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Advertisements & Notices

... I r I r ?? TO PARENTS AND GUARDIANS. Tw ;1r BUCIKEL1,, CHE:UIST, DnUGC;IBT, and . DENTIST, Eata-street, Chichester, has a Va- Caticy fbr a well-educated qteady YOUTH as anl APPRENTICE. lie will be treated in all respectsas t one of the fatlty, and strict atten ?? will be paid to his nmoral'i. A Gentlemain wishes to obtalin a SITUATION for A h1i SERVANT. He is agood in-door servant, but preltes ...

Advertisements & Notices

... e I Th 001115 an OLNDEill ?? AuLuSC aen t et. 'cloc tlon Sauda;y aft-lernoon,J August B*Nih rt*' fur th~jcle tltc porp scs of herso taeaar, andsemain ech;me -itali untl it e-draesday mo~lt.t e 0mg Agt eath. aplctioe 7se ?? The BALL will take placte as 'uewlay A1 Tsgbast stsed Ll,.MNAD, atOD U'ArEe o'clock.i~ tred, gr Mf,Cet [-ilrexturin I Capkto hn-isac. sex. Lictfri. nds andtheubica I ..Lit ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BlBQROUo4 ,POr~pT$ It . ller:by -ve N d RA th QUARTER SSION of the PEACE, f :b-the ot Borough ?? Portsmouth, 'ill. be held at the Sessions' my Room therm' on FrODYmthle 30thh day of' June instant, lit onine o'ciock'j in tfe ;Uel0,l when and where the Grand 3ib and Petty Jurors, and, all- Persons houind by recogni. ytI zance, are rnimlmired to be in attendarnce lit thle Openimig at of thle ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BOAW51D ,Akl D.4Al ' 80900Lt VIOR' YOUN'GTLADES', : * . ,, .IUDLIN;G7GM2J O:XQM! i Xj[R8. F Si, respectffully4 'nnounce9 s twit-he .haj _KL ugoeded i6ss LIEN, in hejr Estab1;Smrent-which;;s jsituated'iri he aboeygegt, deliightfld apd.liea'th4 village, nsar 6'Oxford, and, 'vith her dlugl~ters, inltei!ds t.gj'ye ipttrusiorio ins all the hiv~ches of' generei j~dueation; ljiewjse in the various . ...

Advertisements & Notices

... To the Freeholders of tile (ounty of 0rJrrd. GRNTLEM EN, >7T4 E app,~tial l nade to you-ini my AddrreosB nnoc1rcibg1- Lmyselt' a Candidate for tlie offlce of or onet, llas beer ie- sponded to in a manner vhicih demands my-warmest oxpiesions . oP gratit de. All parties have uflited in giving mc prolmiises of their votes, and offering their best xvisshea tor my successa and I nist ?? acknowledge ...

Advertisements & Notices

... k ?? & Portsea IBanlk for l~aia.s e r0 WE Os'sCv of thlis ?? will llet be h p open until IUiON DA Y the 27th inst. on which day all Sums of Money, for whlichl noties was given on e Illonday last, will be payabla. A tienslonce will be given at the O)ffice on FRIDAY EVENING; next, fromn d Sevenl till Eight o'Clock, to reeeiee Dcpositorse' Books, te wibaut be left one week, tbr the purpose of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... to ? I ?? it BRiTISH A.?D FOREIGN BIBLE SOCIETY, rro? Ic '3 iHE PUBLIC ANNUAL IIIERTING of the - A Wze'r Sussix AUXILIARY BiSILL SOCIETY tIlL 27r1 tt will be held in the Assembly Iloum, Chtcheaeer, ? IlOU?51 Friday next, SeisteLuber 22nd, 11343. The Rev, George the prop d I3rrrwne (Srceciary) will attend ?? a deputation from the citeater. Parent Society. Tue chair will be taken at one o'clock. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... veyutbeband HODGSON ANI) ABBOTT'S EAST INDIA is those pre.. ru-'q abov PALE ALE. rauce ofiies- g ~dt elebrated BEER s 5tionglV tcon).. officI toca 5 niliedb fclto Invalids and otbetis. itt ta lie to Onytob obtained atf EDMUNI) STOKES, NfVasa itdiviual' iy AlEIC[AN1' 15, Hard, Porlsea, 9who is regard to tlte ?? pliedwiht ?? 'ron'l, it t Bow% Brewery, for thle place ?? th addres-EDMtUND ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1- O03fordslti2 AgricultutaI SGCietY. Y - Cesnisrittee M~eeting wvill be hee~d at the Star Imi, 1sOxford, on Saturday the 14th of January next, at T~se 'e V ri-clock, to confirmn thc Resolutions paissed at thb lestw - Dlersbers whlo kindly intend to offer Prizes for adjudicatkhva 5 thre'next An!niversary MBectirig ara requrested'ta send thc particu- l 1 lars thereof to the Secretary, Oxford, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AD e116CL.U MS. kLIvar, near.) By Permission of the Rev. the Vice-Chancellur and the TVor. slhitful the Mayor. MR. El. MARSHALL EGS respectfully to announce that his CONCERT 13 vill tulle place at the Music Roo M, HOLYWELL, on Monday Evening, May 15th, for which lie has engaged the following eminent Artistes:- R11l1i!ยง CLARUA N0VELL0, (Member of t/c 1hlilzhurmuic Societies oq 13eria, Bologna, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... RPY26,Ne andn O (Resident Surgeon-Ventists) No. f 6t New Inn u Hall-street, Oxford, at Home daily; hours froml Ten till Four. Single Tooth ?? :0 10 6 Complete Set of Natural Teeth..7 . 7 0 Dittu,on filie Gold ?? . ?? ?? ?? ?? ].15 0 Do. of the most splenidid Mineral Teethi on do.. 18 18 0 Scaling,10s.6d.;stoppjing, 5s.; extracting,is.;do. ohildren,2s.Gd. HEARING RESTORED. R. T. TAYLOR (fromn ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IMPORTANT AND EXTENSIVE SALE, A1ASTOAMAGNAbour miles from Shipston-on-Stozer and threefrom Moreton-in-Marsh, Valuable SHEEP, DAIRY, BARREN, and FAT COWS, HEIFERS, STURKS, YEARLINGS, and BULLS, CART lHlORSES, BROoD MARE and COLTS, FARMING IM1- PLEMENTS, and other Effects, UVfICII WILL BE SOLD BY AUCTION, O Bry INSALL and SON, On Monday the 3d day of April, upon the premises of Mr. John Marshall ...