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Northern Star and Leeds General Advertiser



Yorkshire and the Humber, England

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Northern Star and Leeds General Advertiser


... LETTER XVII. TO THE EDITOR OF TIE NORTHERN STAR. Sm.-To assist in precuring that Unity for which I Om so strong an advocate, seeing that I did not coincide in practical operations with Mr. Owen, the president of the Rational Society, I have resigned the office of General Secretary of that Society, and retired from Harmony Hall; conoequently my letters cannot bear their usual heading. As ...


... ,E51O A SERIES OF LETTERS FROM AN OLD MIAN IN THlE COUNTRY, TO A I OUNG MAN IN DUBLIN. ti rrro -Te, Beauties of the 'Press: U selectiea Of JIE orignal ~lices, ssay, 4,., WichOriginlly/4 ir ap.Veared in the 1 PRESS newsparpep, esatblished B in Ireland by Arthur' O'Connor, after tile forcible fe oauppressiofl of the Northern Star. by ilia Govern-- pi mfent.] a LETTER Ill. o Ml DEAR FRiEND ...


... NEW MAGISTRATES. The Lord Chancellor, upon the recommendation of the Earl of Donoughmore, has appointed Mr. R, W. White a magistrate for the county of Tipperary. The Chancellor has also appointed Mr. J. S. Barry to be a magistrate for the same county. Warrants havo, in addition, been signed for the appointment of the following gentlemen to the snagistracy: Sir R. J. Paul, for Waterford, Mir. C ...


... y The following is the letter of Mr. O'Connell alluded to in Mr. O'Connor's letter of last week TO THE PEOPLE OF IRELAND. H Hereditary bondsmen! know ye not, 1 Who would be free themselves must strike the blow ? or There are two propositions of perfect truth, which Y ought to be kept In the coestant recollection, and en- 6 braved on the mind of every true Irishman. fII The first is, that no ...


... THE LATE PRAILWAY ACCIDENT. We stated last week that an accident had occurred to a North Midland train at the Barnsley station, by which a gentleman had lost his life. The deceased was Mr. Robert Harvey, a commercial traveller from Glasgow. An inquest was held on his body on Friday last, at the Barnsley station, before Thos. Lee, Esq., and the following is a summary of the evidence adduced:- ...

Local and General Intelligence

... KotaT a (ameraI 1Entsiufeu. BURY.-The Court of Holiness, No. 25, of the Ancient Order of Royal Foresters held their 18th Anniversary on Saturday, August 5th, when sixty- nine of its members eat down to a most excellent dinner at the house of Mr. Thomas Foxeroft, the Bridge Ina, Heap, near Bury. After the cloth was drawn, Mr. James Heap was called to the presidental chair, and Mr. Thomas ...

Local and General Intelligence

... RLoral ant 8eneral 3Entelifeunce. - ?? ,- ?? - - - .- - - - - - - - SIR LAWRENCE PEAL, Chief Juatice of Bengal, has arrived at Ceylon in very bad health. MR. DRISCOLL, manager ef the Colonial Bank at Australia, has resigned. A qUICKSILVER MINE has been discovered in Jalisco in Mexico, which is likely to be of great importance to the Eaglish companies Interested in mining there. THE REMAINS of ...

Forthcoming Chartist Meetings

... j orl.trow(na Ctartiot Alreffilso. LONDON.-LIBERATION OF GEORGE WHITE.-The following meetings will be held to congratulate George White on his liberation, and to receive his renewed pledge of feplty to the Chartist cause:- A General Festival, consisting of Dinner, Concert, and Ball. at the Hall, Turnauain-lane, Skinner- street, on Monday, January the 8th, 1844. Dinner on the Table at four ...


... SeRr-The very best motives induce me to close my correspondence with you for the present. Was I to continue that correspondence now, the con- cludihg paragraph of your last letter, addressed to the Irish people, should furnish the ground-work for my future letters: and the language of that short paragraph is so plain, explicit and unequivocal, that it would leave me no alternative but that of ...


... CONCILIATION. Where there's a will theres a way. Notwith. to standing the endeavour of many parties wishing well to 'd the cauee of Chartism, either to suppress or explain away the unhappy differences which appeared to exist between the Executive and a portion of the Nottingham id Chartists, yet as in all such cases, tricksters, eaves'. rs droppers, and meddlers, who had nothing whatever to ...

Chartist Intelligence

... Ctartiot EntrIliqmcc. -.-II-111-1111-1-1-1-11, ?? ?? ?? inI IDP(ADOtN.-At ttw CitY of Linde)n l5titutioi,,,0 on 0 Suinmy evening, Mr. Cuffhy in the chair, Mr. Shesrard AVI delivard a 11ost able reid arlauesntative let-ure, and for ?? . shoosaticelly appleunded. 7n iPGRtATI leotured, on Sunday evening, to the Chi, ste'n or Seiners T-ur. The audience was large, T F sn~ ntliusinstically ...


... TIHE VICTIM FUND COMMITTEE TO THEI CHARTISTS OF GRlEfs. BRITAIN. BRoTHEsS,-Jn laying before you our balance sheet for the last six wi eke, you will see the manner in which we have disposed of the funds placed in our hands. We again urge upon you the necessity of continuing your exertions on behalf of those who are suffering in the cause. You will see the relief that we have given is not ...