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... I _ _ _FASH.IONA I;L G-C . I WINDSOR, MONDAY--Thefollowing areepU toarv at the Castle this evening, On a iitt ?? to arrivo coneort ?? Portman, the Bishop Of Oxfor Sir Henry Wheat]e, a t ?? oaln. depa rt fln ai Edun Burk te R ight, Is. Vis o tecountyM] Attorney-Genleral of'the Duchy Of Corwal ViO1 e- bourne and Lord and Lady leasuvale took their departure front the Castle to-day. r ftecberatora ...


... FASHIONABLE INT L/G n WINDSOR, SUNDAY EVENING eb fineuess of the day, in addition to the atrat the Bence of her MaJesty at the Castle, caused an Ait Ley influx of visitors, who continued to arrive by the from London and various parts of the ...


... F-SHIONAJBL IE JNTELl I S Net The Queen and Prince Albert, accoapniea Princess Royal, arrived in London in a charlotain 114 minutes before five o'clock on Monday afternoon e mont. . hoe Marquis of Sligo, by the adviee oft siciens, is about to remove to Cowes, lsle of w' Al time. o Viscount Northland, M-P-. has returned to from this country. -° Sir R. Peel arrived in London on eayton 51anor. o ...


... VISIT or FIEF MAJESTY AND PitiNcE ALBERT TO CAMBRIDUE.-A baggage van arrived at Cambridge on Friday evening from London, with everything complete for a grand state bed, to be put up for her Majesty at the Lodge. ler Majesty's arrival about two o'clock on Wednesday, and her de- parture for the Earl of Hardwick's, are at length officially announced, and, in addition, it is statedthat it is her ...


... FASHIONABLE ?? - I The Queen and Prince Albert walked on morning in the Royal Gardens of Buckingham Palace rtl l Her Majesty, accompanied by his Royal H: Prince Albert, and the intent prince and printcs plates another and an early visit to Claremont. ci. The royal dinner party at Buckingham Pala11 FrIdtay Included her Royal Highness the Duleehss of 0 Serene Highness the Duke Ferdinand of Saxe ...


... FASHIONABLE INTELL1GENCB The Lord Lieutenant will leave town on Easter Monday on a tour to the south. He will proceed through tile county Wicklow, and will visit the Lakes of Killarney before his return. The Duke and Duchess of St. Albans have ar- . rived at Holly Lodge, Highgate, from Redhourne Hall, near Brigg, Lincolnshire. The Duke of Norfolk, who went to London to attend the levee held by ...


... I THEP MAGAZINES. We owe an apology to our literary readers, and to the . publishers of these long-cherished and highly-prized favou- rites of the public-the Magazines-for allowing so much l of the month to elapse, and so many of them to accumulate taround us without having noticed any of them. The Im- lportant debate on Repeal, and the other matters of interest f which have occurred since it ...


... sECOND NOTICE. Dublin Magaziae and Citizen. The feature of this month's number is a most powerful and judicious article on the subject of Medical Edutation, which we strongly recommend, even to the general reader; but to those interested in the subject we say, on no account onmit the perusal of this most forcible exposition of a strong mind, which has iuikught deeply on its subject. What ...


... - ,I3g NITED IRISHMEN, THEIR LIVES AND BY -R. R. MADDNRMuDM.D., Second Series, in -Two VQld., with numerous;. Original :ECOND- roict:Ai. - Il, our introductory' notice of this'the second series of Dr. SMddeU3t' itresthig and valuable worki.we alluded &geIeral terms io the subject of the volumes, and to the ms,,,ner in which our author had executed hifs task. We pro- teed oneW to examine ...


... FASSIIONABL#' JNTELLI~~NSCFR.: ore . -. WINDS OR, WEDctEsDAT~.-Thes mornsng his Itoya Highness Prince Albert hunted with his harribrs for thie fdrst itime thlis seasei. Hi's royal highness wbsattebnded by Color el, 1ty Bouvrleaund Mr. G. E. 'Anson. 'The meet Was at Mr. Mason's the farm, at Upton. The royal party had two excellent runs, and returned tothe Castle at two o'clock to luncheon. be ...


... E , FASHIONA BLB INTELLIGBNCI-. The Lord Chancellor gave his first dinner for th season at his residence, Stephen '-green, on TUesda A his lordship's distinguished guests were, the Rarl of De° Lord Eliot, the Master of the Rolls, Chief Justice Dohet, ?? Baron of the Exchequer, Judges Crumpton Pen'in e Ball; the Attorney-General, Mr. Sergeant r osy M Henn, Jonathan Henn, Esq., Q.C.; Riclard ...


... ?? ---LIT.ERAtURE. LAND AS A KINGDOM AND A COLONY. IlisJANV 8 (Dublin: S.J. MAchen). of the healthiest evidences of the state of the public dn ireland, on the subject of nationality, is the exten. ie ned iacreasing demand for works on Ireland and her ?? rnd 1er relation to England, and her capability for re'o reatettt and independence. This fact is a valuable Ihich deserves to be well and ...