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Advertisements & Notices

... 1,in The HJE WES5TERN LIFE' ASSURANCE lore TSOCIETY. ?? Parliament-street, Westminster. ting Capital,£100,000. &C. DIRECTORIS. H. EIdgewvorth Bieknell, Esq. John Arseott Lsthbridge, Esq. iech William Cabeli, Esq. Edmund Lucas, Esq. X e- Tlhes. Somer's Cocks, jun., Esq. George Kecnnet Pollook, Esq. lave George Henry Drew, Esq. James Lys Seager, Esq. iest, William Evans, Esq. John JBazley White, ...

/ ?? b_ Afuction. i

... VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE1 r O DE S OL D V r A uc O o N By MESSRS. BRAADLEY, BARNARD, & CO; At the CO3IMERCIATl ROOMS, Bristol, on TUESDAYlthe 20th day of Julic, 1843. at One o'clock in file Afterli'oon (unless ireviorsly disposed of by Private Contract, of w10i due notice will be given), mIE following Valuable FREEHOLD eaod COPYIIOLD PROPERTIES, in the following Lot' or such other Lots as ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SPLENDID PREPARATIONS FOR CHRISTMAS HOLIDAYS. Ih welcome Old Christmas I thrice welcome again, With thy pleasure, and gambols, and fun* The new year will speedily break upon all, And the old one-it soon will be done I But, ere it goes out, there is pleasure in store, And revelry bright keeps apace And ev'ry amusement that all can support, In order past cares to efface. But of all the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LAUNCH OF THE GREAT BRITAIN. CAR?DS roxi. AD1VUSSZON p0 THE GREAT WESTERN STEAM-SHIP COMPANY's WORKS, on the 19th of .1. JOLT, will be deliverable, ?? Siunarseos eash, at the COMPANY's OFFICE, sa. PRfl?CE'S STREET, Bristol; the several STATIONS of the GREAT WESTEIIN and the BIlIMINGEAM and GLOUCESTER RAILWAYS; at Mr. JONES's. Packet Agent. Bowaham Wharf; and at the several Steam.Pecket ...

Advertisements & Notices

... *aj$% b, Alurion.- - 2 gNNIA-rLACE, PENNYWE3LL-ROAD. ° ;7 gr. OlIN NAISH rIL7 SELL EW AUVCTION', . bC I'REMISES on TUESDAY next, October 3rd, 1843,] °UtLL the Neat and USefill HOUSEHOLD i-A F ?? and other affets of Mr. G. Wilkins, 2, * ?? vo is declining llotssekeepiog; comprising exeelle ' hoe'anY crve sor-otmd tent bedsteads, wvith axclleitr~iurD laed vndo crtansand polee, feather end ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IUO TALLOW-CHANDLERS AND IIONMONGERS. CANYDLE- MOULD MAKER, GAS-FITTER, A1ND PEWT.ERER, 79, CASTLE-STREET, BRISTOL, : B EGS to inform his Friends arnd the Pablic that he has been at considerable expense in thle 1?perfecting his CANDL:E-MOULDS, and that hec is nowv able to render thlem at a Chleaper r ate than any other IHouse in ucgiand. Thle MOIOUDS sent from this Establishmnent, including ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? a s itt ] itfsI44IUII r, yALUO LEREVERSIONA'RY rRO'PERTY.'J. 2.. *H.,#.SOLD BY ePUBLIC AUCTI01, 7; . 3 B~y Messrs. 1?ARGUJS &s SON, ?? .A9b Co Go!E;RoALl-R~oM5, B~ristol, on THURSDAY, the l0th of Janunry', 1843, at One o'clock in the 'Afersnoon,-' A. LLJ~ that: ONE-THIRD or othier: DGreiater 1 Share, to vwhich a Gentleman aged 25, and a healthy life; is dntitldd upon the dcath of his ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE L EW DZSCOV1iRY, BeY WHICH THE. TREMBLING- HAND MD GAY BECOME STEADY, the Weak Heart Strong, and Nervous Irritability (so often the precursor of insanity) may be arrested, is offered to the Public, who may rely on nervous vigour being the reward of a patient' trial. By the use' of this Medicine (ivlilch does not contain one particle of any opiate) refreshing sleep has been obtained by ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T1~HT ACNG UPRSEDED.. GEO. LANGRWIGE & SON,, WVHOLESALE & RETAIL FRENCH AND ENGLISH STAY&~ CORSET MANUFACTURERS, LONDON-ROAD, AND 15, BRIDGE-STREET, BRISTOL, -D EG to inform the Ladies of Bristol, Clifton, and their Vicinities, that they have, in order to 1)P prevent a recurrence of thle disappointment which has been lately felt, made such arrangements as will ensble them alway's to have enl ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PEACIE A ITH CHIINA ! TE;A REDUCE;D !! iiOWQO$ & 1MOWQ'SA.'S Celebrateti TI~AS, / BY APUOSISlMENT. B/~ ;e.TROCB:SOrP, HOW, & CO. ,;vt-233, and 234, Heose-Svsenxv South- 9EW4#ffwork, Loudon, Sole Importers of tlhe above t ' ~wcelebrated TEAS, have the gratification to 6 i;8tl;announce to their Friends and the Public, that they have jsnt received a fresh consignsment direet frona the ceclbrated ...

Advertisements & Notices

... isEA W ESTERN W1YTAY. NWOTICE IS fHER.EBY- GIVEN, that the n 11 lext HIALF-YEARLY GENERAL MlEETINfG of' the ?? of this Company will be boeld, pursuant to the Act of .Parliament, in Bristol,' at' the BRISTOL STATIONf, on THURSDAYthe 17th of Augest nexct, at Twelve o'clock, for the general purposes of business. Anld notice is also hereby given, that immediately after the said Half yearly General ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PEry's Aperiesat Antibilious Pills. THiESE Pill arc formed solely of Vegoetable IL atter, an are recommended as a valuabic family aperi- ellt medicine, Their action on tihe boevels is mild and eiiica- cicus; they most effectually remove billions and other obstruc- tions,.pains and giddincss of the head and sick head-ache, flatulence and heartburn, dropsical alrcctions, ands unnatural ...