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Morning Chronicle



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Morning Chronicle


... Lll'IE'RAIURE. Ercwurions along the Banksofs the Rhine. By VICTOR H utto. The Rhbine is the imperial river of Western Europe, flow- ing through its central land, where the civiliostion of the north had its earliest birth, whoem rich surfaer is dirersifled by charming scenery, combining every attraction for the lovers of thle beautiful in nature, and studded with fair cities, whose ancient ...


... The performances of last night, for the benefit of Signor| MARIO, as usual on benefit nightrwere of excessive length, and detained us in the theatre till so late an hour that we ran only mention them slightly. The first piece was the Puritani, an opera which, though more frequently per- formed than any other in the repertoire, seems never to pall upon the public taste. The efe~ct of its swest ...


... MIR. BRAHAMI'S CONCERT. Mr. BRAIIAmA's re-appearance, after his three years' ab- sence, could not fail to excite much interest, and, accord- iogly, the announcement of his concert drew a crowded audieneo last night to the St. James's Theatre. On his pre- senting hiniselfhe was received with a shout of welcome from every patt of the house, and seemed much affected by so cordial a reception. It ...


... [FROM THE WORLD OF FASHION.) Bonnets will still remain much the same as regards the size of the brims; the only difference at present being that they are rather lower than higher. Some have appeared made in sky blue gros d'Afrique, and decorated with rose- buds, formiuf agraffes, and placed upon a Tappet of lace coquill6e, or fulled. There are some of a lighter style, com- posed of white crepe ...


... -apUaIrI AMUSEMENTS. I 1er MAJESTY'S Ti EATRIIE.-M idemoisolle | ; SyLElR resltctfnilly informs the Nobility, Sob- 'ri5s olial tie public, titl t tier BENEI 1I, I itd last appetratte buit oile 'Ill ltak llpltce To-motonet' EymItNxt; April tl, mtelt v1ill be enO ' taii5lli,,iwacelebrated Operalof L& SONNAMtiUL.A. Audius, feDIire1nllari, 'Terese, Madaestio Bollitil ; sud lisa, Mladauzue PtA I~t ...


... E * _ U-be Oazza La~sra was performed last night for the bensfit of the new dancer, Monsieur St. LBON. It is rarely that tbis fine opera can be performed to advantage, In conse. quenue of the difficulty of finding a fitting representative of the boy Pippo-a charming part, which [is felt like gleams of sunshine throughout tke 1piece, relieving the gloom of the subJect. This character has never ...


... TIHE ANCIENT CONCERTS. The concert of yesterday evening wias the eighth and lest of the season. It was under the direction of PrinceALBERT, for the Earl of WEtSMORPLAND, who is at Berlin. The programme contained a profusion of good music-some of it rare as well as excellent-but the effect of several pieces was impaired by Inattention to arrangement, and others were not executed so well as ...


... I PUBL IC AAlIUS!, AAENTS. GRHA N CO)NCERUTS, iMlorlling uli( ii veiniizg, daily, IOhL AUI) LILA it IN GOALLERLV, teIn itdiai 110 RUSSWian Siizpverni ilii' boclk I ariniotican, aid other atiutIationet cuthyprise the 'nii hlgali, AiliikiDrnlatlc! D1.ssolvinlg Views, &c.; L'clliived hr Pupilan cLecliii';, thel 13as Miciroscope', tbe Hitritltii l(cis, thle li%,- vi ailta Elie'lltrivl M1411111lii' ...


... Pfll'Cl'ESS'S THIJEATRE. ;4- I-,~ -.,.t. . - - LI.t uiglibt, itter the &-isir rAplore and tbieAlgel of ic e A! tie (both of wJyhc Rh receiv6d great and deserved applause) at uiew nlelodrnina was produced, called Tile 'c(ich lishcelwcm . It onsists of the usual melodramatic iuere- c cutsi compouided secwilccdtcn arteoi. There is a jolly tui;lr, blui; heicrty, end hospitable, wvith a shrewish ...


... X2'ITE MAGAZINES FOR No |B a.lurood, aa rnight be su'poeed, is very grcat uuo titl rcCent muiisteriai triumphs in leiand. lbie P-odl the game up weith Repeal, but concludes by hi. face agaist the notion of leniclcy towilrds thcs se i,,. mixed up in it. No compromise now; no ju rgloa,. L collusion We desire to see the Diajesty of t be law J sles cated as solemnlY as it has been ...


... Blacksood presentrs us with a good average number, though the articles are rather of the serious cast. The re- view of DIIII's Logic 1, despite the austerity of the subject, readable enough, treating some of the principal points of ratiocination in a popular and intelligible point of view. The work on - Modern Landscape Peinters,, by a graduate of Oxford, meets with a severe castigation, ...


... L12'BRATUR.E. ,'a as it lf ueder paganifins, and as it became under ou *Ppe. [J. Madden and Co. W hatever may have been the object proposed to himself b t author of this work, bhi laboura have not been bar- TooDf good fruit. The work of Gibbon, perhaps the great- ee gn~urnent of the erudition of the eighteenth century, 11d wonderful in every aspect, not more for the eloquence f the style, than ...