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Lloyd's Weekly Newspaper


... MeONDcAY. These sessions coosmencce at tice Guildhall, Westminster, on Monday, before Mr. Sergeant Adams, clhaireace, an,-. a bench of ?? calendar contained the names of orly 17 prisoners, 12 of whom were charged with felony. ItARnAnaors TncPAM'crST OF A CtIco.-1fary Taylor-, a middle-aged woman of Bullen-court, Straocd, pleaded guilty to ace indictcraent charging leer with assaulting lier ...

The Late Attempt to Murder at Derby

... FINAL EXAMINATION AND COMMITTAL OF GItOCOCK. ilidivers Gllroncec/. who was brorught before Dr. Dent, at IDeriy, onl Saturday, is reported tl ruror iast, chargoer with a serrirrres ire, underwont a second esrlirlae tioii before J. Bell CAOMPrroix, lsq., aixd Dr. DEar, ?? the policc-ollice onl itondac xftreooeo. The girl (Eliza Allwood) was so far recovered as to be able to apliear against ...

The late Fatal Accidents on the Croydon Railway

... The late Fatal Accidents On the Croydon Railway. CORONER'S INQUEST.-ANOTHER MAN KILLED AT NEW CROSS. Onl Thursday, at three o'clock, Mr. Payne, city coroner, held anl inquost in the board-room of Guy's Hospital, en view of the body of Jasper Hillyard, aged twenty-three, late an engine-driver ire the employ of the Lendon and Dover Rail- way Company, who was killed on Tuesday night last under ...


... ;jXTRAL CRIMINAL COURT. MONDAY, SEPT. I18. sessions, being the I Ith during the present mayor- comenced this morning, before the Right Hon. the 'isyor. the Recorder, Aldernoan Gibbs, the Sheriffs, 'er5itcriffs aotd usuai civic authorities. j RgeRoaDER briefly addressed the grand jury, and ob- $,athat the calendar contained the names of only 200 wcoerS, which Was to be accounted for by the ...


... SATFlRAY'S POLICE. MANSION-HOUSE.-THE WILL FoRGrRY CASE.- On Saturday, Afr. Barber, a solicitor in extensive practice, - and a person named Fletcher, who ere charged with uttering a forged document, purporting to be the will of a party l named Anna Slack, formerly of Chelsea, deceased, for the Ipurpose of defraudling the Bank of England of a large sum tof money, were again brought before the ...


... NA ,q 0,( . . M ONr, AY. i l(eferc ilr. Justice COLTMANt. PAc at:ras the krrlaired Juidge took his seat this morning, he ^ 10 !pas seiltence ?? several prisoners who had | jl oiltl ciy at n nero c davicta aring the ?? 1 ar'5'21 7;ie. als(i~eplrl Yeqrtoh , ,d~vIsio pleanded guilty jteg., ' 4 : s artjia thern lb itf feloniously and maliciously ' te Native, with irstent to prejudice the ?? at ...


... INUQVSTS, &c. A SAD CASE.-On Monday afternoon a lengthened investiga- tion took plate before Mr. Wakley, M.P., and a mnoot respectable ury, in the pupils' lecture-room of the Middlesex Hospital, on viewv of the body of Dr. John Coghlan, aged 2-li assistanit-surgeon of the l9tl Regiment of Foot, now stationed at Malta, and wsho committed suicide by taking pruosic acid under the very extra- ...


... ASS!TZ flTELZZXNON. NORTHERN CIRCUIT-~LIVERPOOL, MONDAY. (CROWN ?? Mr. Baron PARKE.) CecARtE or AasOtO.-Thomais3 Hoary was indicted for set- ting fire to his sobop with intent to defraud tise Phasnix in- surance Compnnly.-Mr. An)onLnhTO, Mr. PAGET, and Mr. FlTa- G~osrtrO, conducted the prosecution the prisoner was defendcd by Mr. Wsr.50t0N5and Mr. JAmes. Thq pelooner is a draper, and in tise ...

Singular Escape from the Queen's Bench Prison

... At Union Hall, on Tuesday, Mr. Chester, the Deputy Marshal of the Queen's Bench Prison, applied for a warrant against Mr. Frederick tudford, a gentleman of property, confined for debt, who made his escape from the gaol under the following remark- able circumstances:-Mr. Ludford had been an inmate of the above prison for about six months, and on Monday, February 20, lie woo missing from the ...


... LAW' I.NTI MilNo. C;URT OP BANKRUPTCY-I 4t4Ac 20. I*&.-eltkelavEy TucrsTT.-Thiofday.e . ae fixed for the final !djic'iedroam -ination of the ?? se' Cardigan and blaoL bottlernotoriesy, deorribed as a wir~lmbeerea aJt, and ?? of the.firnaof;Ilnctett, Gbrdon, and Co: rsnri g on ?? in the Pditzyp-. !&te partnership rwas dissolrd$ lt'h the eourseiofrlast year when.,it appeared that Gordoh ...


... P O L I U E. MANSION-HOUSE. C Ao C+V~DLt RcIAN-On Monday a well-dressed young AlCibhald Mo wett, who stated that he lived at No. 5,, Cper's-row, Tlosncr-hill, was charged with laving struck a o~u ntx ahaned Aln Norah islahoney, most violently in the % tj A greal of indignation was excited amiongst those eh li ear l ieanicutars of the cowardly conduict of the fellow a Cso ptaiant stated tilat ...


... SATURDAYS PFOLIR. MANSION-HOUSE. HEARTLESS ROBBEY.-ThiS morning a woman, named Jane Saunders, living in one of the drapers' almshouses, in- formed the Lord Mayor of the following heartless robbery:- She stated that yesterday afternoon, between four and five o'clock, she got into an omnibus at the Bank, for the purpose of proceeding to Duke-strect, Manchester-square, to redeem als article of ...