at high prices. Beef Sd to 6d, Mutton 5d to Sid, Lambs &ld to 64Ic per lb. Number of Cattle :-Beasts 1,006 Sheep and Lambs 9,219. LIVERPOOL CORN MARKET, MONDAY, JUNE 19.- The imports of Grain, &c. since this day se'nnight are of very small amount ...


... M&ARKET INTELLIGENCE. LONDON CORN EXCHANGE, MONDAY, AUG. 21ST.- New Wheat ruled extremely various, there being a difference of at least 103 per qr. between the value of the best and most, inferior samples. Old Wheat suffered an abatement of from Is to 2s ; now ditto from 4i to, in some instances, 5s per qr. from the rates obtained on Monday lost. Fine Foreign Wheat from Is to 2s var qr. lower ...


... MAbRKET INTELLIGENCE. LONDON CORN EXCHANGE, MONDAY, JULY 3RD.- The stands being scantily Eupplied, English Wheat was brisk, at an advance on last Monday's quota- tions of from Is to 2sper quarter. The best qualities of Foreignl Wheat commanded Is per quarter more money. The value of other kinds was supported. Barley at fuil prices. Superfine Ware Malt was a turn higher ; in other kinds only a ...


... 3WIRKET INTELLIGENCE. LONDON CORN EXCHANGE, MONDAY, JAN. 30.- Last week the arrivals of Whelt from oar own coasts, were on the whole, good, but mostly of infe- rior quality, arising from the dampness of the atmos- phere. Fresh up this morning, coastwise, and by land carriage, and samples, the receipts were com- paratively small, particularly from Essex and Kent. The sraples being somi what out ...