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South East, England


Portsmouth, Hampshire, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... I, Ii Is I. 5] It tt it id Il: it kg .itI u II C it 3. lted will ture the a of eing tedt; hole 'nse- tios i not isels, irsot shall mse. hat I have usle. anid twill ving. im in- ich is dricts lt a C fire disedid ill ab- upon boat ad r's- teated ctation ottona s-box, low ill a pipe to the to the fort ot arhy iii Itkheac istiofl e fron effect) eausss [it r &Chancery. made in a cause v Gnooiiv. ...


... ORY SCHOOL, Mfor at limited otamberof YoUNG.GENTLEMEN,. 1 will IIE.oa'E oin Alonday, the 24th July. tl ST. .JOiN'S STREET, CHICHESTER.. LADIES' BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL, 27, Union Street, I'Ortsea- Ns 1`1H E AIlISSES OW1EN gratefully acknowledge th I the cintinued stalport of their F rientla and thle and tic Public. anti beg to announce thc ?? ofthe tillte above.Estahlishmenart on Monday thle ...


... D OTHERS. Ma NEWPORT, IsLt OFl 1lGIVIl- iD 0ME, Time in tire month oI'.March riext, will b tia SOLD lr atl CTION, urlespireviously Disposed 'n in' bV Privart Clrltracl--A DWVE1,t ING.HOUSE, tim iLACKSMI T1'I'H'S SIHOP. anit other PHREMIISES, be sitiuetit Coprpinnp's Bridge, at tile elitranice inl o New grl port i1OmI Ityde il the severil rrccuparlioils f (ieorge dir Snook and other. ?? good ...

Advertisements & Notices

... e~ i~iep pe.e* ~ f %)t A N 'I 1,D-A rpict~lile YOU'l'JJ as an care 1- ?? PPREDNTICE to the TrA A~zt3 (t.;EN31AI. tir . ?? BUSINeESS. TO he treated as one of the n~uf'a ?? tamrilv. A prentiuui will be ?? B.C., hiu: 8 Post. uffice. Newpost, Islo ofM ight. -- e LUBCIDCl STATE~r DISTRtIB-UTION. ยข t;h ep~rilsel Il43contai~tittg 3,000 DiviLdendts in C3 'pttb', 11143 lhtlej.h t X-NE SH~RE, may ...

Advertisements & Notices

... of Litleil Dris~per'y Esttablilshmnrtt 51, Qu~eenl ani. street, Por tser ?? ible N'EW ~V1NI[E G0O1)tte. e W~ BLAKE respectfulily nnnounces his return from cotni the .V the London Marlets, where he has purchased scare pr ltrgely of EVFRY DESCRIPTIOtN OF t3O0D3 and sera suitable for thle season; and invites the attention of the that Jul Public to asuperior assortnment of' Plaids, Casnineres, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... == -I bqu t WEST SUSSEX ASSOCIATION, | For tire Encorrxaqcrsmenotof MIeriloriousS and Industrious I Apricultural Labourers. DI r ,IHE GENERAL MAEETING will take place on Tuesday, 13th inst., at Goodwood. The SHEA.1n r Ilq0 MIATCH will commence at ten o'clock. The DIsTsrIUTOlf of the PREtmilltiis will take place alter Dinner, which will be laid in the Tennis Court, at two o'clock ; Ihis Grace ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO ARCII ITECTS, CAPITALISTS, ANND TILE 01' WIoSiT. AN opportuit sno ofed-of taking on Lease As for 99 years absolte, or for terms determinable with lives and renewable for ever, or of purchasing the FREEHOLD OF LAND, most desirably situotein Ithis4 admired Isle. The Success of similar undertakings at Ityde and Vcntnur, (less desirable localities than those now off, etei) will doabtles'S ...

Advertisements & Notices

... .he , owes ?? I55I Bcacriv c H Sit b , el, THEATRE ROYVAL PORTS.MoUTth ,r Monday, April 17th, the Amtnaeurs wilil per. Ild form tile SCHOOL FOR SCANDAL, and the: (if DAY AFTER THE WEDDING. Thie arrahlgenients to be the samc as last tine of per. forming. THEi FARfEHA5A,_ BALL.kj;'_ o A Few hthice COSTUMHES may be seen at 'the ro. A itg'slRooms, Southee oD application to Mr. tit, -i19S~ on 1e-, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... sons PortseaL Islairil IiOrticultural Society. Stjon T HE FIRST SHOW for ?? present SEASON, 4uch will be held on Wednesday, the 21st of June ased inst., in the Lawn of the Rev. G. H. Livesay, Castle and Road, bouthsea. ayor Admission to the Public, on payment of Is. each, gh'S 'between the hours of two and five o'clock. in the after. the nloon. ves- By the kind permission of Colonel INichel, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T IIE SECOND FAREHA'M SU1BSCRIPTION . IBALL will tase place at the AssemblysRoonts, on Tuesday, l0th Jantuary, 1B43. Tickets, Supper included-Ladies, seven Bhilings *it Gentlemen, eight shillings. s a'HE; ANNUAL BALI, In behalf ?? ariie6 u connected with the. Beneficial Society, will take place in, the Society's Hall, on Wednesday, January I1th, 1843. Dancing to commence at elght o'elock. A ...


... ight Hon. the Earl of Verbarnugla, Right he ?? P. p ;. I\Iaster of the Isle of Wight, will hold of a PROVINCIlAL GRAND LODGE on W~ednes IR se, day, October 4th, 5843, at the Star Inn, Newpott, wheu HF.AD, I n8 the favour of thle attendance of the Lodges and nreth-fly a ren of the neigh~bouring Yrovinces is particularly re- 1a'he I of quested. R.H Ir. TIhe Lodge will he cloied tiled at 10 a.nm. ...

a- ?? C^OSENS, Widow

... af the late JAMIES DuoE I . CSXNS, UHIOCER, &c. Hythe. having disposed uto, 11I vrher Btruinesa to Dir. THOMIAS.JARSJAN, returns ot of her blest thanks to her l'riends and the Public for their C thatr 1., liberal support, and begs to solicit a continuance of the AIR y satme fbr her Successor. AnDA to THO DIAS JAR DIAN, comnmencing itt tibe above A2Viul-i to oldel-etablished Business, begs to ...