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... POLICE INTEBLLIGENCE-TuEsDAY. BOWt-bTIU ET.. Mr. Stafford, of Buckinglium-street, Strind, 6olicitor, t waitrd upon Mr. Jardine to complain of the gross miscon- duct of one of thc wvatrnt officer o!' the ciiirt, in tskit-g into custody, npon a bueih wairi'ut, a person cf the name ois Kidilun, under the following eiransrstanve,.:- ln coneequente of l dispute which hlid for some time ex- ieted, ...


... ICENT.RA L CRIMINAL CORT-W.fDEnsDAY, [Before Mr. Baron Alderson.) ASSAULT. Johnt cesvsgre, aegd 30, vans placed at the bar, charged with fe- I lortiouslay cutting and woundinsg Thomas Noash, the younger, with t] intent to do him tome grievous bodily harmn. r Mr. Ilorry condlucted the prosecutionl. c Thle prisoner was defended by Mr. g~allmntine. 1 From thle evidence, it appeared that the ...


... SHERFlF'S' COURT-TuisDAY. [flfoure 5r. Urlrd'r-ShlerifB' llrrhel 'aid a Special Jsry.J Tlili 4lVEEN V. aILts. 'this wasn a tit of extent issuing front the' oo it of Ecelqlmer, directing a J, to to inquire what gnod', chattelr, Iandtr, an-l tentemeants, tocttlter vith the value thereof, were in fie poiesegslort f Thonmas Hilsoll Oilt-, sia-4e Coach tll,[ orirlliblhA pro.prIetor, tOn the '271h ...


... ZA WN02TICB&$TBXs DAY. 9H£1;lFFS' COUET, RED LLON-SQUARR1fllt at ten. Mjrrrlott r Uosbee-Atkinson v Rebinson-Edney v Jones-Good- ma~n v Httrmnan-Oally v Qreen-Wrenolds v Seymour-Hall v 'bre-M'Lau-hlan v Dlickinsonl-tG e v Bradshaw-Nash v Tuli 'ryoots v Aidrieh.-LtWctfleld v Carr-WhItaker v Simmons-. u-ker v M'tchel1-RtoC v Ednionds-Hook v Ireland-West v Paul-Hall v Slownal,, otherwise ...


... POLICB INTEL.LiGNCB.-FRIDAY. CLERKBNWELL. lt TunT EN.Li'vtTRO'0 SHOO0T THlE Qtinmr.-Tho suppoesd. mono- lt. maniac £clsrdse Arnistrowsj, who hod been remanded en tiro rre- let. vious day on a charge of threatening to shoot thea Queen, wa i brought up for flinal examinriltion.T Tire court was crowded with respectable individuals, and great fret inte-rest was manifested in thea proceedings. ...


... POLICE INTJLLIG-dVCEB-TtBST)AY. (a MARLBOROU0ll FTREEi. c A CAftovTR.-A bundle of parll-colouredt rags aind m11d, elr- mounted by a coal-black visage and weolley head, was put to the bar charged with Itivitag rmn emluck In Oxford-street, this moru- ing, wbile in a rampanit elate of anti-teetottlism. - o the delinquent was recogaised as Otd Sanbo', ofbersine Joe Hotvard, a knight of the broom, ...


... LAW NOTICES - TUars DAY. COURT OF CHANCERY, LINCOLNIS-INN-At ten. In re Barlatlaski, lunatic petition, by order. REM.aAINING CAsIso PErlTIoNS-PearSe V Brooke, part heard- It re Ipswich Charitlles-l re lichtleld Charities. Unapposed Lunwaic Pettlions. AT't1ALS,-Baille V Ines (2), part heard-Dodd v Cary, part heard. After which Opposed Lunatic Petitions. VICB-CHANCBLLORS' COURTS, LINCOLNS-INN ...


... SENTENCES. The following sentences were passed during the session just ter- nainated:- Dswrse.-Edward Dwyer. DRAnTtr RacoueDrn.-Jaretniah Caylor, Michael Hayfield. TrAuNsrorsTkTiox Foal LI .-Win. Fowler, alias BenjasinNeck, Francis Bull, Samuel Sydney Smith, Henry BTish. Foi. FIra'Eare YzAns.-Qeorge Butler, William Jeffries, Alfred Walter. Fou FounTEvEN Ysler .-Dauiel ltoion, John Spiller, ...


... LA IT' AOi1L'RS-Tyii? DAY. COURT OE~ CHANCERY, WEBSTIN31STEIR-t ai t ten. In t Il-ot'sle, Ittuantie pcilioal, by order-1lt aw M'illitigs, Itiok- p11 t plttiltio, by aider-Itt 1to Colemian, dittol. .bttt::.a1.---CltIiel v\I l'iiat-IVilliaatis v .Mtoot'e- Satrte- r A Ilt VIczc-CIANCEL L~S '~rs CO~URTS, WEST. 1Y2'l :KI EH-tit at grit. Illefare Sir L. SuAI)taEIL., aIlolions. tlefore Sir J. ...


... POLICE ZNTELLIGENCR-MONDAY. flOW-STltEET. Fnoaopnr.-Aostts.n Guiche, allan Bonys~tnvd, who was laet week remanded from this court on a charge of forging and uttering a check for £10, pulrportinag to be drawn on Mesarn, Robarts, Curtis, noid Co., by Charles Taylor, of 14, Hannvcr-street, Mlanover-sqonare, wons tn-day brought up for further examInation befroe Ml. Hall. Mr. H. Ellis stated that ...


... ASS!TZ flTELZZXNON. NORTHERN CIRCUIT-~LIVERPOOL, MONDAY. (CROWN ?? Mr. Baron PARKE.) CecARtE or AasOtO.-Thomais3 Hoary was indicted for set- ting fire to his sobop with intent to defraud tise Phasnix in- surance Compnnly.-Mr. An)onLnhTO, Mr. PAGET, and Mr. FlTa- G~osrtrO, conducted the prosecution the prisoner was defendcd by Mr. Wsr.50t0N5and Mr. JAmes. Thq pelooner is a draper, and in tise ...

Singular Escape from the Queen's Bench Prison

... At Union Hall, on Tuesday, Mr. Chester, the Deputy Marshal of the Queen's Bench Prison, applied for a warrant against Mr. Frederick tudford, a gentleman of property, confined for debt, who made his escape from the gaol under the following remark- able circumstances:-Mr. Ludford had been an inmate of the above prison for about six months, and on Monday, February 20, lie woo missing from the ...