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... CHINA ILLUSTRATED: a series of views. By Thlomas Allom, Esq.; with notices by the Rev. G. N. Wright, M.A. 4to, parts I to 4.-London: Fisher. The happy issue of the struggle between this country and China has naturally aalwened curiosity respecting all that concorns that vast but ill-kirewn empire, and its dense and extraordinary population. It is to grati- fy this taste that Messrs Fisher have ...


... Caps.-TYhe Bretons caps are now much sought after for a morning toilette, in muslin or lace; they are generally lined with different light colcurs, giving them a very pretty effect. Those in tulle are mostly made short at the ears, and ornamented at each side with three chouK of red satin riband, a wreath of very sntall rosettes passing round the back of the cap. Some are made without any caul ...


... I WINDSOR, MONDiY EvFNING.-A most extraordinary and curious collection of Chinese guns and swords, which were captured from the enemy during the late war in China, by Commander W. H. Hall, at that time captain of the Nemesis, iron-steamer, and now the commander of the Royal Victoria and Albert yaeht, arrived at the Castle this morning, from the East India Company's warehouses, in the city, ...


... I I SINGULAR AND IMELANCHOLY EVENT. It is pretty generally known to the public that that monarch of modern comedians, Mr W. Farren, somse time since experienced a severe shock of paralysis. at the conclusion of his inimitable performance of Old Parr, at the Haymarket Theatre, and by which attack he was compelled to relinquish his professional duties. On narfir~l ---nvrx ?? I,;- -11A -AA-i -n A ...


... TnEI ILLUMINATED MAGAZINE-NoS. I. & I.-- hisisreallya splendid periodical, too much so, it must e feared, to be a profitable one, unless the circulation e very extensive, the price is so very low for the high rder of artistic and literary ability it displays. hdited by Douglas Jerrold, a writer of rare and varied dlents, with the aid of such effective contributors to ?? literature as Loman ...


... UNIVERSITY AND ECCLESIAS I A grant of 4001. haR ho- -7m1 Building - -- d- 'jeen addaed by the C~hn, church Kt ommissloaers towards erectingal tnit Oh chrh ?? the followandg Iadditional subscriptions tow, the Purchase and alteration en-lane cI pel, Sunderland, b&V, beeno Sring,~Fgardenln Bramwell, Esq., treasurer :- Oelerbyrun 2jsto Denton, Frederick-street, l ,; Lord; 11. 21;ada lady, by The ...


... 1 I . PErIODICAYS FkOI iy. Blackwood's Magazine.-This number opens with a lively racy article, on Dumas in Italy-the writerfollowing the traveller through his book in a thoroughly congenial spirit. The tale of It Ammulat l Bek ' is continued, and the series of ably-written pa- pers on Reynold's DiscourseW' are concluded. The next article, Leap Year, is a very p!easantly-told love ...


... EN.M -ILITERA TURE C apt~ a m lto~ atthor otf C yril T hornton, & c. E din - e batfland verdy: W- Blackwood & Sol's.-This is a # batiflwor and vry Cheap Octavo edition of Capt. i-amil- 4ke ago, and was Amrica, whiclh was published ten yeari t. TI ao ns work Considered then, and is Yet, one of the ~t mnost interesting books on tha't very fru 1l 5bj t4 The autlior, whatever else may be said ...


... TU - 1BERS' UYCLOPXDIA ol, ENGLIsix LitP TIRE-.Parts VI. and VII.-~Chabr~ tional CourSeEtymology -It is a pesr op the works of the Messrs Chambers, cosdrn h great benefit they have produced, an r rd among the working and themijddl~,eclaseotlc -and even of America. Little need eaddt has been already si ncmedto fteC p~edia; it is gotupwtalthtcoetenine rectness, with thataprn iht ieteh ...


... ?? I . - - T 1%A U R I I ~~~I A* womes &MG~ xsi F 'Mm. nninghtam and Mortimer-4There art a great variety of tnte~resting and ?? tales in this month's limber. and the editoe certainly shows how capable he of catering to the taste of the public, and pleasing he palate of every class of readers. One excellent ?? Is the great variety introduced by the areexercised to keep the articles short, a ...


... NORTIH OF ENGLAND SOCIETY I FOR THE PROMOTION OF FINE ARTS. The sixth annual meeting of the society was held in the Exhibition Rooms, in Market-street, yesterday afternoon, Matthew Bell. Esq., M.P., in the chair. There was an excellent attendance of Ladies. Amon~gthe. gentlemen present were-M. Bell, Esq., .P.; Win. Hntt, Esq., M.P.; Sir John Fife, Mayor; William Cookson, Esq., Sheriff; Thomas ...


... P'LOYAL:AND HORTICULTURAL SHOW. I ?? 11aydpn 3rid~e Floral a'id Hocticultural So. -ciel.y's~third iilnual ex63hibition was held on the 21st and aud 2nd ult,. for toewers, fruits, vegetables, &C.. ini a .0paconto pavilion in'the yard of the AnuaborlInn. Early iiithe,morniflg of the first day greatniuinbers began to a~embl5 from a 64:stauce. thela-y-was all that could be wvished, and U- band of ...