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Hull Packet

Advertisements & Notices

... SIO-ULAR CASES OF RECOVERY OF HAIR, After 18, 25, and 26 years loss, ,, , , _ ?? - .- _ ?? ?? tal dfew attestatioat, rselected from numberless others, receired he during the last 40 years) to the virtues of ROWLAND'S MACASSAR e; OIL; ?? original, of rhich may be seen at the Proprietors. i To Messrs. ROWLAND & SON, 20, HATTON GARDEN, LONDON. Y. Hummunu Hotel, Covent Garden, en February 26, I ...

Advertisements & Notices

... lay- ?? rot MRS. JOHNSON'S Ills VMERICAN SOOTHING SYRUP, 'IeFOR CHILDREN CUTTING THEIR TEETH. t a In [HI inaibe R M Y ha preserved tlh- hnrd fcide hntogtp recovery uld ro covson arsn frm aiuldntion. As es. sona h yu srbe nte gums, the child set wilb eivd h uscoe, and the inflam. per mation reduced. It is as innocent a3 efficacious, tending red to produce the teeth with ease; and so plessant, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO SHIP.BUILDERS, OWNERS, CAPTAINSp AND THE PUBLIC IN GENERAL. THOMAS DRIFFILL, SHIP- I CIINDL~, Wet En Old Dock, ilull, AGN fo ?? essrs. VOW and 'WINDLASS WvORK in generil; also CHAIN CABLES, ANCHORS, &c. &c.; and at the same time begs to inform them, that be has very good SECOND- HAND CHAIN CABLES, ANCHORS, end various -other STORES, w4hich will be Sold very low. - Old Stores taken in ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ; ce^~tlaneou%. V TO THE LEGAL PROFESSION. I SCARBOROUGH'S HOTEL, LEEDS, B EfNG only twenty yards from the Bank- B ruptcy Courts, will be found very convenient for parties attending them; having also the advantage of being in a quiet open situation, while only three ininutes' walk from the principal open thoroughfare. Omnibuses call on the arrival and departure of every Trani. w ERFTAS a ION ...

Advertisements & Notices

... /BEVERLY AND EAST-RIDING LORAL & HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY, AiD BAZAAR ( In AID of the FUNDS towards BUILDING A NEW PARISH CHURCH AT LEVEN, AND A CHAPEL-OF-EASE AT TICKTON. HE ANNUAL SPRING EXHIBITION T of the above Society will be held on WEDNESDAY, r the 7th JUNs, in the Naw PUBLIC HALL, NORWOOD, t BgvsELEY. The Chair to be taken at Three ?? by the President, E. H. RE1YNARD, Esq., of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 7 V ABERDEEN AND HULL. THE ABERDEEN STEAM NAVIGATION we CO1 MPANy'S Splendid and Fast-sailig Clipper schooners ONIAN PARAGON & ABIEDNAN Are dispatched from; each End of th Li eameErY WEDN ESDAY, during the Withdrawal of ?? Superior Acromf10odatwn for Passengers. Fares and Freights very low. Fnrther Particulars learned on application to JAMES DAVIDSON, Agent, Hull, 30th NOV., 1843. 3, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... V. [ADVERTISEMENT.1 SINGULAR CASES OF RECOVERY OP HAIR, After 18, 25, and 26 years losu. 4fejw attestaltion, (selected from numberless othere, received during the last 40 yearsJ to the eirtuier of ROWLAND'S MAXASsAi OIL; the originals of which may be seen at the Proprietors. To Mesrs. ROWLAND & SON, 20, HATSoF GXBDa2N, LomoDom. Hummum Hotel, Covent Garden, February 26, 1802. GsNTLitumen,-In ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CHEAP AND EXPEDITIOUS GENERAL PRINTING OFFICE, 6, BOWLALLEY-LANE, HULL. THOMAS FREEBODY -ESPECTFULLY informs LITERARY and oCAIMaclAL GENTLEbIFN, SOLICiTOnS, Auc- ToInEsEs, and others in the County, that every description of Plains and Ornamental Printing is executed in the first style, at the shortest notice, and onl the lowest possible terms, at the HULL PACKET OFFICE, this Establishment ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FOR TRIESTE, The iine fitst.sailing Austrian Vessel W2IU P.H R U AS IA, Captain PAIoURICK; ?? r for a foew Bales as Cabin Freight. Will Sail in about Ten or Twelve Days. For Particulars apply to ROBERT BURSTALL. 40, fligqkStreet, Auiust 17,1843. / ed% fin' go=ate. '6 BE SOLD BY AUCTION, BlY W. W. HYDE 85 CO.. At tito ERXC1XNGIZ SALE Rooms, Hull, on TUESDAY, fim 22nd Day of August, 1843, at Two ...

Advertisements & Notices

... GYPSUMf Manufctured by GEORGE and I I THOMAS EARLE, HULL. Vf APPRENTICE WANTED. INKS and SON, PAINTEIR9S, &o., 196, High- j Street, have'a Vacaney for an APPRENTICE. Hull, 23rd November, 1843. -hi A. VB CN SALE, SALT for MANUtRE: and FINE j t HOUSEHOLD.SALT. Also, DANZIG BLACK - BEER and NORFOLK FLOUR. Apply to - WM. NEWBALD, 23, High-Street. TO CONNOISSEURS OF CIGARS. J JUST CLEARED, Two ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Raillfting Wnuftrg. SHIP-OWNERS' SOCIETY.. FITZROY'S BILL. A GENERAL M EETING Of the SHIP- OWNERS' SOCIETY, as well as SHIP-MAS- AERS and MATES, will be hield on the EXCHANGE, on WEDNESDAY, the 18th Inst., to ascertain the Opinions of the said Parties with reference to CAPT. FITZROY'S BILL, and to determine whether they will Support or Oppose the passing of the said Bill in Parliament. The ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ~~PUfltScelUaneon0 ?? PARR'S LIFE PILLS. fU RIOUS and highly interesting Experisn'it U ON THE CAUstS OF HUMAN LONGEVITY The scientific world has lately been enriched with a published in the transactions of the Surgical Institute Of Paria by the celebrated Spanish ?? and Valdes, asilstedbJ Mona. Pleroot, of Paris, detailing experiments made by then1 durinsg several years' practice in ...