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Advertisements & Notices

... ?? MABTER of the CEREMlONILES' BAILL- T°tckes, ourssazsythtel4th Joanuaruyt 1844.Seml N, 48 Aov Br whe~re a book is openI f . 'PETER DICKSON, ?? C b .A first.rate Quadrille Band (from London), will be in nttendance. . - ; A tU1'l)ELj3 Ll . s A BALL willy take nd place atr tlhe ?orfolk Armns, on a STEWAXISIS a TujF EAZIL 01 AltUNDEL AND SURR~EY.a W' 0. K: h. teA-t'WwClE, ESQ~. , IaeZ. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... da ado. fi l? AiRE 'EX?CI SI. .s ge?ng ( U? ColmIli t Ce a ppaiii ted (II ci liii der tile be .t .went. 10 L tilcanie of cleating ? lit? ? d?n ?* ? ilillre ill ?? p,* the pittilic Ininti, in-lavitir ott lie Ibileli Ittattlitlian, and I aeclti ittg l?tr it that liillr?ll en p111111 which its illLte;l1 cities ci. Ilitlilt ?? it, illltitltlllcilrg hat a PU B L IC 'SEA 1tit 1111.1 U L I?i INU ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DRIDDINGTON ASSOCIATION- For tlhe Prosecution of Felons and other Ofenders. j OTICE is hereby given, that the General Annual Meeting of this Association will be held at the King!'s Arms Inn, in Deddington, on Monday the Tenth day of April next, at One o'clock in the afternoon, for the purpose of audit- ing and settling the Treasurer's Accounts and receiving the Subscriptions; at which Meeting ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO HATTERS' AND HOSWAMS' ASSISTANTS. ANTED ?? experienced young W Man, acquainted with the above business He must be a first-rate salesman, and fully cnnpetent to dress windows.- Letters addressed J. B. H. Post Ofice, oxford, will be iiRnne- diately attended to. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BUCKIINGIIAIM COItN 'MAlA KT.l , A T a Public. Meeting of Farmers, Dealers in Corn, £3xi and ethers, convened by the Mayor and Town Council. of Buckiughain, and held at the Town Hall, on Saturday the 21st day of January, 1843, - I GEORGE BING, Esq. MAayor, in the Chair; It wets Resolved, That, for the better convenicncc of Growers and Dealers in, Corn, a PITCHIED SAMPLE MARKET for Corn and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... UND)ER LETTERS PATENT. P210TOGRLPHIC POR.TRAIT INSTIUTION, 64, HIGH STREET, OXFORD. HE: itnprovements which have taken place in the traits D roes, renders these extraordinary Por- as faithful as a refiection in a mirror, and at the same time they are worlis of nrt of the highest quality. Drawings and Painting copied with a fidelity unattainable bv any other means. The UnCCeS of the purocess is ...

Advertisements & Notices

... l -ll, lr~r Olu; o, 141, , t o ?? to i-(I. fl3BIanlcet, 7M. to fl4d. pir' Ito. AINSWPRTI'MAGAZINE. 1he Januar ?? Ju zi n ellynzizw Will coutaiun ?? A NE'v n IV R ?? 1I ,unrsox Air~srowrl, w entilsied SA 9T .JAMES'S; o i thc ConH. orf (iIwen Anjic. With llfoistratioonl by Goiouino ColoitMMAN an, a Portrait of Mr. A i:n'wowi~ , elig'aVeu1 hy EDWAORD FiNDiEN from ai uiew Painoting by Dx Ni r.. M ...

Advertisements & Notices

... W ANTED,-A ?? IIAN AND Hlis V V rIFE; tti 1lan to attend o a Gardela aow or twvo, ard isake hiniselt generally userul,-tle WVomna as good Plain, Cook, and attend to a Dairy.-Cliaracters for honesty, industry, &c., must be unexceptionable- Apply, stating wages expected, to Mir. ?? Library, Bognor. _ PATENT' SELF-ADJUSTI NG TRUSSES. SAIAJON, ODY, and CO. most respectfully itnfirrn the leBulic, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ROYAlI CLARENCE VICTUALLING YAR~D, NEAR Gosrou r, (FrCE2.t91k Noreomber, 184i3. r 0lItL is tc, o.g cen,-. tleat Ott 'lISURItafAY 1 Ike 1'1t/e Dec. nedb,-! xhall ho ready It receive Teadrter itt erwiin~q, .rcalcd up, and treat ftor 1000 QUARTERS ott' lVHEA'l' to wo*ipti 60O pounds per bushel, overw^eig~ht to be paid t'or ; hall'to bedelivetied in a i'ortni ight t'rom the day of Cant ' act, aind ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ..WIJITTA KER is ver.y anx~ious as early asv possilile to exps ess his tha2~ks to theose psersons whlo so kindly anad pronmptly assisted in extilig hblg the l;ire at his houese this day. Baueptoa, Jan. 5, 1842. 5H OSE ?? tO whom] the late ROV.WVILLIA ;\ li. RICHARDSON, Fellow of Magdalene College, Oxford,' ivas inidebted, at thle timue of his death, are desired to send in their claims to the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... RADOLIFF1r IN.FIRIMARY, OXFORD. 7 HE Anniversary Meeting of the Governors Eill be T hflden on Tuesday the 27th instant, when a SERMON wvill be preached in the morning at ST. MAIRYv's Cfurciu, by the Right Reverend the BisnoP of Gl.ASaOWv (Dr. Ru$SrSLL.) 'rhe Governors are desired to meet at the RadcliffeLibrary, at half-past Ten o'clock; Service will begin at Eleven. After the Service a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MR. MARLIN begs to inform his friends that le M asli taken into Partnership Mr. BACK, aL Member of the d Royal College of Surgeons in London, and a Licentiate of the Apotliecaries' Company. Bloaharn, reb. 1, 1843. BANBURY REFORM DINNER. _ *P HE Reformers of Banbury intend dining together l 1T at tile WO5EATSHIAP INN, on TUESDAY the 21st day of. , FnBRsARs, 1843, at Three o'clock. Mr. Tancred ...